Testimonials for Munchranch Siberians




Hi Larry! 

Ava’s silver female, now Penny, is adjusting well! 
She’s gaining weight, and super playful. She’s obsessed with our other Siberian, Smokey. 

Have a great one, 

Katie & Ryan Jones 

Hi Larry,

Been busy times so I apologize for not updating sooner!!

The kitties are doing great! Buzz is hilarious and sweet. Woody seems to enjoy having him around more and more as time goes on!

Thank you for raising such wonderful cats!

Kristine Treadway 



Good morning Larry,  just some updated pictures for you. He is getting a haircut today. He's about 13 lbs now.

Randi Holman




Hi Larry, I named her Nikita! She is the sweetest, most perfect kitten!!
She is very curious, playful, and super loving. She sleeps with me every night, and is healthy and eating good! She is also great in the car.
Here are some pictures! 
Dean Wilson


Hi Larry. 

Just wanted to say I finally got the time to post a review online for MunchRanch Farms. 

Gave you a nice 5 stars. Thanks for the wonderful service and a great cat. 

With kindness,

Cameron Victor



It's been a while since I reached out! I hope everything is going well for you and that you had a lovely holiday season. June will be 3 this year, and my fiance and I adore her more than anything. She is as goofy and fun as ever; however, we get the feeling that she needs a friend.

I graduate from medical school next spring (2025), which will put her being home alone all day while my fiance and I are both working. She's the most well-behaved girl we could have asked for, but she definitely has an anxious disposition (our vet calls it her "delicate flower" personality), and we think a new friend would provide some companionship during the transition. 

That being said, we decided that 2024 is the year we get a new kitten from you! We're okay waiting for the perfect fit, but I wanted to make you aware that we're looking to expand the family. We're hoping for a kitten with a more outgoing personality to help bring June out of her shell. I'll be checking your page regularly, but feel free to reach out if you think one of your kittens would be a good fit. I'll attach some updated pics of June for fun! 

Thanks for everything,
Kamerin & Carson



Hey Larry hope you have been well,
Just wanted to check in and let you know Rocky has been doing great!
I've attached some photos of him so you can see how he has grown!
He was 12lbs the last time he was weighed and has stayed in that area. 
Thank you again!





Hi Larry,

We got the kitten yesterday and left your cash with the Holley’s in the Woodlands. We named the kitten “Sparkly”, which is based on a cat my
daughter and I created for bedtime story ever since my daughter was a little toddler. 

Sparkly is a sweetheart and adjusting slowly but comfortably to us and to our home, especially my laptop (see picture).


Yaser Qasem

 I hope everything is going well with you guys. I thought I would send a picture of Austin with my daughter. He is getting so big and is so sweet. He plays fetch and follows me all over the house. Watching his hair blow in the wind when he is running with his toys is hilarious.

Natalie Procter


Hey Larry, just wanted to say Finn is very comfortable here and doing l well. Here's a great picture I got of him the other day!

Garrett Dees

I just wanted to share the water color renderings of the Baker Boys , the two brothers that Paige got from me.

Paige's mom is incredible with her talent so I wanted to share it.


Hi Larry,

Happy Holidays! I hope you’ve been well. 

I wanted to give a quick update on the Baker Boys. We just got home from their two year old vet appointment and they are healthy and happy as can be. They won over the vet staff with how sweet and friendly they are. Archie and Maxie are as cuddly and loving as ever, and they love roughhousing with each other. Getting them together was the best decision I could have made. They love to be involved in everything I do, including when I’m at my computer. Enjoy these pictures - it was so hard to narrow them down!

Paige Baker


Hello! I just wanted to send you a few pics of our sweet Molly,
now named Bella! 
She is amazing and her personality is so playful yet loving!
She is the perfect addition to our family! 
We are so grateful! 

Thank you so much, 
Tracy Biggar

Hi Larry,

Hope you’re doing well! We wanted to share a recent professional photo shoot of our two Siberians, Snufkin and Mymble. We love our cats. They are loving, friendly, sociable, and love to play. We're considering getting a third one in the next few years (maybe a black one?)

Feel free to feature any of the photos on your website, if you’d like. We’re very proud of our babies :)

All the photos are taken by my brother (his website is https://www.jerzynowakowski.com/).

Best wishes,

Margaret & Michael



Hi Larry!  Hope you’re doing well!  Toddy and Prin are getting big!  They are doing so great here in Florida.  Their favorite activity is sitting out in the lanai watching the wildlife.  Toddy is active loves to play volleyball with the ping pong ball and climbing on the tallest surfaces.  Prin is very calm, loves his snake toys and cuddles.  They are opposites but get along so well.  They have cuddling moments when they clean each other and they enjoy playing chase and hide and seek.  Here are a few photos you’re welcome to share with your online community!  They’re a favorite of my followers on Instagram.  

Agatha Marr


Hi Larry,

I’ve wanted to give an update on the two beautiful kittens we got. The boy we’ve named to Solomon and the girl Vivian, or as my sister calls them Salmon and Vivi.

Solomon is a bundle of energy and joy going everywhere he can(He loves an empty bathtub) and wanting to be involved. He loves playing all the time and joining me or my dad on our desks while we work or play games.

Vivian is still on the shy side but she’s warming up and exploring everywhere she can. She loves playing with her brother and will sit nearby to watch all of us.

We have so many photos of them and they’ve been a wonderful addition in the house.

Thank you for the wonderful cats

Ivan Payne




HI Larry

Ever seen a cat-fish?
She’s doing so amazing, she’s the friendliest cat on the planet, at a solid 12 pounds a chunky gal! 

Ian Yarbrrough


Hi Larry,

Archer has been living it up so far! He loves the toys we’ve been using to play, and he settled in quite fast! 

Attached are some pics of Archer since we became his parents :)

Cam & April Victor




Hi Larry,

I hope this email finds you and your partner well.

I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know that Maggie and Ophelia were spayed today. They are recovering well.

The vet and all the staff love them as much as we do.
We get compliments on them from all that meet them. They are the friendliest, calmest cats anyone has ever seen. Here are some updated photos for you.
Thank you again for doing what you do.

Warm regards,
Chrystina Edwards


Sunny loves his scratching post Aiden fixed for him with putting new sisal rope on it.
For years he has always used his scratching post and never scratches on furniture.
I’m so blessed for finding you otherwise my heart would have been broken and I wouldn’t have Sunny.
And I would have not dreamed that I would be working for you taking care of your beautiful momma’s & their babies.

Teresa Brending


Hi Larry

We celebrated Evie 1 year old birthday today .

We are blessed to have such an amazing cat.
She had lots of toys, cat cake and visited her cat friends. 

Thank you for raising such amazing cats. 

Rachel Ali


Hi Larry,

Just thought you might be interested in how are little girls are getting along. Sasha and Mila are attached at the hip. It puts a smile on our faces every minute of the day.   Have a great weekend!

Matteo Pedini

pedini sisters






sasha & Mila pedini
pedini sisters

Feb. 22, '23

Hi Larry,

We absolutely adore Lacey, who we call "Sugar".  She is such a lovely addition to our home and family!

Here is a recent picture of her napping in sunshine. You can see her gorgeous "mask":

Susan George

sugar george

Feb. 12, '23

winnie the cat

I hope you have been doing well! I first off want to thank you, because I genuinely can’t imagine a better cat. Winston “Winnie” has been the missing puzzle piece I didn't know I needed. I can’t remember what I had done with out him! My boyfriend and sister who are allergic, haven’t reacted, and they love him so much. He is one of a kind! Over the past 6 months, Winston’s visited Seaside, Florida, learned to LOVE car rides, experienced his first snow day, and takes every opportunity to cuddle with me and, even more so, my family dog, Lulu. He never passes up an occasional “puppuccino” from Starbucks that Lulu will share with him, and, without fail, greets you with big purrs and kisses every chance he gets. He truly is my real life stuffed animal! He’s made countless “dog people” love cats, and made “cat people” admire a cat like they never had before. Any chance I have, my younger sister “aunt Emmy”, my mom “lovie” and dad “chief”, beg for me to bring him to Dallas for a visit. We are always visiting your website and idolizing your precious new litters. Although I was very excited and already obsessed even before picking Winston up, I could've never envisioned loving him this much! 
Thank you for giving me the gift of the most perfect pet! I love my Winnie so so much and owe It all to you! 

(I couldn't pick which pictures to send so decided to send them all!?) 

Aubry Loewen

winnie & dog friend

Winnie & dog friend




Aubry Lowen

Winnie & Friend

Winnie & Friend



Jan 12, 2023,

Hi Larry,

Last year was a great year! We have enjoyed having our babies so much! Having them has been a real blessing. If I ever have a bad day, I can just cuddle a fluffy cat or two and cheer up. 
Rusty has a really sweet disposition and is such a snuggle bug. On Saturday mornings he likes me to pick him up and carry him while I make my coffee, then we sit and read a book. Kisa will usually join us at some point. He also wants me to sit with him for a while as soon as I get home from work.
Kisa is more independent than Rusty. Though she does still want attention sometimes, usually when she is jealous of the attention Rusty is getting. And she loves to be brushed. Kisa is also very intelligent. She's a problem solver and likes to get into mischief. I have to be careful about keeping cabinets shut because she always wants to get into human food, or get someplace she isn't supposed to be.
Bryan has turned out to be a great cat dad for someone that never wanted any. Since he works from home and is there all day he makes sure Rusty gets plenty of attention when I'm not there, and he loves playing with they with a laser light or feather toy. 
We got Rusty neutered back in February and he did great. I attached the receipt for documentation. Sorry, I didn't get this to you earlier. Let me know if you need something different.
I have a bunch of photos of Rusty when he was little, but I realized I don't have many of Kisa. is there any chance you still have some baby pictures of her you could send?

I attached some recent photos of the cats so you can see how much they've grown. Their winter coats have filled out in the last few months and are so beautiful and fluffy. 

Thank you for what you do. Rusty and Kisa have brought a lot of joy to our lives.

Jessica & Bryan Martin

martin cats



Martin kitten




martin kitten


Hello, I just wanted to give you a quick update on the sweet kitten we purchased from you. We named him Morris, and he is doing very well! He has such a great personality and seems very patient with the kids always carrying him around the house.

His first week home he was really scared of us and wouldn’t drink water. I did take him to the vet and he is healthy. He just needed to get used to us I guess! Well he is a wonderful cat, we love him.

 I’ll attach a few photos below.

 Morris rippy

-Katie Rippy

morris rippy

Morris and Rippy dog


I'm having a ball with Edie and the photo white box. Now she runs into my little studio and jumps right up. And, yes after we knew that she wasn't in pain the crazy yoweling was nuts!
My site is https://www.dcaseydesign.com  Enjoy
You can see her on my facebook as I'm using her to advertise my jewelry, lol.
Here is a sample: Feel free to put them on your site! Thank you for always being there for my concerns with her. I'm grateful. 

Happy New Year, 


Dawn Casey

Dawn Casey jewelry

Edie with jewelry

Edie with jewelry


Hi Larry,

Hope you’re having a wonderful and relaxing holiday.

Our kitten Millie, from Chutasha and Rasputin’s litter that was fostered by Nadi and her family is about to be six months old in a few days. Everyday since we picked her up in September has been so wonderful, and we are so blessed to have her. Everyone who meets her instantly falls in love with her and she’s constantly being told she’s such a gorgeous cat. Me and Trevor are so grateful to have such a wonderful cat, and are so glad to have come across website. Trevor has never had an allergic reaction to her, which is incredible as we thought allergies would prevent us from ever getting a cat.

I just wanted to reach out to you and say thank you for all the work you do, and I hope you’re having a very happy holiday. I’m going to attach some photos of Millie from the past few months (she is getting so big!!!)

-Grace & Trevor Pickerill

grace, trevor, Millie




Hi Larry and Theresa,

From all of us and Smokey and Sparky, Happy Holidays! Here are some pics and a video with my kids and our precious kitties. :-)

Smoky Lyons

Look how much they have grown from the photos below just in 2 months.

sparky Lyons


Hi Teresa and Larry,

Just wanted to send a few pics. The kitties are settling in and we love them so much! They are neutered and microchipped now. Their shots are all up to date. We changed Rusty’s name to Sparky. We felt “Sparky” went better because he is such a firecracker. And Sparky goes well with Smoky. 

Hope all is well!

Susie Lyons

Lyons kittens




Hope you’re doing well! I just wanted to send some pictures over to show you how Goose (Confetti’s black kitten) is doing. She’s grown up to be a very loving cat who likes to cuddle with us when we watch TV and hang out with us in the same room throughout the day. She also loves to play but is really quiet at night when we sleep. Amazing! Goose also has a funny quirk - she will drink her bowl of water when she needs to but she mainly prefers the faucet?

Thank you again for introducing this amazing cat into our lives,
Jessica Lin

Goose Lin

goose Lin

Goose Lin


Hi Larry,

Just wanted to let you know that Woody made it home without any issues at all...he meowed a lot at first so Todd stuck his hand in the carrier and pet him and he quieted right down and slept.  Once we got home, he bounded out of the carrier on his own and wanted to eat immediately!!  Then he explored his "basecamp, used his litter box and played like crazy with us and then was SUPER affectionate.  He has already blown us away with how sweet and smart he is!  Thank you so much for him...He is absolutely amazing!!
Kristine Treadway


Treadway kitten


Just thought I would send you a 1yr update .
Frank is doing well and getting big ! 

frank holland

Murray Holland

Frank Holland


June smith

Hi Larry!

I can't believe June turned 1 today...time really flies! I'm almost done with my first year of medical school, and I couldn't have done it without her. Thank you for bringing her into my life :) I attached some goofy/cute pics of her so you could see how much she's grown. She has quite the little personality, and my family adores her every time I visit home. I think she's made them see that cats aren't so bad after all? Hope you're doing well!


Kamerin Smith

June Smith

June Smith

June Smith


Hi Larry! 

I hope everything is going well and you're in for a happy holiday season.

I meant to send this note a week ago, but it was just Goose's 1st birthday on the 3rd and he's thriving. Absolutely massive and such a happy camper. We celebrated with a tuna feast (pictures attached!).

Also, I've seen pictures of Lauren's new kitten and I'm obsessed! Soo cute and we are thinking of when we can adopt a brother for Goose.

Wishing you and the kittens the best!


Goose  1 yr old




Goose celebrating
Goose celebrating


Goose resting after the big party bash
celebrating Goose



Hi Larry! 

Just giving you an update on the kitty we got from you. Things have been a little crazy this past year and I kept meaning to send you an update. 

We named her Luna because she reminds us of the moon, but she responds more to “Kitty” than her name Luna. I guess we were all calling her Kitty more than Luna. She is extremely shy and usually hiding out somewhere but does love to snuggle up in bed with me. She has many favorite sleeping spots including the tall cat tree, living room ottoman, front entry rug, front entry table, and in or under any bed. We just got a bird bath and can’t wait for the birds to come in the summer so she can bird gaze out the front window. She loves my husband and follows him around whenever he is home. When we sit on the back patio she will lay on the couch and watch over us waiting for us to come back inside. She doesn’t appreciate it when we get her a holiday costume. Lol ? the bat wings for Halloween were not her idea of a good time but the 4th of July tutu wasn’t completely awful. 

We did get her spayed and her vet she’s says healthy and loves her beautiful coloring. I’ll attach some pics of her. 

Thanks for a great family pet. I’m trying to convince the hubby that Luna needs a buddy. He’s not sold on the idea yet. I’ll keep trying Lol 

Mandie Schmidt

July 4th costume

Luna Schmidt

Halloween costume

Luna Schmidt

Luna Schmidt





I have been meaning to write to you for some time now!  Over the last year - year and 1/2 the world has changed quite a bit, and I need not list the reasons.  I have thought of you out there in the woods and am hopeful that you and your family are doing well.  

We are all doing well.  My daughter, Tatiana, is in second grade now and has grown alot!  We bought a house and live in Allen now, which is really nice.  I am working at home full time, and enjoying having a yard.

My love for Popcorn, the Siberian cat we adopted from you in the summer of 2019, has grown to new depths.   He is the most amazing cat or creature that I have ever had the pleasure to know - smart, charming, and protective....   I sometimes wonder if he is a highly intelligent alien life form inhabiting the body of a cat, or maybe he's behind the QAnon twitter account.  I half expect to walk around the corner and find him plotting world domination or solving equations on a whiteboard.  

At any rate, he's won a very special place in all of our hearts and I just can't thank you enough for him.  I would love to hear how you are doing as well...  How is your family?  How is your menagerie?  What has the global pandemic  been like for you?  

We'd love to hear from you soon.  Regardless, I will keep you updated on Popcorn periodically.

Kate Portalatin,  Allen Texas
Popcorn Portilatin


Hi Larry!

I hope all is well with you and your crew! 

Gracie Louise is doing great here and growing well. She purrs a lot, is playful and follows around and snuggles up with all of the kids. Plus, she’s beautiful! Our kitten dreams have come true!!
Emily Price





Hi Larry!
Just wanted to say thank you agai for June!
She is the sweetest littel snuggle bug I could have asked for!
June Smith

Just starated my second week of medical school, and June is definitely the best study buddy I've had. I've attached some cute photos of her.... she's gorwing big!!
Hope you are doing well.

Kamerin Smith


june smith



Jul 17, 2021

Finn Leahy, Just chilling'

Finn Chillin'


Hi Larry,

I know it has been awhile, but today Finn (black smoke from BBP and Commando) turned a year old! I have had such a fantastic time seeing him grow from the first pictures you sent of him at 3 weeks to his shenanigans today. Thank you so much again for my special boy he has helped me so much. I love him to pieces. He has been my cuddle buddy and my support during my thesis work, writing my manuscript, and finally my defense that I just completed and passed yesterday! I am sending a Google photos shared link so you can see my favorite pictures from his first year. If you can't see it I am attaching my most recent favorites!

Thank you!

Sidney Leahy

astros fan


Finn with fluffy mane





Goose Weisenburger

Hi Larry,

I hope you're doing well and enjoying the new kitties running around! 

I just wanted to reach out and share a few photos of the kitten I adopted from you, now known as Goose. I think he was born on December 3rd so it also makes it his half birthday today! He's thriving, growing so quickly and has brought so much joy to me and my family. I've also seen a few recent pictures of Lauren's Maui and WOW - I can't believe how big he's gotten in just a year!? I'm sure Goose will be there soon.

Thank you again for reaching out when Goose became available -- he's been the perfect kitten and I love him dearly!

All the best,

Kolby W.


Update. 12.3.21 Goose's birthday

Hi Larry! 

I hope everything is going well and you're in for a happy holiday season.

I meant to send this note a week ago, but it was just Goose's 1st birthday on the 3rd and he's thriving. Absolutely massive and such a happy camper. We celebrated with a tuna feast (pictures attached!).Goose KW

goose the gamer

Goose W


Dec 3rd 1 yr old

Goose KW

goose lounging

Hey Larry,
We bought a kitten from you almost 3 years ago and ABSOLUTELY love him! So much so that I always keep an eye on your page for special kittens. I just saw the little white one that you said might be deaf. 
I have 3 questions: How difficult is it to introduce a new kitten to an almost 3 year old cat? Our baby is a boy, if we got another, does it matter if it’s a girl or boy kitten? And specifically about that little white one—do you know if she is officially deaf?
Thanks so much!
Sara Henderson



Henderson cat



Hi, good morning. Two years ago you made us so happy when you delivered to us a beautiful male Siberian kitty cat with blue eyes. His name is Tequila and we love him so much. He is such a spoiled cat (Attached is a picture that I took one hour ago) Also, Attached is a picture of Tequila when we picked it up from your house.

My daughter Andrea wants to give Maria Fernanda my wife another Siberian cat for her birthday. Andrea is all excited as she wants to surprise my wife. As I am extremely allergic to cats I told her that the only place that we can get a new kitty it will be with you as Tequila the cat is absolutely a sweet cat and I am not allergic to him.

We want to give my wife the kitty on her birthday which is June 2.

Do you think you can help us in finding another male kitty Hypoalergenic maejstic cat such as Tequila?

Check the pictures of Tequila. He is so majestic. It's a very noble cat. You can play all day with him and he will never scratch you. He is very happy here! By the way, you can use any picture if you like.

Thanks so very much and have a GREAT week.

Sam Gutierre

Below, Tequila the Siberian helping out in homeschool.


Tequila in school

Below, Tequila the Siberian on break.
Tequila on break



gutierrez king
Above, 4/13/21
Below 8/19/2018





Hi Larry,

I've meant to send you a kitten update for ages now, but the last year has been very rough. I actually got my knee replaced at the end of last year as well.

Finn turned eight last month and the new boy, Luka, will turn one in just a couple of weeks. He's a sweet kitty who likes to rub up against your legs as you walk, though he gets overstimulated from petting and will try to bite. Finn used to do that too, so I figure he'll grow out of it. When we first brought him home and he got used to me he actually constantly laid on my chest or shoulder, though he doesn't do this anymore.

Katie Moore

Katie Moore cat

katie moore friends

katie moore white cat


Jensen cat

Hi Larry, 

I hope you are well! 
I saw on your website that you have kittens expected in February from Rose and Sammy. Could you possibly add me to the list of people wanting to see those kittens? 
Jacob and I are hoping to give Audie a light colored little brother this year, and choosing around February or March would be great so we could bring the kitten home in the summer. 

I have attached pics of Audie as well. She is growing beautifully and is the best work-from-home companion! Her huge eyes and fluffy raccoon-like tail are my favorite. 

Audie is doing wonderfully, truly such a sweet kitten. She usually alternates between laying on my or my husband's desk during the work day. 
My family says she is the most well-behaved animal they have ever met. 

Here are a few more pictures just because she is so pretty. 


Karen Jensen

jensen cat

And Gaming cat

gaming cat



Annie is doing very well. She was a bit shy at first, but has really warmed up to us.

She loves to sit in our laps and play.

Thank you so much for such a sweett kitty.

Michael and Mary Van Camp, and Annie

Michael and Annie VanCamp
Hello Larry,

Hope you are doing well! Just wanted to share some pictures of our kitten, she is 5 months now, and we named her Snow. She is an amazing addition to our family and brings so much joy to us. She is growing beautifully! She loves playing and is super energetic! Definitely one of the best purchases I have ever made. Things are going great with snow, as you can see with the attached pics!
Zaid Tauqir


snow tauqir



Hi Larry, 

Hope you are well. I wanted to give you a quick update and let you know “Pounce” (derived from the king’s cat “Sir Pounce” from the TV show Game of Thrones) has adapted really quickly and really well into his new home. He’s equally affectionate as he is energetic and curious. He loves his cat condo (pictured), climbing places he shouldn’t and announcing himself wherever he is around the house. 

We love him very much and are looking forward to many more years of his infectious personality. Thanks again for all of your support and guidance through the process, and I’ll look forward to keeping you updated on Pounce’s progress. 

Have a great rest of your weekend! 

Drew Lee 



Pounce Lee


Hi Larry

Yoongi is doing so great!

He loves his little 'cat cave' and has eaten, wet, and used his litter box several times!
He and Kenady have def already bonded.
This boy LOVES his mommy.
He is the best cat!

Kris Krause


Kenady and Yoongi

Kenady and Yoongi


Hi Larry,

   Thank you again for allowing us to adopt the new kitten.
We have named him Hobbes, and he has become quick friends with our other cat Stormy.
We kept them apart for a couple days, but after some supervised time together they have really started to bond.
Here are a few photos I wanted to share with you. Thank you again for the great addition to family.   As we get photos in the coming months with him on a leash we'll share that too. 

Andrew Busbee
Hobbs Busbee and friend


Hobbs Busbee

Mikael and Viktor Lemberg and Coco the kitten.

MIkael and Viktor Lemberg cat



Viktor and Coco


Hi Larry

Thank you so much! We moved her back into the room yesterday and she's doing great today! Even went to my daughter and started licking my daughter's hand and hold her. 
I also wanted to update you we set up the autoship for wet food. 

Rukhsana Pida

Pida family




Pida family kitten

Hi Mr Munchrath! 

This is Lauren again from back in August.
Mila is doing great! I’ve attached a photo below of how big she’s gotten.
Everybody tells us how gorgeous she is when they see her!
She is the biggest cuddler and she plays super hard. 
We were hoping to be put back on the waiting list for another kitten (girl or boy).
Mila needs a playmate and I will hopefully be going back to the office soon.
I’ve been working from home for 9 months! 
Lauren Young Cooke

Milo Cooke youngster

Milo Cooke

Dear Larry,

Happy New Year from Kennth and me.

We hope you had a nice birthday as well, happy you liked my lace cookies!

Here is some pictures of our babies, Ziggy is doing better in terms of being
approachable. He seems to have stopped biting. 

Hope you have a wonderful evening and may 2021 be a better year for all of us.

Warm regards from
Kenneth and Anne Madsen

madsen kitten


madsen kitten


Hello Larry!

Everything is going wonderfully with Lula. She is a source of consistent joy and is growing beautifully. Getting her was easily one of the best things that happened in 2020. She crossed the 10 pound marker when she turned 8 months old and she will be 9 months old on January 9th. Do you have an estimate of how big she'll get
(weight wise) based off of that?

I moved back to California the first week of August, and yes, mostly to further my filmmaking career. It’s been a joy being back home. I love Los Angeles.

I’ve attached a photo of Lula pretending to be a plant and her in all her fluffy glory: 

Chase Burton

lula burton

lula burton


Margaret and I are interested in getting a playmate for Snufkin,
so we would like to get on the waitlist for MunchRanch.
We weren’t sure when we wanted to get a second Siberian cat, b
ut we’ve decided now is the time.
We don’t have any particular preference for what the kitten looks like.



He did come out, just took some effort placing pillows into the hiding spots, so he was more willing to walk around. We managed to get a bed up in his favorite corner that he stared using, then it got easier and easier after that. 
Now he has a couple Bed/blanket spots to hang out in our office. 
He's a fierce little hunter, likes to catch the feather and mouse on a string&pole toys and then carry them back to a spot to chew on them. Then have to wait until I can pull it back into action. We’ve done that before each meal. Things are going great with Snufkin, as you can see in the attached pics. 

Michael and Margaret Burt& Snufkin







Snufikn Burt office help

Hi Larry,
This is Susie Vogt. We purchased a kitten from you two years ago this Christmas and have loved and adored her literally every day since.  (She was from Evan and Rhianna I believe.)  She is so amazing in every way!! ??  We have continued with the food you suggested and have taken very good care of her. Prayers you and yours are healthy and have a wonderful Christmas!! 

Susie  Vogt

susie vogt2

susie vogt

Good afternoon Larry,

Hope you are well. Wanted to give you an update on our Sonya. 
She is 8,5 months, 11 pounds.
She is a very sweet and loving kitty. Very affectionate. She is also extremely smart,
she knows sit, down, high five, jump... 
Larry, do you think her coat color is changing to blue smoke? That’s interesting!
Thanks again for the most wonderful, amazing kitty!





Good Morning Larry!

I am officially on Winter break and therefore can think clearly for the first time in months. I just wanted to give a little update on Finn who is fast approaching 5 months on the 17th. He is doing amazingly well! We finally tackled and conquered all of the GI issues fully last month and he is super healthy. He just went in this last Monday for his neuter, and though he was super upset with me, he is fully himself and recovered! I wasn't sure if you needed documentation for his neuter or not. I know we talked about pure blood papers a long while ago but I don't remember the specifics... By the way, he is a big 7 pounds as of this last Monday and I am so proud of how he has grown. He is so beautiful, active, playful, funny, and a bit kitten brand crazy! I see all the new kitties on your site are also beautiful! He is so curious and adventurous and so comfortable around other animals and people which I have you to thank for instilling in him as a young kitten!
Sidenote, I have absolutely no issues with allergies with him even after him sleeping on my face almost every night for two months! Thank you so much for my Finn!!!!

Thank you,
Sidney Leahy






Good morning Larry!

I am in the process of convincing my husband to let us get another cat from you. My son wants Laurels black female. Has there been interest in her? Not sure how long it will take me to convince of it but I will keep you posted 

Pam Woods 


This is Ginger. We got her about 8 years ago from you !
She’s holding steady at 12lbs

ginger woods

Hi Larry,

We wanted to send you an update of our baby boy and just say thank you again!
He is such a sweet, playful, goofy little cat and we couldn’t love him more. He has been such a a blessing! We hope you enjoy those photos of him now that he has grown so much! 

Happy holidays!
Peyton Despotakis




Hi Larry,

Just wanted to let you know how Nix is doing. She is 16 weeks old now! She is such a joy! I’m not exaggerating when I say she is the perfect kitten! She is so sweet and  docile, just the perfect cuddle bug! Extremely chill about everything! She also is playful and skilled at chasing those toys! Our other Siberian, Fiona seems to really like  her and even licked her a bit, I think it’ll only get better! Nix isn’t crazy about our dog, but I think she will warm up to him with time.  What a people oriented kitten she is! We are extremely happy with her. She seems to love us very much! Thank you for breeding great kittens!

See attached update photo. I will update you again later!
Ali McClellan

(P.S. do you think she is a silver and gold color point? Her coloring is so interesting! It’s extremely beautiful!)




NIc McClellan


Good mornding Larry,
I just wanted to let you know that Finn is doing well and weighs 4 lbs! that is double his weight when I got him. He is growing so well, huge appetite, siper playful, an dvery cuddly. I've included more pictures of him.

Thank you agian, Sidney Leahy





Happy Halloween from Felicity Keefer








Hi Larry, 

Audie is perfect. It is hard to believe she is real. She is sweet, playful, and the most well-behaved kitten I've ever met. She never even accidentalyly claws or bites us,
and she is do delightful to have in our home!
She loves her cat tower and sitting on my desk while I am working. ;)

Karen Jensen

Audie Jensen


office helper


Hi Larry,

How have you been?  I see a lot of cute kitties sold on your website. I want to let you know that our cats are doing great and we are so happy with them. Pierre is turning into a sweet giant with some interesting quirks. He likes to put his paws in our shoes and sometimes sleeps on his back. Marie is more independent, but loves jumping in our laps for a good pet.  We have taken them with us on a few trips and they have traveled unbelievable well. 

I can’t believe they are now a year old! They have grown so fast and it seems like we just picked them up from you.

Robert Greenberg and Mylinh


greenberg cats



I have never been fond of cats due to allergies. We bought Tigger from Larry and she has changed me into the Tiger King. My wife and I love her.  I have zero allergies around her. Thanks Larry.

David Boenker

david Boenker




Hi Larry! 

I just wanted to share some photos with you of my color point from Daisy with the white paws. We named him Benson and call him Benny for short. He is such a sweet kitten who loves to cuddle and play. He loves attention and being with people all the time. We are in love with him!! 


Lauren Kemble 

lauren kemble

lauren kemble



Thank you so much. We are so excited! Here is a picture of Zazu saying you will not work, nor put your computer away and just a love one. He is the best cat. He follows us around from room to room. He loves to play and is so sweet natured. His favorite is watching lizards on the window sil. Thank you for all the love you brought into our life. 
Amanda Chambers



zzazu chambers

Galileo is a wonderful addition to our all dog house.  He gets along great with everyone and has a wonderful personality.  We are lucky to have him and are looking forward to our second kitten.  So glad we found you!

Jana Bintz



Sidney and Galileo bintz


Hi Larry, 

I wanted to let you know that Bingo (Irina's male) is doing well. We took him in for his four month check-up this week, and he weighed 7.2 pounds of solid muscle! The vet said he looks great, and we've scheduled his neuter for next month.

We got our first Siberian kitten from another breeder who encouraged people to take their kittens home at 9-10 weeks. While that kitten has been easier to socialize, he is unfortunately not as healthy as the kitten we received from you. When he was 15 weeks old, he had to go to the emergency vet for projectile vomiting and diarrhea (which cost $550). He also weighs a pound less than Bingo, despite being 3 weeks older. 

Watching two kittens from different breeders grow up side by side has taught me the importance of doing research before selecting a kitten. Thank you for all that you are doing to breed healthy Siberian kittens! 

I'm attaching a current photo of Bingo so you can see how well his beautiful markings have developed! I'm also including a photo of him with his brother so you can see the difference in muscular tone and size. 

Thanks, Larry! 

Mary Margaret and Derek

Check out this amazing trick that owners Gloria and Andrew have taught Shaggy, their Siberian to do.
Now he does it all the time. It is like "I have rang this damn bell, so now what?"

Click on this link  https://www.instagram.com/shaggysiberian/
to see the video.

Hi Larry

Andrew and I purchased a kitten from you in Austin last November 2019, and we absolutely love our color point male :) We have been thinking about getting him a playmate! He is a delight, and we couldn't love him more -
he is absolutely perfect and brings joy every day.

Our sweet kitten brings us joy every day! He is brilliant, silly, affectionate, playful, caring, and has a wonderful personality. He knows several tricks and loves to play fetch. He is so well-behaved, and we couldn't imagine a more perfect cat!
Thank you Larry for making the process of getting a kitten so smooth and enjoyable! We will definitely get another cat soon so Shaggy can have a playmate. For more photos and videos, check out his page:  https://www.instagram.com/shaggysiberian/

Thank you,
Gloria and Andrew


shaggy so


Hi Larry,

Strolls is still doing great! 15 and strong!

My Mom is considering getting a cat. I told her she should only get one through you and that I would reach out so you can keep me posted. 

She would prefer a female.

Strolls is the best cat I’ve ever had, and the oldest!
As long as you are doing  this I’ll be going to you and sending others.
After a bad experience from a breeder in Minnesota selling a mix as a full breed, I’m not too trusting

Jury us still out on a cat for Mom. Have to win my brother over.
I love the 4 year old option. I will let you know once I do 

Thank you!!

Stacy  Sandler

Here is a picture of Strolls with his senior citizen cat tower ? he injured himself jumping before, so I’m keeping all of his places closer to the ground. 






Mom Callihan

Mom callihan


Hi Larry,

Just wanted to let u know Kitty is doing amazing!
He was shy for like 5 minutes then ready to play lol!
He has eaten some dry and wet food, taken some naps, played a lot.
Just waiting to see when he will use his litter box, :) he's such a sweet little cat .

Thank you

Elizabeth Callahan

Dad Callihan

Pop Callihanb






June 30, 2020

I just wanted to update you and let you know Gus is settling in just fine. I also wanted to send you pictures of him from time to time, so I keep you updated on the little guy! 

Thank you ,
Jordan Cook

Gus Cook2

Gus Cook
Hi, Larry:
It’s been a few years - since December of 2012 to be exact, when we adopted our “Golden Girl” from you. I just wanted to touch base with you again to thank you for helping to bring this angel into our lives. She is a sweetheart!!  Smart, gentle and funny, and we continue to be smitten with her!  She has had ZERO health issues in nearly eight years, and she remains our precious angel kitty. Thank you for all you do!!  

Warmest regards—
The Williams Family
McKinney, TX


Dear Larry

I hope you have been well in these trying times. I just wanted to send you some pics of Kiri, who I got from you back in Oct 2018. He's grown so big and fluffy! His beauty garners a lot of compliments from my friends. He also loves attention and is very silly. Kiri has brought so much joy in my life, he's 90%+ of my camera roll! I was considering getting a buddy for him, so could I be added to the email list?


Katherine Thanyamongkhonsawat 






Kat thaya


Good evening Larry
Hope all has been well! Was just checking out your website and wanted to send a quick update. We purchased Bennett from you last November and we are absolutely IN LOVE with him. He has such an amazing personalithy and I can officially say I am now a cat person. He plays fetch 100X better than my sisters golden retrieveer... I nevereven knew cats could play catch!

I've included a picture of our handsome bohy - his coat is s beautiful. My husband and I will likely be reaching out to you sometime this summer to get him a little brother!

Take care,
Taylor Crandall (Mikels)

Taylor Mikels


Hey Larry

Hope you are doing well through all of this crazyness. Thought you might enjoy seeint how kitty boy has grown. We absolutely love him. He is truly one of a kind. We have been told that he is show quality and we should take him to compete.

Nathan Houck



We cannot thank you enough for giving us such a perfect addition to our home.
Our sweet Murphy is already running around playing with all his
toys and acting like he’s the king of the house! We love him so much.
We are thinking he loves us just as much.
He can’t stop purring! I’ll keep you updated with more pics as he gets older!
He’s everything we thought he would be and more
My husband's  name is Seth. Murphy and him are already besties.
I knew he could bring out his soft side , lol. . 

Brynn and Seth Babin

babin cat

seth babin


valerie kiten


Hi Larry! I wanted to write a review for you about Gatsby! Please see below and attached photos if you wanted to share on your facebook or website! He is doing amazing and is getting big! Love him so much!

Hi! I was searching for the perfect hypoallergenic kitten after having to put down our family cat. I came across Larrys website and began following all his litter posts immediately. I was finally able to convince my husband that adding a fluff ball to the family was a great idea. Along with our two Pit Bull boys, I picked out Gatsby to be a purrfict fit for us all. 

Larry was extremely responsive and accommodating, answering all of my questions throughout the entire time I followed his site, waiting patiently for the right kitten. Once I decided on Gatsby, Larry made the process very easy. I was able to help coordinate an amazing flight nanny, Jason, who Larry arranged with me...to deliver Gatsby safely to our home in Chicago. Photos and texts confirming the delivery of Gatsby to us, kept me confident that he was in good hands. Since getting Gatsby, he has brought love and laughter to our home daily! He loves his pup brothers, getting brushed, wearing sweaters, playing hide and seek, and enjoys sitting on top of me to sleep and cuddle. I love him so very much and cannot imagine our home without him.

Valerie Opsahl

valerie black kitty





Below is Valerie's new kitty, Gatsby and her new friend,
the feirce Pit bull.
Bit Bull and kitty

And here is the whole pet family, two pits and the new Siberian kitten, Gatsby

Pits and cats


Ghost got to wander the whole house today for the first tine and loved all the attention he got from family and friends. He started the day following Adam like a puppy then branched out and made friends with everyone. 

Merry Christmas,
Diane Connally






Hey Larry hope you’re doing great. Franky is getting more confident every day and her wonderful personality is starting to shine through and continues to delight us.

Leiser Silva


Hi Larry

Bennett has completely come out of his shell and has such a loving, playful personality. Can't believe I was even worried aobut him not eating at first... now we can't get him to stop begging for more food!
He had his first vet appointmen and eh vet took one look at him , his paws, and his belly and said he's going to be a big, strong, handsome boy!

This was such a relief for my husband and I given what happened to our last kitty.

As for my husband, they are absolutely inseparable! I should be jealous as he gives Bennett 100x more attention than me, but I'm so glad bennett has become his little buddy. I can't thank you enough and I hope you and Michael both had a great Thanksgiving!

Taylor Mikels


White one is Angelo "Gel-O" for short.

Tabby is Sebastian, "Basti" for short.

They are eating well and love playing and exploring.
They've brought so much joy to my life.
They still don't like the dogs except for the little one that stays in my office,
but we're working it out.

Kind regards,
Hollie Hollis





I’ve sent some pictures of our sweet, handsome guy Toshi. He is growing soo very fast...the picture under the tree is tonight. He for sure is enjoying the Christmas Festivities. He’s absolutely beautiful, spoiled ROTTEN and is growing so BIG!
He has such a feisty, loving, playful spirit.
Timber sure does miss Binx, what a hard time of learning life’s lessons...but
We thank you for the joy Toshi has brought our family. 

Happy Holidays!

Timber & Rebecca Conner 

Conner kitten


Hi Larry,

Hope you are well. All is fine with us and we are loving our sweet playful kitten Louis. He is very active and playful, but cuddly and affectionate at other times. We all think he loves each one of us best.
Here are some photos of him. 

Tanya Macedo family
Macedo family

Christmas ornament








Hi Larry

Wondering if you have a list of any kitten available? My husbands moms 20 year old cat died yesterday. Let me know, thanks! 

Here are a few pics of Milo from this week. Him and Jules are best best best friends. We recently moved into a new house and he transitioned so easily. We now have a basement and he has the funniest habit. He comes and sits on the heater vent while the girls take baths. Then whoever gets in bed first she gets in the bed with them. And a few hours later he comes upstairs. The girls love it and race to bed to get him first. 

The last pictures is Jules neck,
after she went to a friends house
who has a tabby cat.

Crazy huh? She literally has no reaction from Milo.

Reaction to non-siberian

Megan Jones






Happy jones

Jones naptime


Hi Larry,

We hope you are doing well!

I'm sure you already know this, but today is Luna's first birthday! We wanted to send a few pics your way and say thank you once again.
She has been absolutely everything we hoped for and dreamed of.
She is such a special part of our family.

Here are some pictures of her with our little dog, Motley (they are best friends),
with Jerred, and by herself!

Wishing you the best,

Mandy & Jerred Foster


Luna Foster

Luna Foster

Sept. 6th, '19

Hi Larry,

Thank you again for everything and I’m happy to report that “Luna”
is doing great in her new home.
She was a perfect angel on the flight and has already begun to explore the house.  Even better is the fact that our son seems to be symptom free so far around her!

Dave and Susanne Volk






Luna Volk

July 27, '19
Hi Larry,
Arian is settling in very well. He’s cute as a button and is having a very good time discovering everything in his new world. Thank you so much.

Arian would have sent this himself but he's stlll working on his alphabet.

Barbara & Bob Freund

Arian Freund

arian freund


July 26, '19
Hi Larry, Just wanted to let you know that she is doing great and share a picture.
Kiran Qazi


July 6, '19

Hi Larry,
Blue is really healthy and so lovey and snuggly -the second I sit down he is on my lap. Bellas has adopted him and puts up with hij. Will send you photos as he grows.

Jaime Pilco

Hi Jaime. Thanks for the photo. Did you notice the Fleur-de-lise on his head. That symbol means 'Well done' and appareltly it is true.

Hey Larry,
and thiis is Bella’s ‘job’ - to guard the house and greet guests!!  

She likes to monitor the street so the boys put this little stool at the door for her some time ago.  You can see that
she uses it for her ‘work’.  ?

These cats just crack us up!

All the best.



bella pilko

Pilko cat


Hi Larry. this is my husky, Raven and his best buddy,
Boots that we got from you.

Maria Jones

raven jones

Hey Larry,
I hope all is well with you. Clarice is healthy, happy and brings
so much love and joy to our family.
Susie Vogt




Hi Larry,

How are you! I hope everything goes well for you!
I am writing you for my little girl's updates. She is perfect, like perfect perfect cat.
If I said 'NO' for some things, she will not do that again.
She gives me so many supports during my life.
I would say she is the only reason that I am still alive and want to work hard.
I graduated from my master program, and I think she deserves half of my diploma lol.

Now I am working with my vet for the health certificate and rabies certificate that are needed to bring her back to China.
The good thing is that she is not needed to be quarantined because she passed the rabies antibody test.
I tried to take some good pictures of her but the pictures are still kind
of horrible lol, I tried my best anyway.

Thank you again for bring her to me and have a great day!

Siyu Lu

siberian kitten

Hey Larry,

I wasn't sure if you needed a proof of spaing, so I thought I would send it for your records. We absolutely love her and thank you again for everything!

Britttney Rubottom


Hi there - 
Quick update.  Blue is doing well and eating ALOT.  His belly is nicely round!
He loves the Instinct duck, and rabbit...  As well as the duck in gravy.  
He also eats the Stella & Chewy Freeze Dried Turkey (I give the dry pellets to Bella as a treat and he eats them too...  mainly because she does, I suspect).  
He picks at her Life’s Abundance hard food, and he picks at the Instinct hard food.  We are getting there...!
He’s energetic and settling in...  he and Bella seem to be doing ok.
 He tried to nurse her today and she was licking him while he was doing it, which i thought was huge progress!  They seem to like to play / challenge each other for a couple of hours in the morning, and then both are exhausted for the rest of t he day!
All the best,
Jaime Pilco

Jaime Pilco cat


Hi Larry
Hope you are well.

As you can see, life is rough for Bella and Blue.  Poor Bella has a shadow in the form of Blue wherever she goes!

All the best.


Jaime Pilco cat

Look at the difference 6 months makes.



Hi Larry,

I would like to share the pics of Milan on her first birthday.
Dr. Nasir



Hi Larry, 
I hope you and Michaele are well and things are settling down at home.
 We just love our kitty!  He has pretty much slept in bed with Elle since
day 3 and he is a sweet and playful little ball of fur.  
So far Alan has had absolutely no allergy symptoms either.
We are so happy to have him as part of our family.  
The dogs are coming around, and he likes to tease them and then jump
the pet gate and sit on the stairs while they just look on from the other side.

Thanks so much for helping us find the perfect kitthy!!

Take care, Ang
Angela Novey

angela novey1

angela novey 2

Hello Larry,
Greetings from two best friends! Chestnut loves Cezanne and vice versa.
They can be so cute like that,but in the mornungs,oh boy,they run, play and chase
each other like two tornadoes!
(Usually the little one starts biting Cezanne ankles...) :-)

Hello from Leo ( Leonardo)!!!
He is settling in well, and is well loveed by his new human 'Mama".
He ias been eating well ever since he got home, and our food order
arrived on Saturday.
He has been slowly exploring the house a lottle bit at a time, and supervised.

Our daughter was very surprised- and is really really good about taking care of him.
Even more surprising is how much my husband likes him.

Many thanks,
Alyssa Hightower


Leo hightower


Hi Larry,  Tequila our cat is doing awesome.  He has grown so much and he is happy and healthy.  He loves to snuggle, lets the kids hold him like a baby and carry him around everywhere.   He is very playful and I often find him on the counters so I'm trying to train him on NO word so he knows when it's off limits but he cares less… hahaha.

The vet said he was very healthy and gave him his shots and dewormer last week.    He has his next shots in October and then we will set a date for Spaying and getting a chip for him, when his weight is ok.

He eats a lot…  he knows where his food is and he finds the box and sit son top of it an calls me  if his plate is empty !   He is so clever.  He also discovered the bird and sits under his cage and stares at him all the time.
I hope it just doesn’t go past the “staring”

We LOVE him so much !  He is a very pampered kitty !


siberian kitten




Hi Larry
I should have already sent you an update, so please accept my apology!
Angel is a little dream!  Took her a few days to get
accustomed to us. 
We kept her in a very large dog kennel with blankets,
food, water and kitty litter box.  We would let her out to play during the day, which at first wasn't a lot of 'play'...just hide! 

After a couple of weeks, we got rid of the kennel and now she is running free in the house.  We even let her back in our bedroom a few days ago and she loves
sleeping at our feet.
Got my second shipment of food and both cats are loving it! 
Thanks again!  We just love her!! 
Georgia Baird

Dear Larry,
Simba turned 2 years old in July and is a very beautiful, smart and sweet girl. 
My husband showed me a picture of Olivia and I thought it was Simba.
The expression on Olivia’s face is identical to the look Simba gives me.
I wish I had been able to capture that look in the attached pictures.
I want to wish Olivia and Commado the perfect furever homes.
Marie Pelletier 

siberian cat


Hi Larry,

He is doing so great, has the funniest personality. I thought the girls would grow tired of him but they are still so in love. He has found  a few little hiding spots in the house when he need a brake, but for the most part he hounds them just as much. And every night, when we are reading books before bed, he has this crazy wild 10 minutes that leave us all hysterical, so funny. See the pic attached. 

Megan Jones, Utah

Jones kitten

Here is a pic of Zach and his best friend, Little Jo.
The funny thing is she only lets him carry her around, and it happens a lot!
Anuyone else gets kicked!

Drew Austin

June 18, 2018

Hello Larry, , Wanted to send you a piccture of how spoiled she is.

Hope all is well. So our family is so in love with our sweet Bella that we purchased from you, we are interested in a second kitty. We would like to purchase Laurel's color point male if he is still available?

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Lristy Le Blanc

siberian kitten LeBlanc

June 10, 2018

Thank you so much!!
We really appreciate your promt reply.

Mr Fluffles


As you described him being very nosey.
He put his nose in glue and some of it got stuck in his nostrils.
He could 't smell so didn't eat. Took him to ER. They did lots of tests.
Nothing was wrong. Vet said its going to dry and come out on its own.
Final bill was $295. He was back to normal in couple of days.

Khurram used to give him food. When he went out of town, Mr Fluffles didn't eat. Took him to vet, They did tests, everything was fine. Turned out he was missing Khurram. He started eating as soon as he came back. Now all of us take turns giving him food. So he is fine when Khurram goes out of town.

He has been an amazing cat. So loving and caring and nosey.

He's such a precious cat. I have had cats before but none of them were like him.
They were selfish and only cared about themselves.
But Mr Fluffles is so different. 

He runs to my son whenever he starts crying. He is so caring.

Mr Fluffles

I wonder how long these toys will stay on the shelf?
My son shares play time with Mr. Fluffles.

toys on shelf

Thank you for giving us such an amazing cat. We just love him. 

Nadia Ahmed

Mr Fluffles is a big part of our family.

family affair



June 3rd 2018

Hi Larry,
  Today was Sunny's birthday he turned 5 years old. I guess now he has reached full maturity. He is just as sweet and beautiful as ever and he will always be our baby.
Thanks so much!

Teresa Brending.






Larry I can not thank you enough for this entire process! Because of my daughters allergies we really needed a Siberian. I looked high and low and am so glad we connected. You were so responsive and helpful during this process, answering my never ending emails of questions. The deposit, selection, payment, and shipping was so easy and secure. Our kitten arrived via plane cargo and eased right into our home seamlessly. He is eating, drinking, and using his litter-box (when not being completely smothered with love). I know his easy transaction and gentle temperament is because of the love he was given from you. He is healthy and so beautiful, or should I say handsome. We could not be happier and are so grateful for you and our sweet new addition. Thank you so very much.  
Megan Jones, Utah



Megan Jones Happuy cat

megan jones kitten

Hey Larry,

We love our boys and they are so sweet and snuggly,
and they bring a lot of joy to our lives.
Brent and Sandy Elrod

siberian cat

Hi Larry, I wanted so send some pics

 When we took her in for her vaccines, the vet said she was a very healthy weight - she has already grown so much and is looking more like a small cat
now rather than a kitten.  

Hope you are having a great March!

Robin Poole




siberian kitten


siberian kitten


My name is Kaelyn Gross and we bought a beautiful Siberian kitten from you almost 2 years ago. I named her Luna and she is my best friend!
I have been considering getting another kitten and was wondering
if I could be placed on the wait list for upcoming litters.
I understand you have a paid and a free one-
and was wondering how much the paid waitlist is.
I am moving from an apartment to a house soon and would love
to give Luna a friend to run around with.

Thank you very much,

Kaelyn Gross

ps. I have attached some pictures of Luna.
She has gotten beautifully fluffy and is as sweet as ever :)

Luna Gross

Luna Gross

Jan. 2018


I just wanted to let you know how happy I am with my new kitten.
Her name is Guey (pronounced gooey). She has taken four plane rides,
many car rides, learned to walk on a leash, and made new dog friends.
She runs to the door when I come home and is always very vocal.
I’m sometimes gone for many hours for work and she has never had once accident. She’s a big cuddle bug when she sleeps, always laying close to my face.
My boyfriend loves her even though he has had allergies in the past.
After about a week of adjustments he has had no trouble with her.
She is so much fun to watch and play with. She has brought so much joy into my life.
I wanted to thank you and share some pictures. Happy new year!! 

Hannah Rosenberg



siberian kitten


Feb 14, 2018
Hi Larry 
        Just sending you a photo of Sunny my sweet valentine. He has definitely turned out to be a lap cat. He loves to lay on my lap when I sit in my chair and watch T.V at night. His favorite cartoon movie to watch is Bolt it has a dog, cat and a hamster in it. He can't take his eyes off of it. He has been doing really good now since being on special urinary cat food.  
Take care and have a great week!

Awww, so cute!
Is your bed always made?… and your house looking like a magazine layout. Love the roses on the wall too.

Yes I never leave home with out making my bed. Put this under your testimony site.

Hi Larry
Little Bella continues to do really well.

She has been such a great addition to our home...  
She loves to be carried everywhere (and lets the boys take her everywhere)
and adored.  Bella also loves to be everywhere the family is and lets us
know when she wants a treat or if she wants to play.
She even alerts us if something is not quite right.  

Hope you are doing well.

All the best.
The Pilko’s

Piko boys


Malenki looking very festive. Have a great Christmas.
I am always looking at your website to see all your beautiful new kittens!
Amy T

Malenki T

Hi Larry!

rebecca elsy

As you know that i am an international student from Shanghai.
His appearance enriched my life a lot. I named my kitten Elsy.
He is the the most kind, close to people, intelligent and handsome cat iI have ever met.
Elsy is very energetic, but he is also willing to spend many hours with someone very quietly.
He must follow me where I go and always lying on me.
To my surprise, as a long-haired cat, he hardly lint, at least for now.
He has a dog's character and cat's charm.
I love him so much. I have tons of photos that i would like to share with you.

Thank you so much for bringing him to me. 

Rebecca Zhang

rebecca elsy

rebecca Elsy

Hi Larry,

How have you been? I just wanted to write to you since
Stubbs is now officially 1 year old. 

Stubbs has grown to be a beautiful and pretty huge cat!!
His mane sort of came in (we call it his "man-beard") and he's soooo fluffy now!
He is also the most affectionate and smart kitty I've ever known.
His fur is the softest and anyone he ever meets can not resist giving him snuggles
--and without any allergy problems whatsoever.
(Even my most allergy-prone friends have been surprised).

He was "a little pistol" well into his kittenhood, always wanting to bite.
He went through a phase where he was mostly a jerk,
so I read a bunch of kitty behavior books and learned how to handle it,
so he learned what "No Biting" and "Gentle" means, (also he got neutered last April), so he doesn't chomp down hard anymore, just super lite and he'll just lick ya.
It's really cute.
Nowadays, he's more into only biting his toys or the bugs/lizards he
finds in the grass while on his walks.

He goes for daily walks around the neighborhood on his kitty leash every day.
He has a certain time of day when he'll start meowing for his walk.
It's so cute and so great he's that communicative. If he sees neighbors on his walk,
he knows he can walk up and get free pets.

During his kittenhood, he was socialized with lots of animals and people,
so now he gets along well with dogs, cats, people, and kids.

His favorite toy is a peacock feather. Second favorite is usually anything that makes a crinkly sound when you touch it. He has a 6ft cat tree where, from the top perch,
he likes to bird-watch every morning after breakfast.
When I come home from work, he greets me at the door just like a dog would.
He knows the sound of Seth's Harley motorcycle so when he hears it he gets all excited. He knows some tricks too, like "come" and "sit" and sometimes he'll play fetch with one of his toys.

He is the best kitty. He's so sweet.
He loves to be loved and just purrs and purrs when anyone holds him.
He will fall asleep in my arms purring away if I sing to him.
The only issue with Stubbs is he seems to have an ever-present upper-respiratory virus, which really doesn't surprise me, since you told me about his being sick with upper respiratory stuff pretty much right when he was born.
His eye is always weeping, but he's good at cleaning it and so am I,
if he gets behind on it. About every three months or so,
it does get aggravated enough to a point where his breathing gets very congested
(and his little snores sound like human-sized snores).
I think it just depends on if it's allergy season or not.
At my most recent vet visit which was last week, the doctor checked his eye for any ulcers (there were none) and took X-rays of his lungs to check for liquid (there was none). So at this point the vet can only give him a week or two of antibiotics and suggest that if anything gets worse, I should start seeing a specialist.
The problem seems to be isolated to his sinus and that's it. We just have to take extra special care of him sometimes, but it's always worth it. He's our fur baby.
His snorts and snores are just another characteristic that makes him unique,
and he's in good hands with doctors.

Stubbs is awesome. He's got so much personality. He's just so easy to love.
Thanks so much for taking such great care of him when he was little.
I'm so glad to have Stubbs! He's the beeeeeeest!!

Anyway, I just wanted to update you on how little (now big) Stubbs is doing.
Here are some of my favorite pictures since I've had him:


siberian cat

siberian music


siberian kitten


She’s eating and has used her new litter box.  
My husband Martin is finding her pretty adoreable too!

Thanks so much for driving all the way to Katy to bring her to us!!


siberian kitten'

Hi, Larry!  

I just wanted to update you on the two cats I have from you.
Lily is the shaded silver which I got in 2014 and Luna is the brown, purchased in 2013. They are the best cats and just wanted to say thank you again!
They are the sweetest, fluffiest and most lovable cats.
Everyone loves them and can't get enough when they hold them.
Hope you're doing well!  


Sophia Martin 



Hi Larry,

Just wanted to let you know that the orange kitten is doing well.
He started eating this afternoon, and if the attached picture is any indication,
he is getting fairly comfortable with us. He's a little Houdini, and can get himself into some fairly interesting hiding spots, but it keeps us on our toes. 

Thank you,
Amy Berglund


I was looking on your page at your kittens and absolutely love Nadia's new kittens!
(who is the dad in this litter).  It's very tempting to want another one of her kittens. Here are some recent Malenki pics. She turned one July 29 and is doing great!
She is a beauty and also a very sweet and loyal cat!


Amy Tysiachney


Siena and Romeo are doing great!!! They both love to go outside,
but Romeo gets a harness because of his adventurous spirit:)

We watch them closely and spoil them--they are wonderful family members
with great personalities, both very unique:) talk to you soon!

Denise Bradley


Hi Larry, 
We are safe! We left Houston with kitty to stay with family in
Dallas until the storm calms down. 
We love our kitten! Her name is Gnocchi. 

Stephanie Server


Dalton Wooly's favorite spot is on the back of the couch and her favorite
thing is to be cuddled.
She has really taken to our son and sleeps with him most nights.

Brittany Blake Wooley


Mr. Wooley and Dalton

kalindi crook tail kitten

by Joe Dinoffer, for his daughter Kalindi
and her kitten with a crooked tail, Kairi

Kitten with the Crooked Tail

Like many with “special needs”
She has outstanding qualities,
Of which few cats would boast.
Try searching coast to coast
For this kitten with the crooked tail.

She purrs without cessation
But cannot meeoooow.
But no words take a peek
From that kitten with a crooked tail.

Her diet’s a riot
Cat or dog food’s the same.
A calamity of tastes
She devours in haste,
That kitten with a crooked tail.

With a permanent smile
Her unique profile
Is cute as a button
You will be smitten
By this kitten with a crooked tail.

Yet the primary feature
of this fuzzy creature
Is how she shares love.
Half kitten half dove
Is the kitten with the crooked tail.

She curls in your arms
Without worry from harm,
To doze, no deadline to meet,
Nothing on twitter to tweet ...
This kitten with the crooked tail.

J- August 11, 2017









July 10, '17
Hi Larry,

I just wanted to give you an update on Ginger! I took her to the vet today to get her last round of shots and they loved her! She's adjusting to the new house much faster than I expected. Her favorite place to hide is under the covers on my bed. Neither me or my boyfriend (who has extreme allergic reactions to just about everything) have had any problems after petting her or being around her. She's still really shy, but when you start petting her she purrs so loud you can hear her in the next room over! Everyone who sees her falls in love instantly! Thank you so much for everything, she's an angel! I attached some pictures of her, feel free to use them if you want. My sister says the swirls on her side make her look like a little cinnamon roll.

-Allyson Holman

June 19, 2017
Hello Larry
My name is Natasha and I bought a Siberian kitten from you in 2008. He's doing really well thank you. I so much enjoyed being at your ranch and picking out a kitten, I'm looking forward to picking my next kitten from you, hopefully before the end of the year.

Here is a photo of him when we were there, and this is today -->

Natasha Schcheglova

Hi Larry,
Sunny's birthday was this Saturday. It is hard to believe he is 4 years old already.
As you can tell by the photo he did not like his birthday hat.
The only thing he wanted for his birthday was to lick a tuna can.
After I took the tuna out.
Teresa Brending

siberian kitten

Hello!! Last year we purchased a white female Siberian kitten from you!!
To follow up on our kitten, we named her Eleanor and she just turned one year old four days ago! I will attach more pictures of her. 
Avenley Monteith



Hello Larry,

I wanted to share some pictures of the kitties with you. They had their 1st Birthday yesterday. They are wonderful kitties and we’ve loved having them as part of our family. The “Huntress” (Gidget) is still quite the little huntress. She is very playful and loves her spot by the back door looking outside watching the birds.
Mr. Molly is a total love bug. He’d rather snuggle and nap than play :)
but he does get a little playtime in here and there.
They are both super affectionate and social. Gidget welcomes meeting
new people…Mr. Molly is a little more shy (we call him the big chicken).
I think they enjoyed their birthday party. :)
Enjoy the pictures.
Cindy Stanfill

siberian kittens

siberian kittensa

Above, Nov, 2016

Below, June, 2017


Hello there!
We adopted our "red headed brother" from you about 4 years ago.
We are so in love still! My sister is looking for a cat now and
I was wondering if you have any availiable? 

First photo, Simba, is trying to go on vacation with us. 
2nd photo- Simba will not leave my daughters side when she is sick.
He is the most loveable sweet "cat-dog" ever.
He loves all her friends and "talks" to us ALL day.
He follows us from room to room and if he is not "invited" he howls
until you call him to you. 
Thank you!!!

Amanda Chambers



Simba Chambers


Hi Larry,

Just wanted to tell you how much we LOVE Mia Dawn—see picture attached.
 She is loving, healthy and so much fun to be around.
 We go to Galveston every couple weeks—
as we have a condo there—and she doesn’t make a peep—
a great traveler.

Hope you have a great holiday.


Cathy Loving



Here are some pics! This girl is growing like crazy. She was 3 lbs when we got her Jan 1st. She is already up to 6.5. She isn't very shy anymore although my 3 yr old is a little much for her ( she is good at running and hiding to get away from her). She is very loyal and I am her favorite :). She always has to sit with me and sleep in the bed. I had told you my older daughter had terrible eye reactions in the beginning. They were so bad she developed allergic pink eye. Within a few weeks this completely went away and she has no reaction to her now. I found a couple of pictures of the little orange kittens from when we visited. I look forward to seeing more of your litters in the future. Take care,
Amy Tysiachney, RN

siberian tysiachney2

Siberian Tysiachney

amys daughternkitty

Hi Larry,
Simba was spayed in January and is doing well, attached is a copy of the spay certificate along with some recent pictures of her.
Please send me a copy of her papers when you have a chance.
She is developing a really sweet disposition and is extremely smart
and is really a little sweetheart.
She has a complete routine with my husband in the morning which includes
riding on his walker, waiting patiently for her food. She waits until he
gets his coffee and is settled in his recliner to get on his lap where she
stays until she comes in to wait for me to get up.
She really sticks to the same routine. LOL

Didn't mean to go on and on, but just wanted you to know what a joy
she is to us.
Look forward to seeing your next litter of kittens.
Marie Pelletier

siberian kitten

BTY, my hair is the same shade of silver and grey. Talk about people that look like their pets. Lol

siberian cat Simba


Hi Larry,

We looooooooooe Stubbie!!

He was SO good the entire car ride. Didn't make a peep. I placed the heartbeat buddy right next to his pet carrier so either that did the trick or he was just really calm.

Thank you for giving me that sparkly tassel toy. It's his favorite! That helped him come out of his shell a little bit.

He has explored the whole house now, but he's still a little skittish. He is VERY talkative though. Very energetic too! I see what you meant when you said he was a little pistol!! He loves to play!

He's very gentle though, no claws and no hard bites and we're gonna keep an eye on how rough he plays but he is just the most fun, cute, precious little thing! He curled up and fell asleep in Seth's lap this afternoon.

(As I'm writing this he just jumped up on my lap and is purring like crazy!)

Laura 'Valentine ' Rillera


Just saying 'hi". Romeo is so much fun!

Denise Bradley


And Siena below.



Hi Larry,
I wanted to let you know that our Cimmy is the best kitten!!! We love her so much. She is the sweetest, cuddliest, and most laid back cat we have ever owned. We are so glad to have her in our home! Thank you for breeding the most amazing cats.

Brandy Guillory


We are definitely keeping her :). Her personality is coming out and she is a lot of fun. Jeremy has had no trouble with allergies although my older daughter has some sneezing and eye redness. Not bad though. Even with her in the bed he's had no reaction! Thanks so much for everything. Have a nice weekend :)

Wanted to send you some pics! This kittens coloring is just amazing. You need to show it off on your website. She really isn't very shy anymore. She loves her food ( her appetite is bigger then her). She's already gained 0.64 lbs since we got her.

Amy Tysiachney, RN

siberian  kitten


siberian kitten

siberian kitten


Hi, Larry,
We purchased a kitten from you a few months ago and have
finally gotten her fixed. I have attached the receipt and a picture
so you can see how big she has gotten. My daughter named her Luna and she has been a true blessing to my daughter.
She has very quickly become a part of our family.
I keep telling my wife that I need one as well.
Maybe at some point in the future we will be visiting you again. :-)

Stephen Gross

siberian kitten


Dec 2016

Merry Christmas from Denise Bradley


siberian kitten


Our kitten Stella thinks she is the most
beautiful thing in our home!
She is something else.

Janice Cama


Hi Larry,

Just wanted to give you an update on the kitten we got this June, Dmitri. He is nine months old now and has grown a fabulous mane.

We wanted to get this breed because of my dad’s allergies.

He’s moderately allergic to cats and normally can’t tolerate sleeping in the same house with them, but he hasn’t had a problem with Dmitri at all. Some friends who are more severely allergic to cats have gotten a slight reaction after being in our house for a while, but they say that it’s WAY better than it would be normally.

Dmitri is the best cat ever. He is very extraverted and always wants to be where the action is, and he wins over everyone he meets - including people who dislike cats! He’s very easygoing and gentle, and has never hurt anyone, despite loving to play-wrestle stuffed animals. He is just a big adorable floof!
Photos are below.

Hope everything is going well and you’re having a great holiday season.)




siberian kitten

siberian kitten


siberian  kitten

Larry, we can’t thank you enough for our two amazing kitties!! You answered all of our questions and gave us lots of information about the breed before the sale and you adjusted your schedule to make sure the kitties arrived in time for our daughter’s birthday! Gidget and Mr. Molly are sweet, playful, curious and affectionate. And the best part is that my daughter who has terrible allergies (including asthma) has had no allergic reaction to the cats! We would highly recommend you to anyone looking to purchase a Siberian cat. Thanks again, Gidget and Mr. Molly are perfect additions to our family!
All the best,
The Stanfill Family
Redondo Beach, CA

siberian kittens

siberian kittens

siberian kittens


Hi Larry!

You told us her birthday was today so happy 1st birthday to Cupcake!
With Cupcake's birthday approaching, I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I hope Mike is doing well.
Cupcake has been doing well. We love her so much, she lives a life of complete comfort and luxury! :-)
Best wishes to you always!
-Kathy Sutherland

Picture of Elizabeth in her bride Halloween costume and Cupcake the birthday girl!


Cupcake is doing great, she is my officemate every day. She such a sweetheart and so beautiful. I brush her probably four times a day! She has become quite the hunter and keeps us free of any flying insects that are buzzing inside our windows!!! Eek!

siberian kitten

Hi Larry,
Just wanted to send you a few pictures of these two. Siena has really taken to the kitten, much more than we expected. She wants to be around him all the time!

He seems very comfortable with his role of being the center of attention, and is the most lovable little guy. I will keep you posted,
but wanted you to know how much joy these two bring our whole family.
Denise Bradley

siberian kittens

siberian kittens

Oh Larry we couldn't be any happier with Ernie! He's so loveable
and greets everyone who comes over. Not a shy bone in his body. He's been neutered and everything is going beautifully.

Your CT pal


Ernie watkins kitten

siberian kitten Ernie watkins


Our dog Teddy is now her personal groomer and they are fast becoming great friends. What a sweet little kitten!
It’s funny. When we humans are holding them, she lets him lick her, etc.

When they are alone, he chases her unpredictably and she hisses at him. It’s a real power struggle … they only want to know what the other is doing all the time … Am sure they will gradually calm down more. It’s only a couple of days. She is starting to eat, is using the litter pan, etc.

Thank you for everything.

Joe Dinoffer

siberian kitten


Hi Larry,
I hope all is well with you!
Our girl is doing great! She is very happy and playful!

We were wondering if you were still breeding kittens and if you had any males? I think Siena would like a little companion. We had her fixed last year.

siberian kitten

siberian cat

I LOVE the cats I got from you! The (calico) tortie? is the sweetest thing imaginable. She is so good tempered and beautiful.
She thinks I am her mom!
And Manley Muzz is the male we got from you - ooohhhh he is beautiful and sweet!

The picture labled 2691 is the funniest ever! Feel free to use it on your site.


siberian kitten

siberian kitten

siberian kitten


Hi Larry:

Happy Friday to you! Our cat Sophie, is looking for a little friend. We wanted to see if you have any super sweet girl kittens available? Thanks! Ben and Sarah


siberian cat


siberian cat

siberian cat


Hi Larry,

About a year and a half ago, we got one of your cute siberian kittens from Leena's litter.

I wanted to send an update on her and send a huge THANK YOU! She is everything we could have hoped for and more. We have named her Lucy. Lucy took about a week or two after taking her home to learn to trust us. But ever since then she has fit right in with us and our 2 dogs. One is a great dane and the other a great dane/lab mix. She definitely runs the house!

She loves her scratching post and loves to hang out on her cat tree. She has plenty of energy and and is VERY curious and michevious. She definitely keeps us laughing. (..and she definitely knows how beautiful she is) Lucy always wants to be part of the action and wants to be around every one. She doesn't mind how often we want to pick her up and love on her.

With me being allergic to cats, but a huge animal lover, it was really important to me to find a cat like Lucy. I have had zero allergy reactions to her.

I attached some pictures for you to take a look at!

So thank you so much again! She is wonderful and we couldn't imagine our life without her!

Jessica & Corey

Siberian kittens

July 14,2016

Hi Larry
Here is the information on our two kitties ...
Asher, our male, was born on 4-23-15. He is color point male #1 from the litter of Sofia and Moose.
Winifred, our female, was born on 5-12-15. She is the rare solid black from the litter of Lilly and Commando.
Both have been fixed.
I must tell you that these are the most amazing cats! When they arrived at the airport we were so excited to see them. However, before we even got to peek into the carrier a two or three year old boy beat us to them. Neither kitten showed any fear as this young boy stuck his fingers into the cage and was laughing and gabbering to his parents. They did not cringe at the rear of the carrier, quite the opposite; they were right up at the front showing great curiosity towards the boy and then towards us.
They truly are like dogs. Asher actually fetches-- and never tires of it! They follow us from room to room like dogs and even drink out of the toilet like dogs-yuck (we do try to remember to keep the seat down © )
In regards to the hypoallergetic aspects of the breed, the information I read about this has proven to be true.

I am able to sleep with them and carry on a normal life, with absolutely no allergic reaction. This is HUGE as I have been severely allergic to cats for decades.
My family and I love these guys and we want to thank you for breeding them and giving them an environment in which to grow their first three months, that is conducive to making available to the public, well rounded, relaxed, extremely intelligent and playful kitties. They have brought such joy into our lives. We love them dearly, thank you.
I have no objection to your putting this letter on your website.
Ps. Asher is a brute; he weighs in at 25+ pounds -amazing!
They are both gorgeous!


sibeiran kitten


siberian kitten





Thanks so much for helping us through the process to adopt Dmitri. (Justine named him Dmitri Shostakovich after her favorite composer.)
He hid most of the first day or so and didn't eat. We started coaxing him out by laying on the floor next to the platform bed where he was hiding behind the headboard. We could just barely reach him, but we stretched out there long enough a few times to pet him. I think this softened him to us and we were able to get him out of hiding more and more each day. He has started playing and cuddling, is starting to explore more of the house, and is generally now just part of the family.

Lora Maeurer

The boy is doing great. He's a handful. He seems to have 10x the energy echo did. He's a lover though and we just did his vet visit today with a clean bill of health. I gave your name to a woman at my vet's because she melted when she saw him. My vet hugged me when she saw me because she said what I went through with Echo had made her so upset she was so happy to see me again. We are calling him "Boots" I can't remember if I told you that. He sleeps with me and my allergies are fine. I didn't let echo sleep with me but he cries if I don't. ....they are so different. The only similarity is they both love fetch. Thank you for yet another wonderful addition to my family. I'll let you know when he gets fixed. I hope you're doing well.
Amy Veshosky



Just wanted to let you know the new cat, Dusty (I’m a huge ZZ Top fan, and Sarah vetoed Gibbons) is settling in nicely. He doesn’t have free reign of the house yet, but already caught him napping on our oldest cat’s stomach. Our middle cat (our baby) still hisses at him at bit, but everyone seems to be getting along OK. This will probably be our last cat from you for a long while, but it has been a real privilege working with you over the years. Great cats come from a great home.

Thanks again,
Chris Kappen


Hey Larry
Update on Cupcake:

She really is a remarkable cat! She is so fun, pretty, and loving. As I've mentioned before, I have at least two friends who asked for your contact info because they are thinking about getting a Siberian. Of course, we highly recommend Munch Ranch! :-)
You take care.
Grace and peace to you always,
Kathy Sutherland




We got our Orpheus from you last year (see pic attached!), and he's just the most loving, playful, wonderful character we could ever have hoped for! In fact, he's become somewhat of an Instagram celebrity (@thejessicat05 #blackorpheus #jazzcat)!
And, my "allergic to cats" jazz vocalist husband is NOT allergic to Orpheus!
We are in the early stages of being ready for a new kitten, and we wouldn't think of going to anyone else. Can you please refresh my memory on how we go about getting on your waiting list? We know we want another boy, but I think my husband is going to let me pick the color this time. I love the goldens, but Jeremy prefers the solids. So, maybe a grey? I'm not sure what you have, and I know the solids are hard to come by. Again, we aren't in a rush. My 16-year-old silver tabby is getting thin these days, but she's an ornery old girl. We'd like to get on the list, though. We LOVE our MunchRanch Siberian and think everyone should have one!

Jessica Smith



Just hanging out on the porch.

(The cat sure knows her place in the scheme of things)

Teri Brown


Hi Larry,
We went ahead and put down a deposit for the waiting list.

It sounds like we are eligible for the deposit discount, the second kitten discount, the life's abundance discount (still using it), and (maybe?) the return of the happy cat person discount!

Looking forward to kitten pics (attached are a few of ours)

As far as allergy issues, we have a family member who is extremely allergic and takes Benadryl before coming over. He doesn't complain about our house at all. Other cats really effect him. He has some eye irritation after 3+ hours but that is it. As for other friends who are allergic none have complained or had a reaction...Just last month we hosted a Super Bowl party, and the friend most concerned about allergies was convinced we had no cat! (Jackson was hiding).

Hope to hear from you soon about the kittens!!


Ben and Chrissy Heller


Hi Larry,
Attached are pictures of Cupcake. She is doing absolutely great and we love her very much! In one picture she is a stowaway in Elizabeth's backpack, and another picture she is in her spot with Elizabeth during the evenings, and in the final picture she is in her new bed on my desk helping me work every day!
Kathy Sutherland


Larry -
Wanted to send you some photos of the kitten we bought for our daughter, Jordan! You met us in Bryant/Benton, AR with her!
Her name is Lillie Rose and she is so playful, loving and adorable! Thanks so much for such a sweet kitty! She and Jordan are inseparable!

David W. Smith


Hi Larry
Just wanted to update you on "Kai". He is doing great. He is eating well and loves our other Siberian from you. I hope you are doing well!
Jennifer Draper

Sadly, Heaven got another angel today.
Unfortunately, just like humans are not immune to cancer, kitties are not immune to FIP. This devastating virus can kill even Grand Champion Show cats. It does not care about class, gender, age, or breed. There is no cure, no vaccine and nothing that can save the cat once the Corona Virus mutates into Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Fortunately it does not happen often, but when it does, it is very hard on any pet owner who has to live through it. The cats can purr all the way to the end, not realizing how soon the end is coming. We can only hope there is a better afterlife for our pets as well. And we hope that one day, just as with Cancer, a vaccine or cure will be found.

We will miss you, Echo.

Echo Veshosky

Little Teague is settling in well! He had me a little worried at first because he was hiding a lot and crying most of the day and night. However, he has just been with me a little over a week now and has entirely stopped crying, almost entirely stopped hiding, is very playful, and loves to get petted or brushed. We have also had guests over and Teague was still his sweet little self with them.

My boyfriend has had almost no allergies. We realized it probably wasn't the best idea to let Teague lay on his pillow so as soon as we stopped that he stopped having allergy issues.

I'm so happy with my new companion and I look forward to many years with this sweet baby!
Courtney Guillen

Hi Larry,

How much can (wet) food should we give Cupcake each day?
I'm not sure if I'm reading the directions correctly.

She went to the Vet yesterday and got all good reports from what Shawn told me. I haven't seen the reports yet though.

She's doing really great! We are so thrilled to have her.
She's a sweetheart and very loving.

Thanks for your help,
Kathy and Shawn Sutherland

We stuck with the name Dalton. She has explored about half the house, is playing and getting more comfortable everyday. She isn't eating much dry food and about 3/4 a can of wet. Here are some photos.

Brittany Blake

Hey Larry,

We've purchased three cats from you in the past, and we're thinking its time for number four. We would like a black male kitten whenever you have one available.
Please let me know what kind of down-payment we need to make in order to reserve a spot!
Near impossible to get a shot of all three of them together, but here are the three we've got from you in the past.

The absolute best cats I've ever been around.

Chris Kappen


Hi Larry,

It's been way too long, but here's a quick update on the Best Cat Ever (A.K.A. Roko).

He's about 3 and a half now but still acts like a great big kitten. He wakes me up in the morning for cuddles, loves to play, is at the door begging for attention when I get home in the afternoon, and is always ready for a game of tag. He weighs in at about 14 lbs, and has been great with all sorts of visitors. He dominates any visiting dogs though!

The best part is that I still show no signs of allergy to him. I usually can't even stay in the same house as cats, and petting or cuddling is out of the question unless I want to take Benadryl and sleep for the rest of the day. This breed is really something special.

Thank you so much again for this wonderful boy. He's a treasure.
Hope you enjoy the pictures and are doing well.



Here is a pic of the kitty. Our daughter named her Maizey !! She is a big cuddle bug.. As for myself and being very allergic to cats it's been over a week and I have yet to show any symptoms and I'm around her quite a bit .. Thanks love her
Lisa Leisle

Hi Larry,

First I wanted to let you know that my allergies are much, much better.
So much better that I was actually going to inquire about Hugo's brother!

I see that he's for sale on your website, and was wondering if I got him if there's a way you could still apply the two-cat discount fee.
Hugo is the best thing ever, and I feel so bad that his brother doesn't have a home yet!

I've attached another picture of how well he's doing :)
Let me know the info on his brother when you get a chance!
Kelly Treleaven

Hey Larry, An update on Echo.

I know echo's start was bumpy so I thought I'd let you know what's going on. She's eating regularly and is taking over the house. My sisters dogs were a little overwhelming at first but now they play with her and leave her be when she's resting.

I don't know if I mentioned it but my sister and I are severely allergic to cats. I actually went to the hospital once because I woke up to my friends long hair sleeping on my chest. I can't believe it but echo has been wonderful for the both of us.

If I touch my face with out washing my hands SOME times my eyes get a little itchy but I have yet to pop a single claritan.

Echo now plays fetch and sleeps on everyone like they are there to make her happy. I see the vet this week for her second set of shots and should have a day we are setting up to have her fixed after that.

The attatchrd picture isn't very good but that's the whole family (sister and pets) living it up

Missy Veshosky

Hi Larry,
I just wanted to let you know that our kitten is doing very well. She was quite shy for about 4 days, but with our big family she got held a lot. Now she runs all over the house and loves to play. She also can be a sweet cuddler. She has eaten well and used the litter box from the time we got her. She rarely makes a sound and of course everyone loves her! My husband isn't one bit allergic to her which makes us all happy.
I hope that the other kitten is ok.
Thanks again,
Gwen Carlson

Hi Larry. Just wanted to share this photo of Sunny. He likes to sit in the bowl on our table. This is a great center piece.

Just wanted to share this photo with you. Sunny in pampers! He did not even mind it on him.
Our sweet baby boy. We love him!

Teresa Brending

Hi Larry,
Hugo used the litter box last night! I was getting worried there for a second :)
Just wanted to let you know I've officially crossed over into Cat Lady territory. Hugo is wonderful and adjusting so well to his new home!
Attached are some pictures and a video of him playing with a cat game app online :)
I've had minimal allergic reaction to him-- no itchy eyes or runny nose, but just a couple inhaler puffs. But nothing at all like most cats I'm around.
Kelly Treleaven


The white Russian male is settling in well, He is hiding less, and doesn’t run for cover, and is checking everything out. He purrs when I pick him up, slept in my lap for an hour, and he is also getting more playful (getting in trouble!!) He also enjoys getting brushed and didn’t fight getting his nails clipped. I have started calling him Dmitri, I forgot to ask if he had a name… I didn’t get his registration papers, it would be good to have them for my records…

John Mattson

I did get all Dmitri’s papers so we are good there. (He was the 6 month or so shy kitten, someone didn’t want) He has settled in well, follows me around the house and likes to fetch. He is really docile and well behaved, his biggest vice is attacking toilet paper in the bathroom cabinet if the door gets forgotten open. Curiosity has overcome his fear of visitors to the house and when someone visits he has to check them out. You can see by the pics below he has a hard life…. Thanks again!!


In Memoriam

Leo really warmed up to us about 3 weeks after Larry gave him to Lilli! His little motor is so loud!
Lilli & I are really missing him while we are here at the NIH in Bethesda, MD.




My Persian has been on NuVetPlus and is no longer taking his 3 meds from vet for respiratory asthmatic like symptoms. He is playing like a kitten again. He is 7.5 yrs.
He is on Lifes Abundance too.

Patricia Hammer


Hi Larry,
It's been a while!

Our kitten, Ollie, is doing great. He loves sitting on an open window sill, jumping on us while we sleep, and begging for people food at dinner time, though he doesn't get any! He is still very jumpy and doesn't like the kids too much. He usually won't let anyone pet him but Nick, but I sneak some in every once in a while when he's caught off guard! The kids give him kitty treats and he really likes that. We love him none the less and he has become a permanent member of the family! I am so glad we didn't need to give him back to you.

I brush him and use the "Allerpet-C" about once every week and half, take him for a bath at the vet every 3 weeks or so, mop/vacuum the floors every week and spray the entire house with Febreeze anti-allergen spray for the dander. I also have to keep him out of Gabriel's bedroom and the bathtub. The dander sticks to the bathtub really bad. With all of this, Gabriel really hasn't had another reaction, only sneezing, occasional red/itchy eyes and minor wheezing. We are hoping that with Ollie being neutered, we won't have to worry about the allergies for much longer.

Ollie was neutered earlier this month. (ATTACHED) is the documentation. Nick reminded me that we were able to obtain his official papers once we supplied you with proof of this.

Attached is a picture of him. He's getting so big. He LOVES to steal kleenex and rip them to shredds, as in the picture!

Let me know, thank you for everything!!!

Valerie Avila

Valeire, pls send another photo.



Larry, We love this lil guy! He's go the best personality we have ever seen.
Thank you so much.
Jim Thompson

Missing video


Hi Larry,

Here are some pictures of Niko being a fluff ball.
Could you update me on the kitten situation?
I think we're ready to give him a friend.
He's been a great boy and a lot of fun to have around.
Very much a teenager in personality, but he's getting sweeter and more affectionate as time goes on.

Justin & Jacqueline Badal

Hi Larry,

Good news! Adaeze has settled in very nicely. She now follows me everywhere, and she purrs as loud as she possibly can when I get home from school or work. I make sure she gets a good ten minutes of playtime right after I've been gone for a while, but she also has a happy circle and some cardboard boxes to keep her entertained in the meantime. She sleeps in the bed with me at night and likes to curl up next to me while I'm studying. Also, I haven't had any problems with my allergies since bringing her home, so it looks like I'm keeping her!
I'll be making a vet appointment for her soon to get a standard health checkup, but so far, she's perfectly healthy and is eating well and drinking plenty of water.
Rose A



Here is Chase and Luna, who is not having anything with going outside. She hates it.



Luna has officially become her mom.

Chase and Sophia Chambers

And here is the newest family member.

They are getting along great.


We are doing great.
Love, Love, Love these kittens Larry!
After much research on different Siberian breeders, I can agree with the 8yrs worth of testimonials from people across the U.S. on your site. You are wonderful to work with, always answering all questions before and after a sale. You are professional- providing paperwork of pedigree and vaccination records. Above all, you breed wonderful, varied, distinctive and healthy Siberians. Boris and Natasha have been such a wonderful addition to our home. Their markings are gorgeous, their personalities are affectionate and my family could not be happier.

Thank you again, I will keep you updated on their growth! Boris and Natasha are the best of friends. They play hard and make me laugh every day. I highly recommend getting two kittens!
Julia Garrett

Just a quick note to wish you a Happy and prosperous new year! Boris and Natasha are the loves of our lives. Boris got altered last week and did great. At 17wks he was 4.2lbs. Natasha was 3.10 at 16wks. I still check out your website often just to see more kittens!
Take care,
Julia, Carl
Boris and Natasha




Hi Larry!
Here are some recent pictures of Siena. She has so much personality and is an awesome addition to our family!

Siena really loves the kids, she follows them around and "hangs out" with them all the time. She also likes the dogs, will go right up to them and play. We have her living mostly in the game room for now, but let her run around the house when we can keep an eye out. She doesn't really ever go and hide anywhere, by nature she is very outgoing and likes to be around the action. We love how she plays with the aquarium, runs around crazy and talks to us in her tiny little voice.

Thank you for raising such wonderful cats (and family members:)

The food website was having problems, but I will try again for the continual ordering.
Have a great day!
Denise Bradley




Looks like Stoli when he was a little guy.

Did you realize he turned 14 this year?  He is still handsome.

Connie Munchrath Brooks

Hi Larry,

This is Charllene, still remember me? I and Peter got a Siberian cat in 2009 from you. Attached are the recent pictures that I took of La Vie. Actually, Peter wanted to call him Tux cause his hair color is like Tuxedo, but we had been calling him La Vie when Peter thought about Tux. We don't want to confuse by calling him different names, so we decided to stick with La Vie.
La Vie is doing great, I love him, he is the best cat I ever had. We got a Persian 3 years ago because Peter wanted a different breed, but my favorite breed is still Siberian.
Charllene Wang


Dear Larry, Igor is now 5 months old, his weight is 2.5 kg.!! He is gorgeus!!!!!
I send you some new potos. He looks just like his mother Hanna. Thanks again , you make me happy !!!!!! I wait for your opinión!!!


Aug 2014

Hola Larry, la llegada de Igor es el mejor terapy para mi edad. En 15 días que me ama, conoce cada rincón de la casa, se come mucho, y siempre trata de estar cerca de mí. Él es encantador, beawtiful y le ador. Por el momento Daniela no es alérgico a él. Les envío muchas, muchas gracias porque mi vida es tan divertido con Igor.Yesterday visité al veterinario y por tercera vacuna peso de un Igor era 2,8 kg. Él está creciendo muy bien. Te enviaré algunas fotos pronto.

Hi Larry, Igor's arrival is the better terapy for my age.

In 15 days he loves me, knows every corner of the house, eats so much, and always tries to stay near me. He is lovely, beautiful and I ador him . For the moment Daniela is not allergic to him. I send you many, many thanks because my life is so much fun with Igor.

Yesterday I visited the vet and for the third vaccine an Igor's weight was 2.8 kg. He is growing just fine. I will send you some photos soon.


Hi Larry, here are some photos of  Sunny in some of his favorite places. We waited over a year for  him and it was well worth the wait.
One if his favorite things is his daily ride in the stroller. He will get inside by himself and will remind me when its time for the trip arond the yard or garage or house.
Thanks for this wonderful cat,
Teresa Brending

Aug, 2014
Hi  Larry,

Just thought I'd send an update and photo of Bo Bo. He will be a year old in a little over a month but already is the size of  Poots.
They have become the best of  friends and we couldn't be happier with Bo Bo.

Thank you for breeding such a wonderful kitten.


Aug 2014

Hi Larry!
Just wanted to give you an update on Siena Rose:) She was a little sick in the car on the way home, but we opened the top of her kennel and gave her some good A/C, which I think helped. She has been settling in here great! She loves playing with the girls and I mostly hold her to cuddle. She doesn't hiss at us anymore (just the first day), and loves to be handled and play with everyone. She made us laugh with her canned food...she tried to bury it! But she keeps herself clean and uses her litter box like a champ!

We are slowly introducing her to the dogs, they are curious of course...but we won't leave them with her until she gets big. I can already see that she will put them right in their place. Anyway, she is just a joy to have around and the kids have reported zero allergies around her, which is really amazing.

Thanks again and we'll keep in touch,
Denise Bradley :)


July 2014
Hi Larry,

Boris is a dream cat. He is incredibly social, playful and easily purrs. He loves to play fetch with a toy mouse, ribbon or ball of paper. But he also likes to cuddle with us and spend the night on our bed. We think he is beautiful and we love his markings. He easily adjusted to our home and your recommended feeding routine has been great. Boris likes Life Abundance, Nu Vet supplement and chicken livers when available.

As you know, we owned Persians for 30 years. We are glad to have discovered Siberians and to have found such a caring breeder as you.

Louisa and Jim Meyer

Larry -- We can come get our new kitty (we are going to name him Sergei) on the 19th. Boris is an absolute delight. I have never been around a cat that purrs so much. We can’t get enough of him and he loves it. Thanks so much for introducing us to Siberians. The food and the routine you suggested have been great. We are hooked. We look forward to seeing you on the 19th and thanks again.  Jim Meyer

Always ready to help out.




June '14

Hi Larry,

Eve and I are best friends already after only two weeks.
What I absolutely love about her is how hypoallergenic she is. When I would play with my sister's cats, the palms of my hands would get hives and very itchy. My eyes would tear up and I would sneeze endlessly. With Eve, I have yet to have any sort of allergic reaction to her. She is also helping my needs as a therapy cat. With her, I would not be able to cope with my diagnosed depression. She is so much fun to have around my apartment and has taken to my friends very readily and easily. She loves being the center of attention and frequently wakes me up in the morning by licking my nose, which is too cute for words.
My friends all think that Eve should be a cat model. Here are some more of her recent pictures.


Hi Larry, they are VERY sweat and I can see them being a part of our famly for many years to come. Every day they get a little more at ease with us. One of the girls, with a little hesitation in the beginning, allowed  me to wipe off her face when she had some eye crust. :)  We are working on petting them more in-between play so they get used to us.  They are so adorable, I don't think we could have gotten a better pair.  Their names are Squishy and Mittens. Sometime I feel that they are too beautiful to have such silly names but they are endearing to Jonas and I.

Julie Ryckis




Joe and I wanted to share the most recent pictures of our precious babies. They turned three years old on June 11!   Happy Birthday, Malishka and Alissa! They are both healthy and happy and continue to bring us so much love and joy. We are forever grateful to you for educating us on this exceptional breed!


Sharon and Joe Caruso

Above, Alissa and Malishka,

Below, and look at us now ;)



Dear Larry,

We can't even begin to tell you how much we are enjoying our new kitten. We named him Boris Pootin but call him "Bo Bo" for short. As soon as he arrived he took over the house. He gets along well with our other cat, Poots and anyone who steps through the door. As soon as you touch him, he starts purring. He sits on my lap like our Siamese cats used to. Poots is friendly but not a lap kitty so I love that Bo Bo does that.

We had him neutered Tuesday, February 18th. My veterinary's office said they called you to let you know. I have been ordering Life's Abundance food and treats. I have even ordered some for my children's cats.

Thank you again and again for our Boris. We would highly
recommend your kittens to anyone interested in Siberians.
You are definitely breeding outstanding kittens.


Diane Darrow (& Mark)


Hi Larry!

We named our kitten Mila and she's doing so well! She definitely hated the car ride but she was fine by evening. She is starting to play and she's very sweet. We love her!

Update 3/19
Sorry it has taken so long for me to respond. Mila is still doing well and I was able to write this update and get some pictures for your testimonials.

It has been almost a month since we brought Mila home and we are completely in love! It didn't take very long at all for her to warm up to us and get comfortable in the house. She is very playful and very affectionate. She gets into some mischief sometimes, but it's fun to watch her explore. Everyone who meets her just loves her. Our family members with allergies have not had any reaction to her, which is wonderful! She is eating well and has already grown so much.
Courtney Collins


Remmie remains a beautiful kitten and has grown from 1.5lbs when we got him to 5.8lbs and he is almost as big as his fellow housecat Barney. We are hoping for a really huge Siberian at some point.

Jean Rockenhaus

Hi Larry,
I just wanted to send you a quick email telling you Thank you for Iggy. What a wonderful sweetheart he is. Yes he is full of spirit and gets into everything but he has been such a joy. He goes upstairs to sleep with Linzy every night. He eats like a horse! I am feeding him a full can of cat food a day now plus a bowl of his dry food. What a wonderful addition to our life. I would highly recommend this breed to anyone wanting a lively, loving cat.
Cindy  Naumann

Bella is a true delight! Been a while since I've had a "kitten", I'm used to my older, laid back Jazzie, hard to believe Bella has been here a week, Jazzie and Bella just yesterday started to settle down, and actually get along. Again, I'm very pleased with her, she's such a charmer, thanks so much!

She loves watching TV

Doug Schwarz


Hiya Larry,

I just wanted to let you know that Finn is still doing awesomely well and is finally looking like more of an adult. He truly is the light of my life. My issues with depression are pretty bad, and I don't know where I would be without him. He always makes me feel better when I'm down and really helps keep me going. I recommend these cats to anyone. They're the best.

Here are some more photos of him!

Just a reminder that my cat is a dork.
I startled him while he was grooming himself, haha.

I startled him a bit and got this amazing reaction.

Finn decided to rest his head on my pillow. This was seriously one of the cutest things ever.
Pillow thief. He's actually resting his head on my pillow.

He really is my baby. He's super photogenic, too. We also got a new dog, Anna (a shepherd mix of some variety; a total mutt), in February and he was totally okay with her within about twenty minutes. He actually tries to play with her and she tolerates it, unlike the other two dogs. Sometimes she'll even paw back at him. It's great. She's a bit skittish and thinks she's not supposed to play with him, though, her perhaps thinks because he's so much smaller that she may hurt him, so she doesn't play with him too often.

I still hope to get him a kitty playmate someday, though! I have a feeling that he would very much love that.

I hope you're doing well, and please feel free to post what I said about Finn helping get me through my depression on your testimonials page. I wouldn't mind at all. He's a great therapy cat, though not a major lapcat, he's so wonderful.

-Katie Moore

Hi Larry!

This is Katie Moore. Finn is doing fantastic and has grown into a big, fluffy ball of fur. He thankfully does not chew on wires anymore! In fact, the only times he ever chews anything now is actually his sign to say "hey I'm hungry feed meeeee." ...He always has the dry food down, but sometimes he's just craving that wet food, haha.

I was just curious about Daria and Smokey Martin's litter. How much would kittens from that litter cost? Or Lilly and Moose's future litter, for that matter. I wasn't sure how much they would be since you don't have those colors very often, so I thought I would ask (granted I'm more interested in personality; I just want a lap kitten. Finn isn't much of a lap cat, haha). Preferably a female (who would be fixed; no interest in breeding rights, haha. Just a fluffy lap cat).

Thanks for your time!~


P.S.: Here's an updated picture of my Finn. He has enormous whiskers!~




Hey Larry,

Wanted to send you an update on Ella. She's doing well and is recovering from being spayed last week. She's slowly coming out of her shell and is being much more adventurous in the apartment. She likes to watch us from a distance and will occasionally come up to us for some pets and love. She enjoys being picked up and plopped on a lap where she'll gladly nap away for hours if she could keep us there. She is a little apprehensive at times, but I think she'll be completely comfortable with more time. I was excited to learn that Siberians like to chatter away and talk about their day - it was even better when Ella first announced she was there and she's been talking ever since.

My allergies are non-existent. That little scare we had the first week must have been a fluke. I just make sure not to touch my eyes and I'm just fine with her around.

We had a question regarding her food, she likes her dry food much more than her wet food and we feel pretty bad wasting so much of the wet food. We try to cover it and keep it in the fridge until later, but she knows what we're doing and will sometimes avoid it. Do you have any tips to get her balanced on both foods? We're using the brands you recommended.

Justin Bada


Hi Larry, I wanted to give you an update on kitty. I named her Lola, like her mom, because that name just stuck for her for some reason!

It took about 1 week but she is finally out of her shell. The first few days were really hard for me, but she's totally fine now. She is very mischievous and playful- has knocked over a few cups of water. :) Loves to run laps upstairs and has an affinity for feathered toys. She loves me the most and cuddles with me when she's not being playful. She loves to groom me and loves getting brushed. She still likes sleeping under things when were sleeping/not around but I think that'll change when shes older. She also likes Brendan better now and he feeds her treats and plays with her a lot. I love her so much!!

Interestingly enough, Brendan hasn't had one allergic reaction to her, and he's the one with the bad allergies. I on the other hand have some allergies to her, which I think is funny. Of course I could care less since I love her so much, a little sneezing never hurt anyone. :)

Tomorrow is vet day, so Ill be asking about her sneezing. Honestly, I think she has allergies. She eats, plays, and sleeps perfectly fine and does not at all act sick. When she is running around is when she sneezes, so I think it's the dust from the carpet. I'll find out tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help and advice, and thanks for the beautiful love bug!!

Justine Kallaugher, M.Psy.


She's great. She's playful. She's not shy around new people, as you can tell from the picture with my sister. She doesn't run off and hide. She's so loving. And obeying. She's just perfect for me.
So Merry late Christmas and happy new year!

Here is a photo of  Tabitha bonding with my sister, and one of her getting in trouble.



Good morning Larry,
I have been meaning to thank you again for all you have done to bring us our new family members! They have been a real joy for all of us. Tim had surgery last week (all is fine), but with limited options for entertainment during his recovery, these kitties have provided all we need! Maddy is truly in love and they are very affectionate and comfortable with her now. We certainly had a few days of hide and seek as you mentioned we would, but now they lounge all over the place, are incredibly playful, and love the cat tree!

Their vet appointment went well and both tested negative for the feline aids and leukemia as I am sure you are not surprised.

Our cavalier is enjoying her Life's Abundance dog food, she is also enjoying the kitties food when she can. She and the kittens are still getting used to each other, their attitudes are curious but cautious.

We are so grateful that we found you and your wonderful Siberians! Stella and Comet are so fun and so beautiful. They received many oohs and aahs at the vet as well! We will certainly promote your amazing cats at any opportunity.

We hope that you had a very Merry Christmas and have a wonderful new year as well!

Kind regards,
Kristen Delgado



My family is considering purchasing another Siberian kitten and after finding an amazing angel from you previously, I have once again turned your cattery for a companion for our darling, Jingle and new addition to our fmaily.
We are so delighted to tell you that although my husband was diagnosed with severe respiratory issues after his deployment in Iraq, he has not had any reaction to Jingle and has been once again able to enjoy the cuddles of a cat in his arms.

I wanted to send you a pic of  hubby holding Xena. He started petting her and she curled right up in his arms. I think it is love at first snuggle. :)
Xena being introduced to my daughter.....she is quite lovable....more pics to come...

Brigitte Powell

Dec 7, '13

Just wanted to send you a quick note. Copper is still our pride and joy. I had a pampered chef party last night and lots of people over to eat and see the family 'addition'. My friend Callia was over as well and she is extremely allergic. We were talking about our fluffy red boy and when I explained him being a Siberian, Callia said 'So THAT'S why he's not bothering my allergies!' Awesome test of the breed!

P.S. It's a balmy -8 outside right now. That doesn't even take into account the windchill. I love North Dakota!




Oct , 2013
I just wanted to send you an update on how Apollo and I are doing. I think he is turning out to be a big boy...he still isn't even close to growing into his huge paws. Being in grad school can be very stressful, but he is always there at the end of the day to "help" me study. One day I'd love to get another buddy for him for when I'm at lab, but for now he has plenty of toys and bird watching to keep him occupied.

I have had some allergies to other cats even since getting him, but I am happy to report that he has never once caused any issues for me. I tell people with mild to severe allergies to consider a Siberian all the time, and I have even had those people come to my place and have no reaction.

Ali McCully

Hi Larry!

I check your website once a week to see the new babies. Copper is our pride an joy and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for our red boy. You made this possible for us. He's brought so much fun and laughter into the house. Did I ever tell you how much he loves water? He always 'sneaks' into the shower and then leaves wet butt prints on my kitchen floor...He loves my daughter Mackenzie but he also curls up on my lap every night while we watch TV - so I think he's my baby too! Anyway, I've always loved Hanna and I watch your waiting list out of curiosity as well and saw that you've bred her AND she has kittens. Could you send me a picture of her babies please? When you're not so busy. I'd appreciate it!

Thanks so much and I hope the fall is finding you healthy and happy,

Holly Johnson
Bismarck, ND 58503


He is truly adorable. He eats anything I put in front of him. He likes to help me when I am on the computer--he is especially fond of the mouse. He has to be with me every second of every day. He sleeps with me part of the night until he starts biting my hands, then I make him go to his own bed. He is the best of the best.



Mozart is getting soooo big. His hair is already longer than Koshka. His tail is huge. And, so are his feet. If he grows into them, he is going to be bigger than she is. Did you get the picture that I texted to you of Mozart? He is finally beginning to show signs of being able to learn things. He is a monster when it comes tofood and we have a constant battle teaching him 'no', and, just like a kid, he things his middle name is No.

Koshka has really changed. She no longer pees on my bed- I don't even have to worry about it any more. Her and Mozart get along great. He sneaks up on her and pounces - it is so funny to seel, he puts all four extremities out and lands square on her back. But she does know how to protect her territory. They have never fought to the point of hurting each other.

I never thought 2 cats could add so much to ones life. I have always had cats, but have never seen any like these 2 are. Koshka is still  shy aroud strangers but loves us.


Nov, 2013
Hello, Larry~
A Queensha is superb!  Today, she's in hospital for spay. She'll be done later in this afternoon.
She is not shy anymore. She's started to chasing and playing with my dogs. Great! lol.
Her weight as of today was 3.6 lbs. (keeping the same "Life Abundance" suppl.)

I have more pictures of Queensha with my dogs, I will sent it to you again for the next time!

Also, I don't have any allegery reactions to a Queesha.
Just a little itchy on the spot, when if she get my skin scretched, which is not bothersome at all.

Her temperature is perfectly warm. She is a very fine bio mobile heater. (^___^)
Thank you,


Hi Larry!

Just wanted to send some pictures of how Jackson is doing. He really came out of his shell after just few days and is constantly playing in his new home. :)

-Chrissy and Ben Heller

Sept 24, '13

Hi Larry,

I just wanted to give you an update on Smokey ~ whom we have renamed Loki.
He is awesome!
We recently acquired a friend for him, a little feisty girl kitten named Pepper. She really brought him out of his shell and now he is out and about, even when the kids are being noisy.
He still loves to play and have cuddles but I think the thing he loves the most is raw meat ;)
We are so happy to have him as part of our family and love him so much already.
Thanks again

Deb Dusting
Sept 7th, '13
Note from Karen Moore:
Hi Larry, Finn is doing great! He sure has grown! He is so sweet and comes and comforts you. Are you sure he is not part dog? lol We love him very much. I hope to keep in touch with you and will recommend you very highly to all our friends who wish to have a wonderful kitty like ours ;)
We all love and adore Finn. He is a great fit for the family. He loves being around people, trys playing with the dogs by rolling over on his back in front of them or pouncing them... until they bark (friendly). Its funny to have a kitty who is so friendly and a herding dog (our border collie) who tries herding a cat by gently poking him with her nose. Great friends to the end. Im very happy with how friendly he is and how in tune he is with our emotions. We recently had a friend and Katie's professor pass away, a tragic loss for the family and when we are sad he is in our lap very quickly. Finn is the best kitty and we can never do enough for him. Thank you so very much.


Just an update on our evening. Simba did great in the car. We had to stop for gas and when mu son went into the store he started headbutting the pet carrier. They have quite a bond already! We just fed him dinner and he ate it all. He just purrrs all the time and loves to be pet. If he hides and you talk sweetly to him he comes right out and wants to be pet.
We are going back to Houston tomorrow. I think it will be a good trip.
Many Thanks!!!!

Yes they have all bonded. He is amazing! Soooo fun and playful and super lovey. He is perfect for us. He purrrs all the time and does the paw needing thing on all of us. He also head buts and licks our faces. Sometimes he just jumps up and touches your nose and goes back to exploring- like a cat kiss. It is amazing how "human" he is! When hes hungry he does this meow-growl that is the sadest thing I have ever heard. Then u feed him and HE REWARDS US with nonstop purring. Im begining to think he is training us instead of the other way around. He is super gentle which was a surprise to me I thought cats scratched and play bit but he is really carful when hes kneeding us or licking. He hasn't scratched or bitten anyone. I know hes using his claws to get up on the bed so it's like he knows to be gentle. Very unexpected. And when we call his name and he runs up to us and wants to be pet (with both hands or he gets under your "lazy" hand and makes you use both hands). He knows what he wants and how to get it. He is a blessing to our family.
More pics to come!
Amanda Chambers

Aug 8th, '13

Thought we would send you a picture of our cat, now that she is a little older. Hope you are doing well.
Rene', Heather, and Kaitlyn Atkinson
Here is a photo on the way home when we first got  him:

Aug 5, '13
Hi Larry!

Just wanted to check in with you. The cats are so sweet and as you can see, love each other:)
My mom wants an orange one. Will you have any coming soon?
Soraya Myers

Just wanted to send you an updated picture of our precious Lilly.
She has been such a blessing in our family. Thank you so much for bringing her into our lives.
Monica Mendoza

June 16, 2013

Hi there,

This is Shannon we adopted a kitten from you that is the Best thing we ever did!! My son, Collin named him Kai, he is the most loving cat ever!! We are thinking of adding one more cat to the family. Wanted to reach out to see if you had any ready in the,next few months. Ive attached some pics of Kai, he's an amazing, loving, spolied, beyond sweet cat.

Thanks!!! Shannon Easton :)

Hello Larry! This is Sophia Martin who picked up one of the kittens about a month ago. I just wanted to send some pictures and wanted to thank you again for her, she has been the BEST kitten we could imagined to have. I know we will be getting another one of yours in the new few years along with my mom. We just love and adore Luna and wanted to say thank you again and hope you guys have been doing well!

Hi Larry,
Me and tripps boys are doing absolutely amazing! My baby is a solid 2 pounds heavier than tripps. They are such amazing cats, I love them both to pieces, but of course think mine is the most beautiful best in the world! ;), man when I asked you and said I want him to be cuddly, I could've have asked for a more cuddly cat! Haha he sleeps with me every night, on my pillow cuddled up next to me and every morning wakes me up for a snuggle and to be rubbed! They both have such amazing personalities! They play together and see each other a lot! And they both LOVE our German Shepard! They rub rub rub against him, mine meows at him and then rubs all against him and plops down with his tummy open to be rubbed. Funny, I've attached some pictures for you to see!
>> Thank you so much!
Kelly Carter


Nov 10, '13

Hi! Mickey and Nicki are both doing amazing! They are the friendliest, cuddliest, and cutest cats! :) I wanted to send some new photos, to show you how perfect they are!

July 27th, 2013

I named the kitten Finn. Was there anything I need to do to register him with that name?

He's pretty sweet; honestly, he's the most chill cat that I've ever met! You can play with his tail, ears, paws... nothing bothers him. Sometimes if you're giving him a belly rub and you rub his chest instead, he'll grab your hand and nibble it as if he's offended that you're rubbing his chest and not his belly. I get away with it increasingly often, though. He usually sticks to me and follows me around a lot, but he doesn't run and hide when other people come in my room anymore; he fully accepts my parents and my sister, and seems to like my brother-in-law. I introduced him to the calmer of my two nephews a few days ago and he did really well. My other nephew was able to meet him the next day; I wasn't sure about it since he's more rambunctious, but Finn seemed to like him just fine. He's been slowly introduced to my dogs. We would let Angel in here for short periods of time and hold her so she wouldn't chase him; he was never afraid of her, though. He'd just look at her like, "Oh, hey, a dog." We've been letting him explore the living room without the dogs, but today we had both him and the dogs in the room. He actually lets Angel pretty close and lets her sniff him for a bit, but then decides he doesn't like being touched by a wet dog nose and usually ends up moving a short distance away and laying down again. She never chased him, though, which was great! It's really a lot of progress to have them all in the same room together. The only issue Finn has had so far is that he has a taste for cords; he chewed through the cord of my keyboard several days ago, so I've been stuck with my laptop seeing as that actually was my spare keyboard (my good keyboard broke ages ago; thankfully this one was just a cheap $10-$15 keyboard, but I don't know if we'll be able to replace it yet; we have since then organized the other computer cords a bit better so they're not quite as tempting). He almost chewed through my phone charger's cord, but that one still functions. He hasn't managed to chew through anything else, though I found bite marks on my TV's cable. I keep shooing him away from my desktop PC (which is on the floor; he never messes with the monitor or its cables) and TV, though, so he doesn't go near them as much now (except for yesterday; the marks on the TV cord are recent. He was probably investigating it since yesterday was the first day that I'd actually turned on my TV since he's been here). We're hoping to be able to invest in some cord protectors, though it'll probably have to wait until next paycheck. Cord chewing aside, he's been a positively amazing kitty.

I used to feel depressed pretty often, and I haven't really felt that as much since he's been here. I love him to pieces and so does the rest of my family.

So... yeah. Thanks for allowing us to take him home that day. He's fitting into my family quite well! My sister even bought a toy for him. He is extremely loved! Here are some more pictures of him:
Katie Moore
Hiya Larry! This is Katie Moore. I thought I'd message you an update on Finn. He's doing incredibly well, and his winter coat seems to be coming in. He's as soft as ever and about 50% fluffier! A friend of mine helped me get this really awesome four tier cat tree for him last month; he absolutely adores it. That and a white mouse toy and a small, sparkly purple ball seem to be his favorite toys. I love him to pieces and he's really attached to me; if I leave the room, mom says he literally stops and looks around to figure out where I went before proceeding to follow me around the house. If I'm asleep, he follows her around the house instead. Sometimes he crawls up in my lap when I'm on the computer and just hills there for a while; not too often, but sometimes. It's quite endearing. It also surprises everyone that I always pick him up and hold him like a baby, all cradled in my arms. He'll wiggle away from most other people usually, but I can just carry him around like that! Most he'll do is put his paws on my chin, no claws or anything. I haven't had to take a Benadryl for a couple months, either, so whatever small effect he used to have on me seems to be gone now. I can even rub my face against his or kiss him on the cheek and it doesn't affect me at all (plus he lets me get away with it and he seems to like it, which is pretty awesome).

Here's a bunch of pictures of him for you!



Hey Larry-
Just thought you might want an update on my kitten since she was one of the shy ones! Francis (or as I like to call her, Franny) is doing really well! As I type this she is asleep on my stomach. It took her about a day to get used to me, but now she comes when I call her and she loves sitting close to me. Last night she started being interested in playing, so I'm excited for her to use some of her toys! She still is easily startled by noises, but I'm not that concerned. She keeps doing better and better each day! Anyways, that's all I have to report right now! Thanks again for letting me adopt her from you! :)

Next day email:
She fell asleep all evening long on Austin and she doesn't really get bothered by noises too much. She's a little cuddle bug too! She sleeps next to me and prefers to sit on my shoulder! She is definitely getting a lot of love here, and I honestly couldn't imagine a better match!
Emily Van Camp

June 1, '13


I just wanted to let you know the little guy is healing well and should be 100% by this weekend like you said. I decided to name him Apollo, and he has a a vet appointment for his checkup and shots first thing Monday morning. He settled in really quickly and enjoys showing off his climbing skills on his scratching posts (and sometimes on me). When he is all tired out after chasing everything, he always comes to sleep in my lap or on my face at night so he for sure enjoys all of this undivided attention!

I will send pictures for your testimonial section when he gets a little bigger, but I just wanted to let you know I have had no reaction to Apollo even though I've been sitting with him in a closed section of the house for almost the whole week. He sleeps right by my face and I haven't even sneezed once, which is unbelievable. For someone that breaks out in welts when I touch some cats, that is so nice to know I can enjoy a feline companion.

He will be neutered on June 17, so I will also let you how it went after I let you know the results of his checkup Monday. I'm sure the vets here have never seen a Siberian before so Apollo can show off. :)


I just got Apollo home and settled after he was neutered today. It will certainly be difficult to keep him mostly still for a week to recover fully, but he is a tough little guy so I have no worries.

Thank you so much for bringing him into my life. We are a great match and he is such a friendly cat to even total strangers.
Oh, and I'm including updated pictures for your site if you want them.
Ali McCully

The boys are all settled in and great now. No problems! They have play dates and brother time and are very spoiled :)
Kelly Carter and Tripp
I LOVE all of your cats,but I thank you from the bottom of my heart for Mechta, a golden/black classic o/o Hanna x Nuri. Her name Dior Mechta means golden fantasy/ dream and she is all that and more!!! She is the most beautiful kitten in the world and this photo does not do her justice,but everyone who sees her in person fall in love. Mechta sleeps on the pillow by my head every night and sometimes on my chest. I honestly don't know how I made it this far in my life without her.
I also love Celeste & Arizona and I sure appreciate the fact that you are a DREAM to work with.
May God bless you abundantly.
MaryAnna Tygart

Hi Larry
W anted to let you know how wonderful Sunny is doing here. I love the little kittens (well in a couple of days Vixen will be one and Yori catches up in two week -- and they are getting bigger, for sure) but Sunny is "my girl". She is great and has a blast with the new guys as well, but she is still top cat - just ask her.

I especially wanted to let you know I got a postcard from your local vet as a reminder of her due date for shots. She actually had them all taken care of last week - getting a perfect bill of health as well. Everyone eats a mix of Life's Abundance dry food with a low cal/hi protein Science diet prescribed by the vet.

It was amazing to get notified by Sunny's home vet - thank you for making that happen in case I hadn't provided her history to our vet.

So thankful to you for getting her to us:)!
I'm attaching two pics of sunny with the other kittens at various ages. Sunny is marked a lot like his mom, Katya, and when Yori first ventured into the big house he sauntered blithely past Sunny at the end of the hall and was 5 feet past her when he realized she wasn't his mom - yikes!
It took less than a week for him to worm his way into Sunny's good graces and now they all play all the time.

I'm pretty sure if anything ever happens to my husband that I will truly become a total cat lady... and you know it'll be siberians.

BTW not a single client with cat allergies has ever shown any signs of being bothered by Sunny or the other kittens.

Sunny has been the most magnificent of kitties from the days she arrived on the plane. I am endlessly grateful to have found her, and that you were able to ship her out so quickly. I couldn't ask for any better kitty.
Thank you again.
Jo Anne Paynter

Hey, I figured I'd send you a picture of Tora!

I recently posted her picture on a site called Reddit and tons of people were saying how adorable she was.

I'll be sending better ones soon! My mother is a photographer and takes amazing pictures.
I just have to find the time to go over there for her to take some pictures!
Dallas Deason


Hi Larry!

Our beautiful Eddie needs a playmate so we would like to get her a little brother or sister. I see Nikki was due to deliver in February and was wondering if you would consider allowing Sean, McKenna and I to adopt another one of her kittens.

Let me know your thoughts on this. I have attached as few pictures of her so can see how wonderful she is.
Shannon Petty

Jan '13
Just wanted to let you know Yeti is doing great!! He is so stinking adorable. He loves to be brushed and lays in our arms like a baby begging for belly scratches. Here are a couple of pics of him on his kitty tower.
Neeta Cooper

Jan, '13
Hi Larry -

I was browsing your website as I do often, and wanted to reach out to let you know that our two kittens are doing just wonderfully. To remind you, we brought home Beau (son of Tatiana) and Grant (son of Halo) in June. They are sweeter and more playful than I could ever have imagined. Beau has unbelieveably strange habits - he likes to go into the shower and he washes his paws in his water bowl after using the litter box! I've included some pictures of them for you.
I hope all is well with you and your family and that you enjoyed the holidays. Chelsea Dodds

I think she's going to be happy here. She's warming up quite nicely.
Fiona & Ashlee


Dear Larry, Just got Nadia spayed Monday,
She is such a joy to me,
I have definately had a rough year first dealing with Breast Cancer then losing my wonderful husband of 32 yrs but she has been my companion and my "hope" therefore I want to name her" Kimberly's Nadia Koshka".

She weighs 4 and 1\2 lbs and has such a sweet personality and I am so thankful for finding you and to let this special gift from God into my heart.

I look forward to all the years we will have together.
Also I was in Petco buying her food when the May 2011 issue of Cat Fancy caught my eye because they feature the beautiful Siberian cat!!

I was so excited and your ad is also in it for breeders in the back.
I will treasure this issure forever!

God bless you for all you do for this most beautiful of Gods creatures!
Best wishes and many thanks,

Kim Berlinger (5/4/11)
Dec 27th 2012,
From Trey Roland

Thank you once again for being the special person to make a woman the happiest person on earth!!! Once again thank you so very much!!

Please let me know if you can not view the video

Trey got a little Pug puppyfor his wife. It was a total and welcome surprise as you can see from the video.

Dec 25, '12

Dear Larry,

I hope you and your loved ones are doing well!

Merry Christmas and happy 2013 in advance!

We would like to update you about our loved Monet & Renoir.
They are very sweet cats, two small purr machines, whenever we sit down, they come and jump on our laps, making themselves comfortable, purring and getting
ready to take a nap.
Although they are not from the same litter, they get along great, like brothers; and they have never had any problems using the litter box.
About allergies, I am ok, once in a blue moon I have running nose, nothing major, what is promply solved by brushing them and rubbing "Allerpet C for Cats" on their furcoat.
This is nothing compared to other breeds of cats.
My home is a happier place because of them!
Thank you for everything, Larry!

Big hugs,

Kelly, Anthony, Monet & Renoir

=^..^= =^..^=

*Do you remember that Renoir used to be bigger then Monet? Not anymore! :)

I just want you to know how much joy she has brought to our lives.

Barbara Powell, Fl.

Marishka has already taken a nap with my Dad on the big bed and is sleeping in her carrier with a new lovie blanket. She did use the box. But is still very wary of the new big sister that she smells under the door. It's so precious to see. If anyone on this planet can draw her out into her own it's my Mom. She had dogs, cats, chickens, a goat and a pig and cow in her childhood and all animals blossom in her care. Much like what I see with you. Thank you so much for this gift. Merry Christmas!!!
Erin Williams
Hi Larry. Just wanted to share some photos to show that these cats are great with dogs.
In case people think they don't get along with dogs. Here's some more proof.
Jacqueline Crider
Doggy sleep over, with kitty.

Dec. '12

Hi Larry,

Just wanted to give you an update on Rooster. We picked him up from you on July 5th. He was very timid when we first brought him home. But that lasted maybe 5 days at most. Since then he has been a very social and loving kitty. He loves to play with his toys, drink out of the goldfish pond, play fetch, play with leaves he finds from the plants near the fish pond, and here recently get in trouble for climbing in the Christmas tree.

He sleeps with us every night, and wakes us up early every morning (turns out, "Rooster" is a fairly appropriate name).

Below is a recent pic of him "helping" me with some paperwork. He's being a good paperweight anyway...

He's a beautiful and sweet cat. We just love him to death.

Candice Strong

Nov. 27, '12

Hey Larry,

Caeser is doing great at the house. My roommates and family adore him. He is honestly the sweetest kitten, loves to give kisses and will make sure always to lay right at your face. Ive had very little reaction to him and have completely fallen in love with him. He gets along with other dogs and cats. Thank you for everything and I will update often. Attached are two pictures!

- Elissa and Ryan Vohlers


Just dropping you a line to let you know that Sasha is fitting here here very well. She is extremely lovable and she enjoys riding with me to the studio every day.
Everyone who comes in the studio just adores her and thinks she is the most beutiful cat they have ever seen.
Every night, she sleeps on top of Hannah, curled up in her hair.
Sometimes I can't tell where she ends and Hannah begins! We are so very happy with her.

I have attached a digital painting of her that I created. Feel free to use it on your website if you want to!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
I never thought we would be able to let Hannah have a cat and we have had absolutely zero issues with allergies!!!

Thank you so much!! We have this wonderful little kitten home now. She is locked away from Micah who looks like a monster in comparison! I will stay downstairs with the kitten tonight and probably for about a week before we introduce them. She is a real sweetheart. She was purring and affectionate as soon as I got her out of the box - in the car on the way home. Her pictures don't do her justice - she is incredibly beautiful! We love the chocolate color on her back. Her face is really unique. We also love the long tufts at her ears and cheeks. I hope she will be happy here. Right now she has taken up residence under the bed. Hopefully by tomorrow she will be more comfortable. Thanks again, we love her already.
-Kimberle Jacobs in Richmond

Hi again, Larry!

I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how our sweet kitty is doing.

Kyle and I decided to name her Scout, because she's very adventurous and loves to explore. Her first vet appointment the week we got her went very well, and the doctor told us that she was the healthiest kitten he's seen in a long time. Since then, she's gotten so big! She loves to be held or sit on our shoulders, play fetch, and steal straws and pens to play with. She's also ridiculously smart - she's figured out how to open the doors in our apartment so she can sneak into our bedroom! Overall, she's a beautiful, fun kitty, and we're so lucky to have her!

She has an appointment on 11/13 to be spayed, so please let me know what we'll need to send you in order to get her papers.

Thanks again! We're very grateful to have such a fun and pretty kitten who's (almost) allergen-free!
Katy Good



Thanks for the offer on a return, but we have every intent of finding a way to keep her. We gave her a bath last night, which she tolerated without fuss, teeth, or claws, although we did get some accusatory looks. . . . . Patti hasn't had any further reaction last night or this morning, so we'll hope that resolves the issue. Yes, she is a purr machine and very affectionate, although she has discovered that it is fun to run around and make me catch her first--though if I'm too inefficient about it, she eventually flops over on her back and allows me to pick her up, or gets up on the cat tree where it is easy for me to pick her up.
Ben Withers

Katya continues to be a delight. I lay down for a nap on the sofa yesterday after work and she promptly jumped up and snuggled with me, purring her little heart out. Being a kitten, she didn't stay still for long and alternately crawled all over me, snuggled, wedged herself between my legs, and groomed me to her standard, One of the 2 attached pictures came as she was marching up my chest to butt my face with her head. The other one I thought just showed her beautiful coat and paws nicely.
Regards, Ben



Hi Larry, Serafina iis doing good. I didn't really want to get her fixed, bu decided that was best. She is beautiful. Her tail is absolutely huge!!!

Below is the Non-Cat Lover

Below Dec. 2012


Serafina is doing great. We currently have 12" of snow and I am curious to see how she would react to it! She has really been a great pet for us. As you know, my husband is not really a cat person. This is mainly because he has pretty bad allergies to cats. I also have allergies, but so far we have really not had any reactions to her. My husband won't admit it, but he loves her as much as I do. He is a night owl, and Serafina likes to curl up on the couch with him and watch TV late at night. Her favorite thing to do with me is to chase me all over the house! She will run after me and then hide from me so I will chase her. She is still a little scared of my 7 year old daughter, but she lets her carry her around sometimes. The best thing about her is that she likes all of us equally. She has the most unique personality, and she grows more trusting of us all the time. She is absolutely beautiful and I hope to be able to show her sometime. I have been thinking about getting another kitten, but I am not sure my husband is quite there yet!

Thanks so much,



Hi Larry, Koshka is growing up into a beautiful young lady. I have taught her to fetch. She is soooo cute. She has a feather toy that we play fetch with. She runs and gets it and brings it back and lays it right beside me. Some times she will play for a minute before bringing it back and I fall asleep. When I wake up, the toy is right beside me. She is very loveable and is quite the momma's girl, although, she has accepted Keith as poppa. I think she is in her first season. I have an outside cat that is a neutered male. He was neutered at an early age but, still knows he was once a tom cat. He is never allowed inside. The reason that I think she is in season, he sits at the patio door and cries in the mornings. She has descovered he is out there and watches him until he gets bored and walks away. We are very careful not to let him inside. Anyway, she is quite the teenager.


Sept '12
Hi Larry, Luke is becoming used to the children rather quickly now. We are keeping him in one room mostly to get him used to the other cat. He is now very comfortable in his room. He has a very loud purr and loves to be rubbed! Once again, we have all fallen in love with him and he is already part of the family.
In addition my daughter with allergies has not shown any indication of having a reaction to him.
Thanks again,
Shelley Gibson


Mishap and Luca, napping


Oct '12
Here is a recent photo of our allergic daughter with Luca. She has had no issues with her allergies since Luca arrived. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. We followed the instructions from your link regarding how to introduce a new kitten to another cat in the household and it worked like a charm. They play and nap together all day long. Luca is beautiful, mellow, snuggly kitten. We couldn't be any happier with our new family member!
Shelley Gibson


Aug. '12
Larry, just wanted you to know that Dear Felix has become quite a little pest (and we mean that in the kindest way possible) since I last emailed you. Anytime my husband or I sit down Felix is right there in our lap, climbing up to look us in the eye, etc. He is so lovable and loving to us as well. Such a delight!! Thank you for such a wonderful addition to our family. PS: our grandchildren adore him as well and he is slowiy warming to them. Their loudness and fast movements still freak him out occasionally but I can foresee the day that he will ride in the pretend shopping cart and be the "son" of our petite shopper (granddaughter)! Jenny
Jennifer Riner

Aug '12
Hi Larry, As promised, here's a few pics of the kitten. He's so incredibly affectionate and has a huge personality. My family got to meet him, and fell for him immediately. Best regards,
Lauren Anderson



July '12

She's been doing good :). We were worried at first when she wouldn't eat or use the litter box, but she cleared those hurdles yesterday. She and Micah aren't friends yet, but they're not trying to kill each other either. She is talkative; I think she is still looking for all her friends from Texas.

We had a vet check her out to see if she picked anything up on the way here from other animals or from stress. She's really healthy and has no fleas or other bugs :) Once she calmed down, she sleeps like a log and really loves being held and sleeping on laps.


Hello Larry,

I just wanted to share this video with you of our calico kitten, Banshee. She's a talker and loves to follow us around and have conversations. She has grown so much since we first got her, and is very cuddly and sweet ;).
Dec 2, '12




June '12

Hi Larry!

Bella is a year old now, & I just had to let you know that she is the greatest cat and pet we have ever had! We all adore her! She has the best personality, she is so sweet & easygoing, yet she's full of energy & keeps us laughing constantly. She loves to play & finds the oddest places to nap (& yes, she still sleeps on top of the curio clock often). She adores & has bonded with Abby, our 10 year old daughter. Abby carries her throughout the house, & Bella just purrs. She's very affectionate, and very low maintenance. We comb her every week, she just loves it. She purrs loud & lets us get under her chin & rolls over to comb the other side, it's hilarious to watch. :) When Jess & Abby are at school & work, she's great company for me, esp. now that I have a chronic condition and am stuck home often. She really helps lift not only my spirits, but my husband & daughters too! She has to be in the same room with us, but is independent enough to let me knit or do stuff while she's near. And best of all - she is hypoallergenic!!! Abby is very allergic to both cats & dogs, and hasn't even had a sniffle with Bella, and we've owned her for 8 months now! Everyone at the Vet Clinic raved over her health & beauty, and my cousin thought she was the softest cat she's ever petted. She has many if not all of the Siberian traits, too; she's obsessed with water (see pic of her in the sink, she's there often, & loves to put her toys in her water bowl), will greet us at the door, and has even played fetch with us! If anyone is even thinking of getting one of these gorgeous cats, please let them know you have the most satisfied customers in the world in the Miller household! We are so happy to finally have our forever pet, and feel indebted to you for giving us such a great quality Siberian!
Lol, she is big! And not fat at all, all fur & thick, healthy Siberian muscle & frame! :) She is gorgeous, too, I wish I could've taken a better picture so you could see her coloring. She has the thickest raccoon tail I've ever seen. :)
We haven't been able to keep a pet this long with Ab's allergies, nor have we been so in love & impressed with a pet EVER! I told myself if we still had her at a year old, I'd send you the best testimony I could. :)
And if you can't tell, she kinda likes us too. :)
You could even have potential customers call me if you ever wanted to,
I can't say enough about how perfect Bella is!
Thank you Larry, from the bottom of our hearts!
Take care!

Bella's doing great! We took our first vacation without her for 3-4 days, she did fine! She got into my Q-tips, they were all over my bathroom, plus the bathroom shower mat & scale were moved around, so she must've had a blast in there, lol! She has been very excited running around, & extra loving since we got home. :) HA!
Btw, we're taking care of our neighbor's 2 cats while they're on vacation (at their house).
Ab petted one of them today for less than 5 minutes, & started sneezing like crazy.
She had to go home & wash her hands immediately. More proof ours is hypoallergenic. :)

Oct, -12

Hi Larry!

We are still enjoying every minute with Bella, I can't believe we've had her for a year now! :) She is doing great, just got her 1 yr rabies shot & another clean bill of health at the vet. :) We are going to be moving to Florida next year, probably in June. We have been considering adding another Siberian cat or kitten at that time, but I did want to ask you about the 7 month old torbie available now for $350. I don't think we'd have any allergy issues, I was more wondering about her personality & if you think she'd make a good fit in our family, & if you had thoughts about purchasing a kitten before the move vs after.

We LOVE Bella, & she is SO calm & laid back (yet SO healthy & crazy too), we don't want to rock her boat with an addition. Yet she is all Abby's cat (our 10 yr old), & I admit, it'd be nice to have a cat that was more mine. :) Jess is currently in Afghanistan, he'll be gone until Feb., so once again, lots of stuff going on now, not sure now is the time to do this, but I did want to ask about your teenage cat. I'm looking for a lapcat that would hang with me more. Bella's awesome, she plays with Ab like a dog, & is very lovey, but she does not get on the couch or bed often, is very independent & is super low maintenance. I don't want high maintenance, but a little more loving would be neat for me.

Please let me know what the teen's personality's like & if you think she'd be a fit for us, or any advice you have on adding a cat now vs later, or if at all. Again, Bella leads a VERY good life here, & we also are nervous to get another, b/c she's so perfect we don't think we could get that again, lol! We think the torbie's kinda neat looking, & would love to help her with a good home if we can. If not, we might be calling you next year for another Siberian. Attached are some recent Bella pics. :)

Thanks so much!




July 12
Hey Larry, Just wanted to share a couple of pictures with you.
The new kitten has made himself at home, and is doing well.
After a few days he was antagonizing the older cat, and had full reign of the house.
Hope things are well with you.
Regards, Chris

Larry, (2/5/13)

Just checking in, and letting you know that we could not be happier with the cats we got from you. We've had Toc (the original gray kitten we got from you) for over a year now, and in the past 2 months he has really come out of his shell. He used to be pretty shy, and would stay hidden if we had anyone over. Now he's all over everyone, and can't be brushed enough. Squint, our color point, has been the biggest fur ball of energy either of us have seen. I'm typing this from the office, and he's actually sitting right next to me purring up a storm.


June '12
Hi Larry,
First of all EVERYONE is in love with Luna.I'll send you a picture of our granddaughter with her. You"ll see they both look like they are in heaven :-) she is theq cuddliest cat ever!

Thanks again for everything!

We are so happy with her!!!
Looking forward to seeing you again in mid July.

Rikki Slayton

They are doing great now!!! So much fun for all of us :-) Caspian was a big hit at the Vet. Dr. Herbert said " Luna is a really beautiful cat, but Caspian... He is SPECTACULAR!!!" He checked out well to. I'll send better pictures.
Thanks again for our new little loves.

They really are gorgeous!!! His color and facial markings are amazing - especially with his big round green eyes. His head is the big round shape too. If he liked other people besides us touching him, I have no doubt he could be a champion. They are both cuddle kitties with us, but run from everyone else. They have been such an incredible blessing in our lives. We can't thank you enough for helping them be born!

One year ago you helped this gorgeous guy be born into our

world! We can't thank you enough for the blessing he is in our lives!!!

Look how large they are getting 11/12

June '12
These are some picts of Obie on our summer trips. We keep the harness on him @ all times in the truck, then just clip the lead on when we take him outside.
Linda Goen

June '12
Hi Larry! Just wanted to let you know that we love our new kittens to death. They have two very different personalities – the red one is very playful and sporadic while the dark one is calmer and cuddlier. They both love to be held and sleep on top of our pillows every night. The darker one is still much smaller than the red one, but he is eating well and going to the bathroom regularly. They have a check up with our vet tomorrow – will let you know how that goes. We will send picture updates soon. Thanks for taking care of them – they are wonderful. Best, Chelsea Dodds



July, '12

Hey Larry!
So, I am so in love with this kitten and definitely want a young playmate for him! I'd like to give you a deposit on Paypal and (if its ok with you) just ask you to hold it til you have another gold tabby male available (like Bella's beautiful female). My older domesticate is great with Atti, but she's not as accepting of having another female in the house, so would really like to hold out for another little boy:-) Let me know if this would work for you. Thanks! Atticus is such a delight.....we could not be happier with him!
Hope all is well with you!

June, '12

Just wanted to send a few pics (there will be plenty to follow!). Went for "Atti's" checkup, and final booster shot, with our vet this AM. Doc said he looked like a very healthy little kitty and they adored him! Had to "pry him" from the hands of the office manager to bring him home(haha). I am so in love with this guy. He has adjusted so beautifully!

Will be in touch again soon. I have been worried about your temps in Texas. Will continue praying for some relief from the heat/dryness!
Take care.....Lynn

April, '12

Hi Larry

Just wanted to thank you for the "heads up" on Life's Abundance cat food.
We received our first shipment this week and when I mixed it in with the Evo, my eighteen year old domestic DOVE into the bowl like it was a steak dinner (haha).
So anxious to receive our kitten in June...can't wait to meet him and if there is any possibility of an updated picture occasionally I would REALLY appreciate it!
Don't know if you give them 'temporary' names before they go home but FYI I'm naming him "Atticus (Finch)". Love literary names for my feline babies:-)

My boy is fitting in so nicely and is just a pleasure to be with.....SO CUTE! We have several pet water fountains around the house (including my bedroom where he spends the night). He has developed a regular routine of splashing in it every morning after he gets up and munches on some dry food. Lovely "alarm clock" (haha). A few new pics below (he's obviously also discovered the kitchen sink!!!)

Atticus loves hanging out in Gatsby's old 'spot' in the bedroom...think he might know how much that kitty meant to me:-)
Thanks again!
Lynn (Linda) Pines

Yep, they are lap cats.


11/10/12  Hi Larry
Just wanted to let you know that Atticus (Atti) was neutered on Friday and is doing just beautifully. His latest weight was nearing 10 lbs. and is such a special, affectionate (but on his terms....haha) kitten. This picture is several weeks old, but looks pretty much the same right now.
And, you'll see below, his 'little' brother is no 'slouch' in the weight department either (lol)

Macavity (Mac) was 7.5 at last weigh in a couple of weeks ago. He's (obviously) gorgeous, affectionate and a delight just like his brother. Thanks again for such wonderful creatures! Hope all is well with you! Lynn


March 2012:

Hello Larry,
Misha has made a big splash. The staff at the vet's office all turn turns holding him. He got his rabies shot and a clean bill of health. The groomers, boarding and day play staff all loved on him. He has been introduced to the building employees and the upstairs neighbors. OK, I was showing off. Misha purrs and kneads every time he is picked up. He took 2 naps with me in the recliner. He just wants to rub and snuggle with Peanut, the 8 lb Maltepoo. At one point, he rooted under the dogs back leg looking for a nipple. My only concern at this time is his refusal to eat. He has urinated but has not had a stool. Was he still housed with a lactating female and sneaking some milk? Should I get some formula or a bottle? He is clearly comfortable with us. He does look for his kitty companions and cry out, but is easily contented with holding and petting. He is perfect. We are very happy with our new family member. I am taking and editing pictures and will send you a few of the best.

Oct. '12
Good news. Misha weighs 8.25 lbs. His vet is pleased with his size and development.
Kitna hissed and bit at me when I combed her, but let me finish the grooming. An hour later she was in my lap. Maybe it's menopause mood swings. I have started my volunteer work at the SPCA. After 20 hours I can train for the clinic and have direct contact with the animals. Hope you and your kingdom are healthy and happy. Take care, Suzanne


Squirrel Watch and the Queen, Kitna.


March, '12

Ollie joined our family Dec. 16, 2011 and Teddy arrived on March 16, 2012. Our family never dreamed of having two cats that are so loving and sweet. I have been an allergy sufferer for years and have no reactions to this breed of cat.
It is such a wonderful feeling to be greeted at the door by Ollie and Teddy and we love watching them interact and play with each other. Our daughters are thrilled that their dream of having cats has come true.
Kristen Blanco

I remember you said he was the largest in the litter. Look at him at 11 months.


Below is Ziggy at 9 months.
He is so sweet and gorgeous. Most beautiful green eyes.

Ollie May 2013, such a sweet and good natured cat, but more of al oner and the dominant one.

Dec, 2013

Greetings from CT! I haven’t talked to you in awhile so I wanted to check in and see how everything was going. Here is a picture of my oldest daughter Melissa with Ollie. Ollie was the first cat we got from you in Dec. of 2011!



March 2013,
Ziggy, Teddy, and Ollie, the three best boys a girl could have. Ziggy may have been the runt, but he is the biggest now!

Sept, 2012
This is Ziggy, the newest addition.

Things are going well! Ziggy got so excited when he saw our other cats and went running to them. Ollie and Teddy seem a little scared of him which is funny. He wanted to come out of his room today and he has been exploring all around the house. Girls are able to pick him up and he is okay with that.
Take care!
Kristen and the girls

May 2013,
Ziggy has really warmed up to me and the girls. Still afraid of my husband and house guests. Lol



May '12

Hi Larry!

Just so you know (& I'll write you a testimonial email probably next month), Bella LOVES the Life Abundance dry food! She immediately quit eating Royal Canin, & so far, hasn't had any issues since! She refuses the wet food, lol, like I suspected, but next time I order I'll start ordering the dry food on a schedule so I can get it at a better price. And as for the wet food, I'm going to continue the Fancy Feast, & I'm buying another Kitty Bloom vitamin powder for her tonight, too. :) We don't feed her table scraps, but when we eat steak, chicken, or pork chops, we always give her a tiny bit of raw meat, which she loves. Hopefully, this will solve her IBS, but I'm already glad to know she's getting better nutrition with the LA.

Attached is a picture of Bella, hanging out in all her glory. She's so fluffy! :)

Thanks again for all your help!
Lynn Miller


June 8, 12

The girls are settling in wonderfully. They are endlessly fascinating with their antics, both James and I couldn't be happier with them! They are starting to learn their names and come when called. They are also learning "no" too. We have gone ahead and gotten everything we need to bring the male kitten home as well. We have decided on a name for him. He will be Zolotoe Zatmenie (Golden Eclipse), ZZ for short. We are just so excited to have all three of them to grow and learn with!
Thank you again for such wonderful kittens, and for all your help. I've included a picture of the girls snuggling together. We look forward to seeing you again next week!



Feb 14th, 2012:

Hi Larry I have been meaning to contact you to let you know that Yuri has really settled in .
He is such a love bug just like you said.
Ruby and him are always together.
Ruby wanted to wish you a Happy Valentines Day.
My daughter took this photo and we had to share with you.
I'll send more photos of the two of them soon.
Best - Lisa Bankson

Nov. 18, '12

Hi Larry

It has been along time and I am sorry to read about what is going on with you breeders.
I hope it never comes to a point where they do not allow those who are responsible animal lovers to breed these wonderful kittens for those of us who otherwise could never own cats.

You were 100% correct about Yuri – the males really are love bugs. He has turned into the most affectionate cat. It is hard to believe he was so shy. He was 2 years old on November 16th.
Ruby loves his company although she will never admit it. He follows her around doing everything and I mean everything she does hence his nickname FOMO – Fear of Missing Out.
Sometimes I do feel bad for Ruby but she lets him know when enough is enough.

He really grew into a beautiful cat and his tail – well all I can say is “that is some tail”.
I thought you would enjoy this photo of him doing what he does best – relaxing..

I hope you are well and have to admit it is very hard to look at the available kittens and even your older retirees and not want another.


Lisa Bankson

Above is Ruby, Below is Yuri

March 6, 12
great night - she climbed all over me in bed for a while - purred and purred and gave kisses. But in the end, mostly she found what is apparently a good kitty place to sleep most of the night. If I had to visit the bathroom, she was always there, but generally went back to sleep again afterwards. Today I opened 75% of the house to her - it has a huge tall cat tree - big south-facing windows, kitchen and a few more bathrooms. She explored it all and is comfy around me, and anxious to help with whatever I'm doing at the time. Definitely perked up her ears when I opened the wet food - went right over and tasted it. Then back to exploring... it's what cats do best:) thank you very much for Sunny. I promise that I'm smitten and I know Frank will be when he returns home. What a great girl!.
jo anne

May '12
Hi Larry

Thought it was about time I updated you on Sunny's settling in here. She is so fun and happy here. She spends most nights up on the high walkway around 2 sides of our ceiling, backlit by low wattage bule lights and curled up next to the router for our wireless network.

During the day she hounds whoever is home to love on her - flopping on the ground in front of you and rolling over and chirping at you for loves. She lays next to me on the couch for TV time and crashes off to sleep with her front paws wrapped around my hand. She loves to play fetch with her mice. And stores the favored mouse toys in her food dish at night - guess she thinks they need to eat as well.

I ordered the dry food and a case of wet food for her originally, but she really doesn't like the wet food at all, but is perfectly fine on the dry. I think I renewed my order (wanted to just be the dry kibble and not the wet too, but could't figure out how to make that happen...) to be sent out again on the 23rd of April, but no food has showed up to date and she's pretty low on dry food. Can you help with the shipment so we get it soon, or give me advice on how to make that happen soon.

I'll get Frank to transfer pics of her in our high transom windows soon to send to you.

Thank you for such a wonderful kitten. She is so good for brushing, nail clipping, traveling - anything!!!!

We're looking forward to getting an 11 week tabby girl and a 13 week old tabby boy the end of the first full week of June. I know Sunny will let them know who the boss is, but my money says by the end of the first of 2nd month, she mothers them both:)

jo anne

siberian cat
Larry, You sold us a Siberian kitten a few months ago, and I just wanted to let you know he has grown a lot
and is doing well. We couldn't be happier with the little guy, and as you can tell from the picture, he has established himself as king of our little castle. http://s233.photobucket.com/albums/ee264/
chriskappen_photos/?action=view¤t=DSC_0001- 1.jpg
Chris and Sarah Kappen
Dec. 17th, '11
Hi Larry, How are you? Ollie arrived safely and so far so good. My husband said he meowed on the car ride home, but otherwise he was fine. He came out of the carrier right away and has been exploring ever since. He peed in the litter box, drank some water, and had a few bites of food. He runs away from all of us, but we expected that. What an absolute cutie he is and we are so happy.
Thanks again.
You are the BEST.

siberian cat 

siberian   cat

Dec. 7, 11
Just a quick update.
Lilly is definitely warming up to us. She lays on our laps & relaxes so much easier. She's eating well &
playing. She's been exploring throughout the house, but seems to favor the room we're in and returns to be with us.
Brissa (our daughter) loves to be with her & has already taken on the responsibility of feeding her & keeping her litter boxclean.
I look forward to coming home to her & I relax when I see and hold her. It's been great!
We're enjoying every minute with her.
She's been the perfect addition to our little family! Here are a few pictures. Brissa can't get enough of her.
Monica Mendoza


Dec. 2011:

Chris Hubbard's kitten, Munchranch Ashke,
Best of Breed. Dec. Corpus Christi cat show.
Feb 14th, 2012:
Larry – I just want to thank you for allowing me the privilege of not only owning one of your magnificent kittens , but also allowing me to take him out to compete in the magical (and often confusing) worlds of TICA and CFA. It is an honor to have your cattery name appear as part of Ashke’s full name, Munchranch Vanyel Ashkevron, (kind of a mouthful don’t you think?) in the show catalogs and even more importantly the Regional and International Breed and Kitten Standings. Ashke has been a pure pleasure to show, winning over some of the most stubborn judges to his side. He continues to show not only other Siberian breeders and members of the general cat fancy, but to the general public as well, that Siberians come in ALL colors and patterns and that even a minority color/pattern can meet the Breed Standard. He has received numerous Best of Breed, has placed in All Breed and Specialty Finals in every show he has been entered in. Back in January at a TICA show in Vinton, LA, he placed in 11 of 16 finals. There was only one other kitten that made as many finals. Just this past weekend in Killeen, TX at another TICA show, he made 4/12 finals against a great group of kittens including his very first Best Kitten All Breed against some of the highest nationally and regionally ranked kittens. Today marks his 7th month birthday so I only get to show him one or two more times as a kitten, but I look forward to continue to show him as an adult. Thanks again for allowing me to own the sweetest Siberian kitten I’ve had the pleasure of bringing home(don’t let Sasha, Bogdan, or Aleksey read this) as well as entrusting me to represent your cattery and the breed we both love so much. Here are a couple of pictures. I think you may have sold me the worlds laziest cat. Every picture I seem to take is of him sleeping. Or in a show ring doing what he does best, winning.

Thank you,
Chris Hubbard

siberian cat

18th best All Breed kitten SC region so we got an RW.
Best of breed Siberian kitten SC
8th best Siberian kitten Internationally

Best of Breed kitten Region 3

Couldn't have done it without you!

I am pleased to inform you that
in South Central Region for the 2011-12
show season with 4470 points.

Dec. 2012


Dec. 3, 11

Hi Larry, I just wanted to let you know how well Noelle has joined our little animal kingdom. When I am home I have a small gate at the cats room (aka my bedroom). This allows them to come out and hang with the dogs and leave the dogs whenever they choose. Noelle recently decided she was ready to come out and now she is all over the place :-) This picture is her new spot on the guinea pig's cage. She finds them quite entertaining :-). I explained to her very soon she will be too big to sit up there. My vet office loves her. We are going to spay at five months to avoid any heat cycles. I switched my dogs and cats to Life Abundance food. They all love it. My cats also get a big can of wet food morning and night. I'm trying to teach Noelle that she doesn't have to sit in the food! My vet looked up the food and likes it too. Well I just thought I'd touch base with you and let you know how she is doing. She gets along great with all my other cats too! Have a very happy holiday season and thank you again for beautiful Noelle!


Nov. 26, 11

Hello! We love Mia so much. She is a sweet cat!
She loves to eat so we have to be careful with that.
We got your package of food in the mail. She likes the food.

She steals food from our 75 pound lab if she gets the chance.
She actually runs him out of the room! Funny!
Anyway, she was fixed 2 weeks ago and we wanted to see about getting her papers.
Thanks for introducing us to Mia! :)
Tami Merchant


Just wanted to update you on Mia. Mia is a wonderful little girl.

She is such a complement to our household. Each morning she watches our two boys get ready for their day and at night she is just so much fun. Her favorite game is hide and seek.

Now that she is 8 months old - we thought we would send you a few more pictures.

Thanks again,

Tami Merchant


Nov. 15, 11

By the way, our little cat is settling in beautifully - see the attached picture. His name is "Teddy", and my daughters adore him!!
Do you have any current or upcoming litters? Thanks!
Sunday Riley

Nov. 15, 11
Hey Larry. Just wanted to report back in. The Kitty is doing great! He is not nearly as scared of us anymore - he loves to play and be petted. We started opening Skylar's door for a while starting Saturday and he ventures out and explores. He is very sweet; he hardly even meows - but he has a big purr when you are petting him! So far so good on the scratching - he is only scratching his posts. He is a great cat and Skylar is in heaven!
Just wanted to let you know all is good and everyone is happy!
Karen Gardner

Oct. 31, 11
Hi Larry! I just wanted to let you know that we got our cat, Bellatrix (or Bella or Bell) Friday night. We adore her!
My husband picked her up at the airport, she was quiet the 2 hr car ride home.
We had our utility room ready for her, she preferred to hang out on the side of the dryer, but after a couple hours we were able to get her to play with us from behind the door. :)
The next day our 9 yr old, Abby, was able to coax her out into the living room by petting her.
She loves to be petted, and even though she was nervous about her new surroundings, we could tell she wasn't overly scared or jumpy.
We can't get over how beautiful she is. She looks so healthy and is so soft, she reminds us of a small lion or tiger with her big paws and fur.
We haven't had her even 48 hours yet, and she's out of the utility room and willing to have us play with her & pet her often.
We still give her her space, and she loves to explore the new house. She's already used the litter box and ate & drank too.
I can tell she loves her new home already, and all three of us are in love with her.

Abby has had absolutely NO allergic reaction to her whatsoever.
She is very affectionate with all three of us, especially Abby. She has a loud purr and seems very content.

Thank you for all your help choosing the right cat for us, you nailed it! :)
We were very apprehensive about buying a hypoallergenic cat, and have never spent that much on a pet, either, but she is so worth it!

My daughter could not pet her best friend's cat for more than 5 minutes without having a bad allergic reaction, and we now have Bella in our house without so much as a sniffle!

She has the sweetest personality EVER, plus she is so healthy and gorgeous too!
We are SO grateful to finally have our forever pet!

Tomorrow I'm going to take her to the Vet for her check up, and we're going to have her microchipped too.
She actually came up to me and sat on my lap for the first time last night (usually we have to coax her to come to us).
She purred & slept there until I went to bed. We've now opened up the whole house to her.
She seems to be having a great time checking it out, and Jess found her on top of the curio clock sleeping this morning, lol!
We're glad she's made herself at home. Also, she's been using her scratching post/tree to scratch, and an old rug to scratch, too, which is perfect, so no issues there, either! Please let me know if there's anything we can ever do for you, and hopefully I'll get a good picture of Bella & Abby soon!
Abby & I looked up your Bella today! She looks like a sweetie. We also saw pics of our Bella's parents. They're beautiful too! And yes, Bella uses her cat tree to climb to the top of the bookcase, then walks across the bookcase to the curio clock. We used to have more picture frames on top of the bookcase, but we only have 3 up there now so she can easily access "her" clock. :)

I just want you to know how thrilled we are with Bella, and I think she likes us a lot, too. :) We just can't thank you enough for our new family addition!
Thank you!!! :) Lynn (& Jess & Abby)

May 17th, '12
Hi Larry! Bella is doing great! I've been trying to wait until she's a year old before sending you a picture & testimonial, lol!
Only one month left! :) But just so you know, she is the GREATEST cat we have EVER owned, & not only do we all adore her, but she adores us & her life too! :)
She's still as hypoallergenic as ever, & is Abby's best friend.
Jess is in Afghanistan now, & Bella has been such a stress reliever for Abby & I, plus I seriously think she's the happiest cat I've ever known.


Sept. 21, 11
Hello Larry!
I just wanted to send you some recent photos of Dempsey. He is growing like a weed & is spoiled rotten.
Everything is going very well, except the little stinker really likes to bite. At night, he jumps on the bed and bites your ears, toes, and hands.
I know he’s just playing, but soon those little teeth will be big teeth and I don’t want him to continue to bite.
Any suggestions on how to curb this desire? It certainly isn’t a lack of toys.
He has more toys than Quaker has oats.
Everything I’ve read says to choose one particular word to say to them when they do something they’re not supposed to, which we use “NO” in a firm voice, but it only phases him for a second and he proceeds to do it again.
Have a good day!
Angie Day
Sept. 21, 11

Hi, Larry!
Just wanted to let you know all is well with our little angel! She and Blitz are warming up to each other, although when he moves unexpectedly, she still gives him a hiss or swipe! :-)
As I am typing this, she is sleeping in my lap! What a joy this little girl is, thank you so much for such a super kitten! I find I am getting lots of desk work done, because I am reluctant to wake up the "sleeping beauty!" Ha!
Also, allergies seem to be okay so far. It was definitely a cold the family had that first week or so, what timing though!!
Anyway, just wanted to share a couple of these photos, not the best quality,
but pretty hilarious all the same!
Take good care,

Valerie Porter



Aug. 21, 12- a year later from Valerie Porter

Good morning, Larry!  


I have been meaning to email or call you for a while now and life has been on fast forward!! We are pretty, pretty sure Tashi is pregnant! Yeah! I noticed about a week ago that her nipples seemed to have pinked and she has lately looked a bit plumper around the middle and feeling a little tighter in the belly. She is eating like a little horse!

While we were there, she felt Tashi and thinks that she may have felt 4 little ones in there. We are so excited!! Alletta asked if she could go with me to the vet and she also got an earful from the vet and her technician.
They are very dedicated to tending to feral cat colonies in Houston, so they were not one bit pleased to see me breeding Tashi.
I tried to gently remind her that Andrew can't live with just any cat in his house and that we wanted this special event for our family.
Alletta was surprised by their "cattitude" so I had to explain to her after we left that their perspective is a little different than ours.
I also pointed out to Alletta that the vet herself has several Yorkshire Terriers, so she must be thankful for responsible breeders at some point! :-)

Having said that, they were very supportive about her impending delivery and told me to call to let them know when she went into labor and that they would be there (during normal business hours) if we needed anything. Of course, me being me, I'm sooooo excited but now also getting nervous, hoping I am up to the task of safely bringing these babies into the world!

So, anyway, I just wanted to update you on everything. We are so very excited and so very blessed to have you helping our family with all of this. I am so grateful that we have gotten to know you and have been able to bring Tashi into our lives. You have enriched us all beyond words, so I continue to thank you for all you've done for us as a family.

I have attached a bunch of pictures of our sweet girl… thought you would enjoy seeing and maybe you could use one or two on your website. Tashi is a gorgeous, sweet, funny girl and I want all your prospective families to know how wonderful you and your kitties are!!

Take good care and we will keep you posted on our progress!!                       

Photos below are of Tashi today.


Sept 23 , '11
Hi there!
I wanted to let you know everything is going great & Collin's not having any issues - So Great!
He named him Kai, pretty unique :).
I have many pics, Kai is the sweetest kitten and is now running our house ( love it )..
He's couldn't be more perfect for the kids..
I'm beyond happy!!
Shannon Easton :)

Oct. 24th, '11
Thank you for sending the registration application.
Malishka is recovering well after surgery. I was able to be with her in the operating room and watched the entire procedure and held her while she was waking up from anethesia. That was a special experience I'll always remember!!!

Thank you for breeding such wonderful felines. Malishka is beautiful and has an exceptional personality. She brings us loads of love and entertainment. She is a 20 on a scale of 1 to 10!
I am putting together a photo album and was wondering if you might have pictures of Malishka's siblings to share.
Have a wonderful day...
Sharon Caruso

Happy New Year, Larry!
Joe and I wish you the best year ever in 2012!

The kittens are enjoying each other. I'm so glad Malishka's sister was available for us. We decided to name her after their mother.
Alissa is so sweet, playful and perfect for Malishka.

I love telling the story about my not being
able to have a cat since I got married
due to Joe's allergies
and then we discovered Siberians
and, well, you know the rest of the story...



Dear Larry, His appetite is very good. I feed him canned only during the day, the Royal Canin kitten and some Nature's Variety Instinct grain-free formula , and he likes it. He's getting huge! I'm going to weigh him tomorrow . I'm guessing he's doubled in size!
His coat is so soft and shiny, starting to get a gold streak down his back, and he's gorgeous.
He loves to play with his toys, sometimes he even fetches like a dog--
I throw his happy moppy ball, and he brings it back to me to throw again.
He likes to run around a lot, fetching and playing soccer, then he just passes out for a nap.
He's very sweet-natured, and curious about everything. His name is Andrei, by the way. 

Good night,


Hi Larry,
I just wanted to write and tell you how hard we have fallen for Boris. He is a joy and a continuous source of amusement.
The big white dog is Izzy and she has taken quite a "motherly" role toward little Boris.
I wanted to thank you again for meeting me so quickly and being so accommodating. I needed the cat NOW and you were very nice about driving out on a Friday night.
Our friends, Mike and Sharon are equally infatuated with Natasha.
I will continue recommending you to all of our friends! Take care!
Soraya Myers

and here is a photo of Sophie (adpoted her May '12) and Boris .

Eliza did great today- no sign of pawing at her mouth. The vet says she's healthy- no mites, stool samples came back clean. Do I need to send you a copy of her check up?

She's really settling in today, now that she got to be home for a full 24 hours! I love her to pieces, My mom dotes on her, and my dad (who's *very* allergic to cats) has reported no problems with her. He's in shock, even though I warned him he might *not* be allergic this time!  He's held her quite a few times now, of his own accord. :)
She loves chicken, ham and goats milk.

All the best,

p.s. Eliza is great for my new health regime- instead of getting up at 6a.m., Eliza is pushing me to do even more earlier and is waking me up at 4a.m. I do hope she'll let me slack off and sleep in until 5a.m. soon though. ;D She *is* better than an alarm clock- a nice warm purring beats a buzzer any day!


Eliza March, '12 almost a year later.


Hi Larry,
Thought I would include a few updated pictures of Mickey. He is such a love - and a wonderful addition to our home! He is so friendly to everyone who comes into our home.

He even plays so very well with our 90 pound dog - the bean bag chairs are their favorite spot to play.

Hope you are doing well and everything is surviving the heat.

Thank you again for our new member of the family!

Most Sincerely,


Hi Larry
He is here and breautiful.so cute!...He is getting used to the place and the introduction to Rocky went amazingly well.,
Rocky was VERY curious to know what the meowing was…he saw and smelled him from the carrier and hissed at him about 4 times…then a while later I took him out of his carrier and they started getting used to each other.
I have had them in the spare bedroom for the last 2 hours together.
It seems that Rocky is DYING to play with this guy, but the little one is a bit scared of him and doesn’t quite know what to. do……

He runs under the couch, Rocky chases him, and Rocky tries to play footsies with him…very cute…
I think since Rocky is being so open about it, they may have a great relationship ahead of them…
I’ll tell u one thing, this little one is pretty brave….

Rocky is loving his new playmate!....Balboa is a constant companion to my 2 year old Rocky and he really watches out for the little one! You should really tell all of your purchasers that they are so much happier in pairs, with company!

Thanks! He’s adorable! .............Rose


I can't thank you enough for the kitten. He has touched our hearts and won over anyone who has meet him.
I couldn't have dreamed of a more beautiful, relaxed, LOVING, and perfect companion.
He even has his own pillow above our heads that he sleeps on at night.
Yes, he has already trained me not the other way around.
Hope all is well and I will get back with you as soon as I can.

Warm regards,
Pierce Bradford



Hi Larry,

I'm so sorry for not writing to you sooner! I've been meaning to email you, we've just been having so much fun playing with him it completely slipped my mind.

We decided to name him Duke and he is absolutely wonderful! He's very curious, playful, and loving. I can't believe how quickly he has adapted to us and his new home. He was nervous when he first arrived but by the end of the day he was exploring the house and purring in our laps, he's even started to follow us around the house.

I already love him and cannot thank you enough for bringing Duke into our lives. Attached a few pictures of him.

Thank you again so much!



7/12/11:  From Tina Raft

Hi Larry, sending a photo of our little road kitty! We're all getting away from the heat and enjoying cool Michigan weather.
Henry & Hobbs r best buds now and were the best troopers during our road trip



Hi Larry,
sorry to bombard you with photos - am sending one of H & H. Henry takes very good care of Hobbs, he's cleaning him here. Hobbs loves it, he usually falls asleep. Both are doing great. Henry has tripled in size and hobbs is still much smaller, both are very loving and love being with the boys! Stay cool!



2/20/13 From Tina Raft

Hello Larry,

I hope you are doing well and still enjoying the Texas heat! I'm not sure if you remember me, I purchased two kittens from you about 2 years ago, Henry and Hobbs (we call him Hobbies) when we still lived in Texas (Houston). Just wanted to send some photos, they have grown into such beautiful cats and are enjoying life in Chicago very much! Henry has grown into quite a big cat and has a king size personality to go along with his size. He loves my younger son and they can always be found hanging out on the couch together during Henry's sleepy times. Henry loves high places and has figured out how to get onto every high platform in our house. Hobbs is much smaller than Henry and is always looking for something to do! He sleeps much less than Henry and is very playful. I think I'm his favorite person and he'll follow me around the house throughout the day and is always up for sleeping on me when he can! They like to play and chase eachother around, it used to be that Henry started all the chasing but now Hobbs just pounces on Henry and sometimes Henry will play and other times he's just too tired. They both love chasing milk rings and they hide them under all of the rugs so every couple of weeks I find all these milk rings scooped up under several rugs we have around the house.

Thank you again for such beautiful cats, they are very loving and we're so happy to have them in our lives.

Take Care,
Tina Raft

from Tina raft, 2 years later.

Hi Larry!

It's been a long time since I've sent you a pic of Henry & Hobbs so I thought I'd send one. I got them from you in 2011 when we lived in Houston, you may remember we moved to Chicago about 3 years ago. Henry & Hobbs are 4 now, they are so beautiful and loving and definitely have become part of our family. Thank you again for our two best buds!

Tina Raft




Hi Larry,
Just wanted to let you know all is well with the new kitten. When we first got home that day I left her in her carrier and took her up to her new room, I set her next to the litter box so that would be the first thing she would see when she got out, and just let her roam around. She slowly explored and after a short while began feeling more comfortable. By the next day she was much more comfortable with her surroundings. She started purring, eating/drinking regularly, and allowing me to touch her a lot more. She has plenty of toys to play with, so she shouldn't get bored when left on her own. :-) I introduced her to the rest of the house last week and she enjoyed exploring.
By the third or fourth day she started kneading a blanket. A lot of times she kneads it after I pet her. I have the blanket draped over a little pillow in an arm chair where she sleeps.
She seems very content and I just wanted to drop you a quick note about it and thank you once again. She certainly has perked me up.
Have a great week, Larry!
I'll keep you updated. :-)

Kelly Rae

Hi Larry =)
So I tried accupunture a couple of times and it sure was nice and relaxing but once I got home the allergies were still in tact...maybe I will try a couple more treatments to see if it helps.
In the meanwhile I got some allergy medication and am scheduled to start allergy shots in about a month so hopefully that will work for me.

The allergies are totally worth having these two kittens, they are seriously the most adorable, special cats I have ever seen or had!
They have the cutest personalities, they love to be held and are fully entertaining when they play and wrestle, having two is amazing

In the past I have only had one cat at a time and I now see how important it is for them to have a mate...their interactions are the cutest!
I am attaching some pics, they are changing color (especially Max) and growing so fast!
Thank you again, both of my boys have thanked me numerous times, the kittens are wonderful! :)


Hi Larry,
We have made much progress since our calls last February and March. Franky has been "broken" since the 6th of May and Abby is scheduled for the 3rd of June. They both are growing rapidly with Franky being slightly larger than the female,
Abby. Abby is still the shy one and hasn't "allowed" physical contact although we have made contact numerous times.
Franky on the other had has become the affectionate one enjoying petting and grooming.
He also follows us around like a dog would do getting under foot at times. I've trained them to come when I whistle and then reward them with a treat for doing so.
Most people here haven't heard of Siberians, but all have agreed our Kittens are beautiful.
We have really enjoyed owning them or better said being allowed to take care of them at our home...
They get into everything including Abby crawled inside one of our stuffed chairs and we couldn't find her, then we saw the chair moving and was able to persuade her to come out.
I've attached some pictures of the kids for you to see how they've progressed.
Regards, Ken & Ann Spaulding

They absolutely love Max. My brother-in-law included. He is everything that the Siberian breed promises --
incredibly friendly, follows them around everywhere, incredibly loving, very athletic and quite a scamp,
and especially loves the girls which of course is reciprocated.
He wants to be with them always.
Despite the snafu with Continental, I think we can safely say this was my most successful gift ever.
Marie Huwe

April 8th, 2011:
Larry, I wanted to give you an update on the kitten we bought from you in October.
He is the greatest! We love him (all of us) so much.
They play all the time and it is alot of fun to watch them.

He has made a difference in our family and has changed our lives for the best.
Again thank you for blessing us with him and we will definitely be seeing you again.
Shaneen, Alyssa, Teeko and Alikae

His best friend is Teeko (our Westie).

Hi Larry,
Just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how much we love our Dexter. He is quite the character.
I have attached a couple of pictures of him. I don't know if most cats do this but he thinks we are his mother and continuously kneads and sucks on our clothes. He has really grown and is a handsome and regal looking cat.
He is very gentle, aloof, and loving when he wants to be.
Thanks for giving us such a a treasure.
Zig and Betty  (April 17th 2011)


Dexter in April 2011

Hi, Larry! We just got back from a long weekend at another ACFA cat show in Gettysburg, PA. I'm attaching a few pictures of Sash in one of the rings. There was one other SB kitten at this show, from a breeder in FL that also does Ragamuffins. I introduced myself to her at the show in January, but she was pretty snobby to me so I didn't have a very good impression of her. Anyway, Sash whipped her butt at this show, there was only one judge that took her kitten over mine, 7 of the judges gave Sash best SB. One time, this woman even told one of the judges it was because her kitten was only 4 months old and mine was older so more developed, but the judge told her "No, this kitten has more boning that your kitten does." She actually had to tell her this twice in the conversation. I was thrilled about it all. I just smiled, took Sash and thanked the judge then left. So Sash took 5 finals (out of 8 rings) out of 23 kittens: 9th Best AllBreed, 4th best Specialty on Saturday and 10th best All Breed, 7th Best AllBreed and 3rd Best Specialty on Sunday. Yeah!!!! Go Sash!!! I plan to take her to a CFA show in May for her winners ribbons too. I am so proud of her and she is such a sweet kitten!
Take care!
Karon Hansenberger.(3/27/11)

Hi Larry,
Galina arrived and man, what a sweetheart. You did good!
Thanks for everything.
We couldn't have imagined a better companion.
Your Friends in Chicago,
Mark and Dianne
Jan 10th, '11

Probably booked a massage at 10 ..... !!

Mr. Munchrath,

I attached a pic of Jingle and his new loft from which he can safely observe the little
monsters in the house....*smile*

Jingle finally used the litter box and is adjusting quite well. He is still a bit traumatized by my daughter, who at 2 years old is still having a hard time understanding the slow approach instead of the full on frontal assault. He likes the boys and follows me around the house like a puppy, which is completely endearing. He also meows to me, which I have always loved a vocal cat.

My husband is glad we switched cats and just wants me to be happy. He finds him amusing since he loves to chase the little toys. He thinks Jingle is much prettier than Noel and really likes the fact that the kids are able to pet him. All in all, I believe he is going to fit very well into our household.

Brigitte Powell (Dec 24th, '10)

Jingle, Jan 2014


These are from Ann Marie in AZ.
Everyone on her email list gets dozens of these weekly. 
No one would ever know she was proud of those two kittens.
It's really just like showing photos of the grandkids :)

Hi Larry
Nicholas & Nakita are a joy to have in our home. We never stop laughing at their antics. They both love to be around us & they are every bit the description of a Siberian Cat we have read. Nicholas is growing so fast that Nakita looks small next to him, but of course she is only a few pounds behind. We love the fact that no matter where we are in the house when we turn around they are right there with us. The best decision we made was also to purchase a brother & sister at the same time. They love each other & take care of each other as well. When they chirp its sweet how its a call to find out where each other is in the house. Our home is now truly complete with these two new additions. More updates to come in the following months! Thanks again for all you advise & being our new friend in TX...we appreciate it!
Ann Marie & David Morgan, Phoenix, AZ

Thanksgiving, 2010
Dave makes this great potato recipe called "gourmet potatoes" & the cats love potatoes;
we had to put them in our room so he could continue making them!
They are so cute!   Nakita is more adventurous in trying new foods but she loves
Life cereal in the morning with me.
I will always remember you saying they like everything you like to eat....so so true!!!
Nakita climbs on me when we are watching TV makes herself comfortable,
purring so loud the house shakes & falls asleep.
Its a ritual I just love & if I am not around Dave is her next choice.
Nicholas actually did the same thing one night but he usually
would rather play on us than sleep on us.

Playtime in the bag-Nakita

Helping out at dinner time, Nicholas

Nicholas may 2012, in one of his favorite places, The dryer.

Everyday is a joy with them. We just love having them in our home. We are thrilled that we made the purchase thru you...they are both gorgeous! Ann Marie  

Hi Larry,
Just wanted you to know the kitties are doing great.
Here is a picture of Frost.
He has gotten pretty tame since we got him fixed.
Rosie is doing well too. She is a lot smaller then Frost.
She is very petit. We all just love them to death!
Teresa Ford
Nov. 10

Aaron and Frost, Nov. 2010

Nov, 2010
Hi Larry, I wanted you to see how beautiful Ruby?s colors are

We are really enjoying her and still can not get over her personality.
She is so playful and always wants to be in the middle of everything.
She loves to sleep on my pillows. Sometimes it feels like I have a hat on.
I?ll appreciate that once the winter comes.
I have been giving her the kitty bloom vitamins and recently it seems like her colors got more intense.
She is a real beauty.

... Because of her accident, I have her confined to my kitchen so she cannot jump up on anything
and purchased a large dog crate for her to sleep in at night and stay in if I have to run out.
It fits her litter box, food, water, and bed.
I am able to play quit games with her so she doesn?t get board. It sure is a challenge trying to keep a kitten calm.

I will keep you updated with her progress.
Once I have her spayed I will forward the documentation to you so you can send me her papers.
I attached a few photos of her and will forward more as she grows.
I have been thinking of putting another deposit down to get her a companion.
I wish I had gotten one of her brothers.

My daughter and I were thinking of showing her.
My brother-in-law is obsessed with her and I believe will getting one from you in the near future.
I really regret I did not get two.
I see you have one of Ruby?s sisters for sale again. Was she returned?
I am going to put down another deposit for a kitten. Not sure about male or female.
Would love to get a red one.
Are their any breeding in progress?

Be in touch soon, Lisa         

April 2011:
HI Larry,
Here are some photos of Ruby and Yuri. It is hard to believe Ruby will be 1 soon.
She is really beautiful and has the most amazing paw tufts.
Her coat is just like her mommy, Hanna. We are having a lot of fun with Yuri.
Boy has he come out of his shell.
He still is a little skittish and won?t let you pick him up but does enjoy it when you pet him and rub his ears.
I was even able to clip his nails (all 4 paws) and brush him.
I haven?t taken him to my vet yet but really don?t feel the need to if you?re ok with that.
I think he is fine and since he is up to date on his shots I don?t believe it is a problem.
Thanks for another amazing Siberian. It is interesting to see the difference between the male and female kittens.
He definitely is more active and destroys toys.

Feb 14th, 2012
Hi Larry,
I have been meaning to contact you to let you know
that Yuri has really settled in. He is such a love bug
just like ou said.
Ruby and him are always togeether.
Ruby wanted to wish you a Happy Valentines Day.
My daughter took this photo
and we had to share with you.
Lisa Bankson

We have him home. He is so sweet, he was great, we were ready for him to be a little upset, but he wasn't at all.
We even took him out of the crate at the airport and he started playing with Emma's necklace. Then on the way home he played with her in the car.
Once we got home, we showed him the litter box and he went right in.
He ate, drank some water and then played. He has so much personality and acts like he has known us his whole life.
We are really happy, he is beautiful!
His name is Van Purcy (after a Dutch soccer player who wears an orange jersey), we call him Pu rcy. He did think that our rabbit was pray...so we had to take her cage out of the room.
She is going to my niece...thank goodness.
Purcy hasn't met our dogs yet, we want him to get comfortable first....although I am not sure how much more comfortable he can get.
He has adapted, its hard to believe that he has only been here a week.
He has total run of the house while we are home or leave for a short while. If we leave for a few hours we put him in his room, we don't completely trust him and the dogs yet. He naps in the oddest places. We love him, he has a lot of personality!! Feel free to use any photos. We will send you pictures has he gets older. You will have to let us know if you end up with another one (girl) his color, my mom fell in love with him.
She is trying to talk my dad into getting one
(he is the one that is  highly allergic and he didn't have any issues
...he was amazed).

Again, thank you so much.
He will be loved and well taken care of.      
Dorene Stupski,
June 12, 2010

June, '10

Photo taken Sept '10

from this, to this -->

June, '10

Sweet Dreams
Nov. '10

 Almost Halloween '10

Sept 23rd, 2010:-        
What a change!
Here are some pictures of Purcy, He is getting really big but still sweet as ever! He loves Emma, he sleeps with her and they play all of the time. He keeps trying to play with the dogs but the ignore him and walk away. It's kind of funny, sometimes he chases them and jumps on them and then take off or pops out of a hiding place and scares them. He has fun!!



March 2011 a year old:

Helping out in the office.

Hi Larry,
I thought I would share some recent pictures of Purcy.
Its hard to imagine that he is a year old.
He is really getting big, maturing in size BUT not in personality. He must be in his terrible twos already?
he cracks us up! His new love is to see what he can
put into the dogs water bowl.
When he jumps on us and is wet?.
we go see what he put in the bowl.
We find everything from fake mice, jewelry,
balls and he even took a baggie full of box tops
and put it in the bowl. He loves to play in the water.
He really is funny?he loves to take things.
We really love him and I think the dogs are even
becoming amused to see what he does next.

Oh?remember the "sweet dream" picture? he was dreaming alright, he pushed the whole aquarium
off of the counter and was playing with the fish while
they were flopping on the ground.
All of the fish survived but we spend a week trying to hide the fish from him?
.it didn?t take him long to find them.
We gave up and now have them hidden in a spare
bedroom with the door closed and are relocating them
to a pond in the spring. Purcy has a lot of personality!!
Enjoy the photos, one is a picture of him moving into
my work area when I left for a minute.
He likes to steal space too, if you get up from your
chair for a second, you come back and he has moved in! Dorene Stupski

Christmas '10
I have sent a few recent pictures. We still love Purcy, he always makes us laugh. He loves Emma, its amazing how he plays with her. You wouldn?t think a cat would look forward to playing with a child, but he does and its funny to watch. The picture of Emma laying on the ground with Purcy on top of her was really funny. She sings to him and he puts his paw on her mouth to shut her up, she moves it away and keeps signing and he keeps putting his paw on her mouth?.they go on for a couple of songs.


March 2011

Aug. -10

Miss Emilie is growing and thriving. I have never had such a laid back, mellow kitten. She had her first vet visit Monday, and even they commented on her sweet nature. She didn't even flinch when she got her vaccines. And of course she passed her exam with flying colors.

So far, no real problems with my husband's allergies. He said his nose was itchy after she had been on his pillow, but hasn't complained when she has been all over the rest of our bed. She and the pig have been cautiously checking each other out. And she is a bit fascinated with the cockatiel. We're keeping an eye on that!

Thanks again for such a beautiful, well socialized kitten. She is a delight to us all, even my cat-hating husband! We'll keep you updated, and I'll send pictures, if I can get her to be still long enough!

Have a great week.
Melissa  and Atticus Petty

June, '12
Just a quick update, now that Emilie is two. She is just wonderful. Our only problem has been an ongoing dispute about who is in charge of my yarn stash--she thinks it all belongs to her! It's usually just a problem when I'm knitting. She will try to sneak up on me!
When not sitting in the bedroom window watching the birds, or napping, she enjoys watching shows about animals. And of course, she loves to play, run and climb. And she loves the pet pig. She follows her around the house, and loves to try to take her down by the hind legs, like an antelope. So far, unsuccessful. And my formerly cat-hating husband let's her snuggle him when I'm at work.
Thanks for such a wonderful kitty. We'll keep in touch.
Melissa, Mike, Atticus and Emilie Petty

Aug. '10

June '12

Hi Larry!


How have you been?
Olive has been doing great, and she has quickly become my best friend. She is so funny!
Literally everyone who comes over to my apartment loves her.
She loves to be held and lays like a rag doll in your arms.
We always joke that she has an intense case of cat ADD, because one second she's sleeping peacefully
and the next she is running around the apartment like a wild cat.
My roommates affectionately call her "Tony Hawk" because it looks like she uses the back of our couch
as a skate ramp when she starts running around.
She sleeps with me every night, and will never let me silence my alarm.
The second it goes off (and she knows she will be fed) she'll snap the hair tie I keep on my wrist
with her teeth until I wake up...
She has kept me from missing many classes! She is the perfect college companion and my roommates
are all depressed that I will be taking her from DC back to New York with me when I graduate in May.

I had Olive spayed a few weeks ago and since her cone came off she is happy as can be.
She HATED not being able to clean her fur, but otherwise sort of enjoyed her cone?
I've attached some really funny pictures of her, one with her cone--that weirdly enough I actually think she misses.
I was just wondering what address I should send a copy of her papers to?
If you could let me know whenever you can that would be great.

Also, my grandmother who also lives in New York has fallen in love with Olive
and would love to have her own Siberian. I've been checking your website and I know that you have a few litters coming in April-May I was wondering exactly when they are to arrive?
And if it's possible to reserve one. Let me know!

Thanks! Enjoy the pictures and talk to you soon.

Sally and Olive   May 2010

Feb 2010
Larry - just another update. Annie is doing great and we seem to be doing fine on the allergy front...
Skylor has done some sneezing but nothing severe. I figure, since she is molting, this is the worse it is going to get.

Annie is the biggest cuddle bug ever and has just brought such joy to the home.
My husband thinks she likes him the most.

Skylor said she is for sure "his cat", but I know that Annie's favorite is the person petting her at the time (ha ha.)

I got her a window perch and she has really enjoyed watching the birds lately.

Thank you again Larry... She is a treasure.
Dawn Callaway-Wilson

Feb. 2010
I love her to death! Sasha is very sweet.
She sleeps next to me at night, follows me
around the house, greets me at the door when I come home, and she is very affectionate.
I could not have asked for a better personality in a kitten! Once her stitches heal, and her bald belly grows back in, I will take a few pictures and send them to you!

Ron Williamson, Stonebriar Chevrolet-

From Sal Tartaglione, Morgan Elevator Company, Ltd
Hi Larry! 
How have things been down on the ranch? Good I hope.
Attached are the neutering papers for Max. I’m sorry it took so long.
Let me know if this all you need?
Max is doing great!  He really became a member for the family immediately.
He sleeps with my daughter. Actually he’ll sleep with any of us. He is quite a character.
Each day he greets us as we come home from a long day at work or school.
I’ll send you an up to date photo.

Here are a couple of pictures of him and my daughter.Best wishes
Jan '10, & March, '10

Hi Larry!
The two cats we bought from you, Elvis (elliot), and Moxie (the sealpoint female)
are the greatest cats IN THE WORLD!

Our daughter who is very allergic to cats, and who has hives every time we visit my sister's house, has not had one allergic symptom since they came home with us about 8 months ago, and they are on her bed, her pillow, all
over the house.

As you know I have MS and spend a great deal at home, but with them life is so much happier.
Thank you so much for your wonderful Siberians. sweet and cuddly.
Larry, please feel free to use the above paragraph on your website, also the photos if you want.

They really have been a comfort to me with my MS. Not to mention life has been very tough, my eldest son left on a Navy ship this morning for Bahrain, Kuwait, and Iraq, and my dad passed away two weeks ago.
The cats have really been a comfort. Thanks so much,
Leonie Moger


Hi Larry, Jan 2010
Just wanted to send a couple of pictures to you of the kitten you sold  us. 
We love her. I now understand why a lot of Siberian Cat websites say,  "You can't stop at just one."
Thanks again for Pasha,
DeNise Salcetti, The Woodlands

Sept. 29, 2010
Dear Larry,
We are very excited about getting another Siberian cat. Pasha has been so much fun and is filled with personality. Below you will find a photo of Pasha. I had the bathroom faucet on and she had to come and play in the water.


Hi Larry,
I thought you might enjoy these pics of our Bella and Tiger. We love them so much and they are doing great now. Tiger is quite a big cat already while bella is petite. Thanks for everything.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Alana Hernandez (Dec. 09)
Then ..


Hi Larry - this is Tim DeBruin.
Our family purchased a kitten from you this summer - we met at DFW for the exchange.
I hope all is well in Texas and that you are enjoying the holidays.
Attached are some recent pictures of Jazzy .
She turned out to be stunning. The kids lover her and Jazzy seems to feel the same way.
She's only about 7 months old right now and is quite large already.
We are all enjoying her very much. The Christmas tree, however, is not too fond of her...
But - that is a lot of temptation dangling about for a kitten.
Can hardly blame her.
It gives the kids something to do every morning - putting the ornaments back on the tree.

Dec. 09


10/07 - 11/09
Hi Larry.

It has been a long time and I thought I'd update you on our sweet Semper. He is so beautiful and sweet.
We recently moved just north of Denver and he has had a chance to explore his Siberian roots
--although he didn't seem to like the snow much. I'll attach a picture of him frowning in the snow.
When we brought him back inside his giant furry feet were FULL of snow and he did a silly foot shake dance trying to get it all off. Sure wish I had the video camera handy!
We are really enjoying him and he is a great heater to have on the bed on cold nights.
We are still so amazed at the fact that he does not bother Mike's allergies!
Everyone who has met Semper is also amazed that such a furry cat would not be an allergy nightmare.
They also always comment on how gorgeous he is. His curly whiskers are one of his cutest features.
His stomatitis has not been much of a problem since the removal of 2 molars and a teeth cleaning.
His gums look okay and he seems comfortable eating, so we haven't felt the need to take any other action as of yet. Hope all is well with you and your animals.

Alisa Snelson

siberian        siberian



Hey Larry,
The kitten arrived fine & he is doing great. I was shocked as how loveable he was so quickly. I stayed up until 3AM & he sat & my lap & purred. He is so adorable we just fell in love with him. I have a vet apt on Friday to see about neutering him.(she usually waits until 6 mos but she said she goes off of weight) I just know that the quicker the better in regards to allergies just as long as it is safe for him. He isn't eating much I guess since he is still adjusting I gave him a can of wet food also. Well I will check in from time to time & email some updated pictures.
Thanks Again For all of your help. You have made this experience painless & worry free.
Michelle  Ruffner 7/28/09



Hey Larry,

Sorry I attached so many pictures but we are all so amazed with this kitten I had to share some with you. I have honestly never encountered a cat with this much personality in my life. He seems to have all of the Siberian Traits I read about. He quickly became my 2 1/2 yr old Kendall's best friend. His favorite thing to do is to jump on our bar and bat at Kendall's hair.(I attached a pic of this) He endures her daily drive around the house in her car, tea time, etc LOL. He also stalks & plays with my brother's dog when he comes to visit. My mother suffers from asthma & usually has to take meds & go outside when people have cats. She lives in the bottom level of our home & shows no signs of allergies. Poor Gino does get baths twice a month & he isn't allowed where my mom lives. We are lucky & only have carpeted bedrooms which are also off limits to him & I vacuum frequently so that helps. My husband has minor skin reactions to him he sneezes from time to time, but nothing he can't live with.

Thanks again for our new family member he is a true blessing & makes our family complete.

Thanks Again,

Michelle 10/01/09


  ... I also just want to thank you, because she has been the sweetest cat I've ever known! We have really fallen in love with her, and vice versa. She follows me all around the house and loves to be in whatever room I'm in. She is so precious with my sons. She loves to play & swat at them :) and never scratches either. They just absolutely adore her and will lay right next to her & cuddle up as she purrs away. The most amazing thing is that I'm not allergic to her at all! She is the perfect kitten, and we just love her! I attached a picture of Sophie & I. 9/28/09


Hi Larry,I have so many pics of Rocky...he's adorable
... and a great member of our  family....what a great personality!
Grateful that we have him!!
Rosalba Daniele Mello

RDM Interiors, LLC
Saddle River, NJ6/09


Aug. 27th. 2011
Here are pics of Rocky…he weighs 12 lbs…..I don’t think that is too large..
I’ve read they can be much larger. I think I should get another male…

Silver male #2 or dark brown male #5 both from Shadow…which do you think best for Rocky…
he is very friendly, all the traits that I read about are certainly true.
I’m just nervous he will not like the kitten…and I don’t want anything to spoil the relationship I have with him…
I’m crazy about this cat!!let me know which of these you think will work best for us.
Thanks, RosalbaSept. 18, 2011

Rocky is loving his new playmate!....
Balboa is a constant companion to my 2 year old Rocky and he really watches out for the little one!
You should really tell all of your purchasers that they are so much happier in pairs, with company!




The baby                                                                         The teenager

The kitty is doing wonderful, he is quite big now:) he has another 6 months or even a year to grow!
So far no major damage except he really did a number on our computer chair.
He likes to hang on it by his claws:) but that is all right, it is an old chair and we don't really care.
He is a total joy, we are so happy that we got a Siberian cat and specifically that we got him from you!!
His color iz amazing.. he still looks like a mini tiger, and you should see his tail, it is huge!!!
Everyone who comes over to our place is at awe!!!   What a beautiful cat!
Thank you thank you thank you..
Actually Sergey started talking that we need to get another cat once we move into a house:)
so maybe within a year we will be picking out another kitty from you :):):)

Natasha Shcheglova and Sergey


The young man                                                         Just look at him now



Allergy Sufferers, Read This One

Hi Larry,

I wanted to let you know that Star has finally been spayed and is no longer howling at the moon every night, as well as the better part of the 24 hours in a day ;) It was wild! I should have videotaped it! She is so calm and sweet and has really become our second baby. I hope that it isn't silly to update you here and there. As a previous parrot breeder, I like to hear from those who adopted my babies to know that they're doing well ;)

I did want to inform you of something as far as allergies go. I was completely unallergic to Star upon picking her up from the airport until she went into heat. I realize that most of your cats are purchased as kittens and may never go into heat before being spayed. We purchased Star when she was 7 months old, and with the large influx of pets from xmas and not being able to get a vet apt. until March, she naturally went into heat while waiting.

While she was in heat, I did develop an allergy to her and worried that I would have to send her back your way if the allergies didn't ease; however, as soon as she was spayed...nothing, voila! I was thinking that perhaps they secrete more hormones or protein in their saliva and urine while in heat, allowing for a higher likelihood of allergies in those who are highly allergic to cats. Just an idea...She is back sleeping in our bed at night though, and all is well.

I don't know how many people adopt siberians for their hypoallergenic property, but I thought I would fill you in on my experience these past few months in the event that an allergy sufferer wants to adopt an older kitten from you and you want to pass the info. along. It may just be a freaky coicidence that doesn't hold any water, but I wanted to let you know anyway if the info. could help you some day.
I hope all is well with you and your farm. Thank you again for our new family member!

Another note.
The allergies that I experienced while Star was in heat was nothing in comparison to what I experienced with other cat breeds, and it wasn't necessarily from touching Star either. No hives, no asthma, just itchy throat and itchy eyes. For example, Star sleeps on my pillow in my bedroom during the day at times. If I slept on that same pillow that night, I woke up the next day with itchy throat. The itchy eyes came from touching my face after petting her. The allergies were mild and I used no more than children's benadryl. During this time, I minimized the allergies by keeping her out of the bedrooms and washing my hands after petting her, and this made all the difference in the world....but after she was spayed, not one allergy incident. I just hope that the information will be useful to anyone who may experience the same issue...it may keep cats in their rightful home if people realize that the allergies won't last once the cat is spayed.
Thanks again!

Hi Larry!

Star is absolutely beautiful! The pictures did not do her justice. I spent hours the first night she was home just staring at her. She's the most gorgeous cat I've ever seen! She's very calm and sweet-just what we needed with a small child. She even lets our one year old (who affectionately calls her "elmo") walk up to her and pet her for a couple minutes before scurrying away to her favorite spot in the window overlooking the bayou. She spends most of her time in the window, and we have to find her to spend time with her, but she is warming up to us more and more everyday. She went from hiding under the couch for the first two days to sitting next to us on the couch as of yesterday.

I do believe she has her sleep schedule in reverse. She sleeps all day long as if in a coma, then wakes up at about six in the afternoon and parties until the sun comes up in the baby's playroom. I'm about to rename her Elvira, Kitty of the Dark.

When we picked her up from the airport, we brought a bottle of benadryl, just in case I got unlucky. I kept thinking that it was all too good to be true and that I would break out in hives any minute. I did the unthinkable-I pet her for a good five minutes then put my finger in my eye-nothing! I'm allergic to everything-and I mean everything, and this cat was a big gamble for us in that respect but I am totally and completely not allergic to her!

She hasn't clawed a thing, but an ugly old straw rug that we have near the back door-it's all hers! She's the sweetest most non-aggressive cat I've ever met and I couldn't ask for anything better-except maybe for her to party during the day with us instead of at night ;) I hope that in time she will become comfortable enough with us to prefer our laps to the window, but I think she may have a little longer of an adjustment period with a seemingly scary, harmless toddler in the house.

I will take some pictures of her playing with the baby's toys tonight if she doesn't get camera shy! Thanks again!
Laura, Kirby, and Brooke Blanchard

Hey Larry!
Sorry it took me so long to send you these pictures. Star seems to be quite camera shy ;)
She's not a scaredy cat anymore..she naps with our daughter on the living room floor during the day, and it truly seems as if we have always had her.
She's so, so sweet and follows us all around the house making soft chirping noises to let us know she wants attention.
She went from living under the couch and behind the window shades to becoming our feline shadow within two weeks of picking her up from the airport.
Several non cat persons have come over during the holidays and fallen in love with her. Star seems to have developed a friendship with our one year old surprisingly-they roll plastic balls from Brooke's toys back and forth to one another in the living room.
Star is great and we are very happy with her. Please feel free to post my last email and this one on your testimonial page! Here are some pictures of Star taken this week-one in the living room and one when I caught her napping in the baby's crib yesterday ;)



Hi Larry

The Red Male kitten, Uni Krasny
(say Oooni Cross-nay),
arrived in San Diego on time and in good condition.
Continental airlines had him off the plane before any passengers or luggage. Uni Krasny has made alot of new friends and thinks that California living is the bomb.
He has already established his position in the
family by swatting the 5 month old, 50 lb yellow labrador retriever upside the head.

My son loves him and is the one who gets to feed him.
Uni had his first visit to the Chesire Cat Clinic and drew quite a crowd.
He was declared healthy, extremely alert, and very wiggly.
The vet wished me luck trying to trim his nails
( No worries, already did it myself with a pile of treats and a towel).
The vet was also pleased to see that the Merial brand vaccines were used. She commented that "the breeder knows what he is doing".

Thank you very much for our new lovable Uni.
He hasn't stopped purring like a motorboat since he got here.
I will keep you updated on his progress.
San Diego, CA (5-09)


Hi Larry,

I am writing for a couple of reasons. I just wanted to give you a quick update on "patches", who is now named Henrietta. She is the sweetest cat. We got her spayed a little while ago, and I've been meaning to send you the papers on that. Her personality is really the best. I had about ten people over to the apartment last weekend, the most I've ever had at one time with her around, and she was the hit of the party. She sat in just about everyones' lap, and people couldn't believe how pretty she was.

That being said, I'm considering purchasing a sister for her. I think she would love another cat around, and so far the allergies aren't too bad. I'm still not positive about this, but since I am exploring the option, and I looked on your site, I thought I might ask about Karina. It looks like she is the last of her litter left? Can you tell me a little bit about her?

I hope you're well.
Katie Noonan (3-09)


Hi Larry,

I purchased Sasha from you about 4 years ago. She is a beautiful, playful, sweet, extremely large white cat. She was born 3/16/05 and her parents were Aleksandr and
Anistasia of Solacefarm. I have attached several recent pictures so you can see how she  has grown up. As you will see in the pics, one of her favorite things to do is show off
her belly. I couldn't ask for a better cat.

Sasha has seemed very lonely since Mischa has been gone and I would like to get another kitten to keep her company Are you expecting any more litters in the near future?
Thanks so much,
Alissa Montbriand (3-3-09)

   Here are photos of the newest member of the family:
She is doing really well. I have decided to name her Nika.
She is getting along really well with Sasha.
They like chasing each other around and groom each other.
She loves any toy that has feathers.
I have attached some pics for you.



Hello Larry!

Dimitri is a very smart, sweet little boy. He loves to play all day, then sit and cuddle when he's exhausted. Even when he's resting if something grabs his attention, he perks right up to play. You are  right with what you state on your website:
If a person cannot devote time to his or her kitten, that individual SHOULD consider a hamster instead..... Kittens need their human companions!
Here are a few pics...
Take Care and thanks again.
Ruth Keefer & family  (2-22-09)


On Arrival '05

Today, 2/09

Hi Larry,

It has been some time since I’ve sent you a message.
We purchased Strolls from you back in 2005; he was born in Nov 2004.
You flew him to us in Las Vegas NV in 2/05.
We moved to South Dakota back in October 2005.
As you can see he has grown a bit

He is just a blast. Always chatting with us or our other cat Dakota.
He is a great snuggler, always wanting to be on our lap, and sleeping with me at night.
He loves putting toys in his water dish and playing.
He really enjoys when we take him outside on his leash,
so much so that even when he’s ready to come in, once inside he wants to go back out again.
Simply said: We enjoy him immensely!

Many people ask and comment about our cats,
and I’m always highly recommending you, and handing out your web address.
I tell them that in the future any cats I would get would be from you. Thank you!

Hope all is well…..Take Care,
Stacy Sandler
Montrose SD

May 22, 2010-
Stacy Sandler commented on your wall post:  
"Thanks Larry! Good advice, I'm working on the relaxing part with Dakota....just wish he'd eat more.
Strolls is all health, and hearing that none of your cats have had CRF,
just makes me an even bigger fan of your cats at munchranch!

The other thing I'd meant to tell you
, is how over the years Strolls has not affected my allergies at all.
In fact many times I'll wake up to him sleeping next to me,
with his head on my pillow, and no signs of allergies what so ever."


Hi Larry!

I hope you are doing well. It’s been a while since we have talked.
I was looking on your website yesterday and saw one of your females, Vivalafeline Dasha Pashaovna.
Is she related to my little one, Peewee? They look so much alike!

How are things going? Do you have kittens coming up any time soon?
Who are the parents if you are?
I would love to get another little one that could actually be related to Peewee.
He is growing up so quickly. It is amazing how much he has changed over the last year.
He is about 1 1/2 now (Aug 2, 2007 bday) and is already at around 12 lbs.
Everyone that meets him loves him...
He loves people, plays in the water, plays fetch and comes when you call his name.
We seem to have our own little language and can understand each other :)
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you do...
I don’t know what I would do without him! Here’s another new pic of him...
Taken about 2 months ago.
Hope you are doing well, talk to you soon!

Part 2

Hi Larry!

Your email brought a tear to my eye LOL. I love Peewee to death, but yes...
His name doesn’t seem to fit much anymore!
I think it’s like calling the big guy of the group “Tiny”. :)
Peewee is such an amazing cat.
He has such personality and he knows exactly how to tell me when he wants to go on the porch, when he wants to play, eat, etc. I can’t believe I found him at a pet store of all places, I got really lucky. I am trying to teach him how to walk on a leash (laugh if you will, it is a real possibility!!) and I crack up every time we try.
He loves going outside, but I only let him play in screened in areas. I have a feeling that if he got out of the house, I would never see him again!
He has a big porch with a pool on a canal that he can roam around on and hunt lizards, bugs and follow the birds that fly around. He is so happy here.
When I had him in Chicago with me, he had his first experience with snow. It was hysterical!
Anyhow, I saw the posting on the testimonials website and it is awesome!
My little one is famous now LOL. I think when we spoke before we agreed that PW was from Nikki and Marcel. I just didn’t know how he was such a golden shade when neither of his parents were.
Who knows... Have you or could you have more that would be related to him?
The new little ones are adorable! They look very similar to him as well.
If I got another kitten, I would need to get a female.
PW used to share a litter box while growing up with another older male and he didn’t have a problem with it. When we moved and he had his own box, he decided that he liked it better that way!
He will intentionally go NEXT TO THE BOX when he has to share with another male now.
There’s that personality showing again! Quick question for you ...
Do all Siberians for the most part share the same traits that Peewee does?
I know that generally speaking, most are personable and love to act like dogs...
But it’s hard to imagine that all Siberians are like him. If they are,
I can’t imagine why everyone doesn’t already have one!
I talk about him to everyone and have spread the word about the breed...
If anyone inquires about getting one, I will give them your contact info.
I know that the family that used to watch PW when I traveled for my old job LOVED him and wanted to get a Siberian too. I will follow up with them and see if they are still thinking about it.
Take care and have a great weekend!
Talk to you soon.Ginny (2-09)

New Photos          First one proves that Siberians can have a bath!   Second is just hanging out.



Hi Larry,Dimitdri is so darling. He cried a little the first night but we gave him lots of attention.
He is not afraid of Patty Cake ( one year old ragdoll) who is growling a little He just goes rught up to her and starts playing with his tail!
I am sure they'll be buddies soon. Our 8 yr. old Himalayan is the sweet mother type and lets him sleep near her.
Thanks for our very affectionate, sweet kitten!

The Keefers, 12/08


Lisa is doing very well and rules the house!
We all have lots of fun  and our daughter Larissa
doesn't seem to have any serious allergy problems.
I have attached 2 fairly new photos so that you can see howshe's been growing. 

Our daughter used to have fairly strong allergic reactions
to cats and its quite amazing how well she is doing with Lisa.
After visiting her friends house and playing with her cat for
5min this summer one of her eyes had been completely swollen.

So we are really happy how this is working out so far.
We try telling her not to put her face in the fur but without much success,
and there are still basically no allergic reactions except an itchy eye
sometimes but whose eyes aren't getting itchy if you
stuck your face in the fur?

Take care


My daughter has had severe eczema since she was only two months old. We had to get rid of all our cats when she was two years old as we found out she was allergic (also allergic to wheat, eggs, milk, and dogs). As she grew older, she did outgrow the food allergies, but she never got over the allergies to cats and dogs. She still gets hives when she is around dogs, and her eczema flares around regular cats.

However, my daughter loves animals so much, that we finally relented and decided to try a Russian Siberian (after much research).
As a Nurse Practitioner, I have a great understanding of allergies, and I was praying these cats would truly be “hypoallergenic.”
So when she was ten years old, we got two kittens from Larry.
I honestly thought we would just give them a try, and we’d likely be returning them in a few weeks.

Now it is a year later, and not only is my daughter still allergy free, but we have returned to get another kitten!
Our two original kitties, Anastasia and Katarina, are wonderful, and have caused no allergic reaction in our daughter.
We have been so happy, and we are really enjoying watching the new kitten, Boris, play and grow.
While I can’t say whether these cats will cause allergies in other people, I can say with certainty that they have caused no problems in my daughter.
It has been so much fun to have them, they are a truly special breed, and we feel so blessed that our daughter now has pets of her own!

Amy Lewis, RN, Family Nurse Practitioner- Board Certified
(state of Texas licensure)  (8/08)



Hello Larry!
I thought I would update you on my baby! He has a different name...his name is now Soprano. Cute huh?!?
Let me just tell you, he is the sweetest thing, but you knew that.
When I first brought him home, he would wake me up with kisses in the mornings.
He would sleep in my bed at my feet all the time.
But then my kids came home and it was like he didn't know me at all!!!
I was so hurt...my daughter took over.
She is such a pet lover and pets flock to her. He took to her and of course she to him.
He didn't even know about the second floor until they came home.
But she showed him her room and he started climbing up and down the stairs.
I was so scared he would fall b/c he was still little. He is a little explorer!
He gets into everything I will tell you that!
My mom has been staying with us too and she isn't much of a pet lover but she loves him, until he gets into her stuff...lol.

He is the king of this house for sure! Even my husband loves on him. He does scare me though.
He likes to sleep on the second floor up on the area where the banister meets the lookout.
It is so high! There is nothing below him but tile and it is at least 10-12 feet high.
My dad says it's b/c he is a cat and that is his nature. He likes height like tigers like trees.
Well my worst fear came true today. I don't know why but he jumped off the ledge!!!
My husband was standing in the hall under the ledge and I guess he was trying to play with him so he jumped at my husband.
But my husband's back was to him so he didn't see him.
He just felt him land on his arm and then he jumped onto the floor.
I was horrified!!! I checked him out and he seemed ok but I took out my stethoscope and listened to his heart and lungs anyway.
I am way overprotective. Is this normal for cats???  Do they like to jump like that???

Oh yea, I forgot to tell you, he likes to beg for food like a dog! of course we don't feed him ppl food, but he tries.
.I thought that was so strange. But all in all we all love him.
He is so much a part of our family! Even my dad lets him sleep on his lap, and that is not like him!
Soprano is such a good kitty. He is so funny and lovable. Especially in the mornings.
But when he doesn't want your attention, he just doesn't want it!
Thank you so much for saving him for me. He has made our lives so happy and bright!
As soon as I get him neutered I will contact you again!
I just wanted to give you an update...sorry it's been a while and I had so much to tell you!
Thanks again,
Veronica Montalvo


We got little Missy on Tuesday night.
She is absolutely adorable!
We are in love! She is beautiful. Her personality is incredible.
She immediately warmed up to our family and has been inseparable ever since.
She is perfect for us and we couldn't be happier.
Thank you so much for everything. 
Julia Mollette (7/08)


Hi Larry,

Also, I've attached some photos of Bamse that I thought you might like to see :)
He's gotten bigger and he still has quite a ways to go before he catches up to the size of his paws.
I can't imagine being any happier with a cat than we are with him!
Thanks so much,
Sarah  (7/08)

Hello Larry:
It is coming up on Xena's third birthday (late July).
I took some pictures of her over the weekend and thought I would send you the link in case you wanted to see her at this point.
She is truly a wonderful cat, full of personality, and her beauty and personality capture the hearts of all who see her.
Hope things are well!
Fr. Bill Palmer




We all have fallen completely in love with him, and I think that you are right, I think that he will be magnificent too.

I can see how you grew attached to him, because I can't imagine life without him now that he is here in our home.

Don't worry, he is definitely missing you. He is wandering our bedroom and calling out to you from under the bed, and the kids are quivering with excitement.

I don't know if they are going to sleep tonight! I don't think I will....I am so happy he is here! I am going to pick up some front line in the morning since that is what you suggested, and I will keep you in the loop with how everything goes with him.

We are going to try to get transfer ed out of California in the next year, and hopefully we will go back to the east coast, but I told Sean that I want another kitten from you when we have a larger house, and after meeting Czar, he totally agrees, so please keep us in mind next year with your litters.

Thank you again, we are so blessed to have you and Czar in our lives.

You have truly made our family complete!
Cailin and Sean Cox 5/8/08

   Christmas 09 
He was so unhappy about it! He wouldn't even sleep with me last night after I took it off him ;)
Czar is fantastic. Awesomely huge, super sweet, and so handsome!
He even let Caroline put makeup on him and dress him in a tutu the other day, and he plays hide and seek with Austin.
The best cat ever!!!



Jonathan and I are so happy with Rieger.
What a welcomed addition to the family!
We have lots of fun with Rieger, and he follows
us from room to room. He is so big now!
He's not exactly a lap cat but he always sits just a few feet from us... we've got ourselves an independent kitty.
He is sweet and when I say, "Kiss da mama"
or "kiss da dada", he leans in for a kiss. Sweetie!
Rieger turned one on May 1st, and he is big and happy and healthy.
We thank you so much for all that you did this time
last year to make sure we got the kitty of our dreams.
And no allergies for either of us.
It is amazing!
I've attached a photo so you can see him.
Melissa Taylor Slovacek



Greetings Larry
I wanted to send you some new pictures of Singe.
He is growing so fast.
This little cat is such a character.
He has made such an impact on our lives.
I dearly love him. He has now won Richard over.
Singe will run to Richard the minute he sits down on the couch. Singe will push Tempest off Ricard's lap and take his place center stage.
I have ordered a cat tower for Singe.
Soon I want to get another kitten from you.
Don't know if you could tell, but Singe is losing his fuzzy hair. He will never have the lovely peach fuzz and smooth skin of Du, but his personality is wonderful. They are both so different in behavior.
I can not imagine my life without them.
Thank you so much
Renee (3/08)






Good morning, all;
Update on our cat: Count Markoff (aka ringo) loves his life with us in Beaumont.
He is quite agile and healthy. His eye still waters, but he can see from both eyes.
He is so affectionate that he will sit on Jim and watch me. He brings us great joy and we are quite delighted with his progress.
Thank you one and all for our precious Count.
Hope to see your farm one day, maybe the next time a hurricane whips up on us.
Please, God forbid.

Irene H. Chesnutt
P.S. Enjoy your web site, too.


Red-boy is doing great at his new home. He settled in immediately.
We just love him,he is so sweet. Everything "they" say about Siberians is true,they are the greatest breed!
It was nice meeting you on Saturday and we thank you for red-boy. We havent decided on a name yet .If we decide on another Siberian any time soon we will certainly give you a call.
James and Jana Reed
Jan 2008


Mr. Larry,

I am sending you a couple pictures of Penelope that I took last week...he is such the sweetheart...I thought that the move into the new house would freak him out but he was fine with it...
He has a ton of new places to lounge and explore...his favorite is the window sill in my bedroom...sometimes but not very often he will climb into bed with us...he loves to be in the office when I am on the computer, he sits on my lap...
Right now I think he is close to 10 lbs...when I have him shaved again I will have them weigh him...
We have had friends over a lot since we moved in and he is adjusting very well to constant chaos...I was holding a friend's baby last week and he jumped on the sofa and was very interested in her...he must have been worried we were going to keep her...
Hope all is going well for you...I will send more pictures as soon as we take some...
Please keep in touch...
Oh, you can see how big he is by the picture of him laying in front of the dishwasher door...he was sitting on it but must be camera shy, he moved when I tried to take his picture...
Thanks so much for a sweet boy...

Mr. Larry,

I just wanted to send you some recent pictures of Penelope...
He LOVED the Christmas tree, he slept under it daily...and he also likes when my husband lights the fireplace, he lounges in front loving the heat...
He spends most of his day in a window in my bedroom enjoying the sun...
He has started sleeping with us every night...it took, some time but he finally came around 100%...
Hope that your holidays were good...Have a Happy New Year...
Keep in touch,
1 /1/08



Hi Larry,

We're back in Houston. The kitten didn't make a "peep" the whole way back. He loved the car ride and I played classical music. He must have loved it. He has been a non-stop purring machine since we've arrived. My daughter has decided to name him,"Dimitri" for his Russian Siberian ancestors. He comes up to us and just roles over and wants to be belly scratched. He is an unusal kitten. Thank you so much for him!
We love him!
Suzanne Lemmer



Hi Larry.
I just sent in the payment for the kitten. We have decided to name him Semper Fidelis
(Mike is a former Marine.)
He is so cute and purrs louder than I can recall hearing a purr!
Talk about a lap cat--he loves to lounge and sleep.
He is still not too sure of us and his new surroundings, but I am sure he will eventually come around.
He was not at all bothered by the curious dogs (let me restate, they were "bothering" him a lot, but he did not seem to care.)

He got the one, twice, and hundreth-over last night. I did not know a dog could sniff the same thing for so long and so many times--it is still the same thing you just sniffed!!!
I am sending a picture of his new "room."
For now we are kind of keeping him in there when we are not able to watch him since we want to make sure he knows where his box is. (I can't see that he has used it yet, but that could be because I was in such a rush last night to make my purchases before
Petsmart closed that I got a gigantic-sized litter box.
He could really dig to China in this thing!! I am keeping the cover off for now
so he won't mistake it for a little cave to hide in.)
I will have him on Caster.com within the next few days
if you want to go check him out.
You can view his new "sisters" on Dogster.com at http://www.dogster.com/dogs/166900.
This is Kiya's page, but there are links to Dakota
(Meet My Family section).
These are fun sites and have really good message boards and groups.

Alisa Snelson




I have to tell you that I feel very good about Boris and his energy and playfulness. 
Hopefully he will keep his attitude and liven up our house for many, many years to come. 
It was very difficult losing Cosmo just be before his 9th birthday.
Every vet that I have  had contact with could not believe that he lived almost 5 years with CRF.
His vet told me  after his final moments that she didn't give him more than a few weeks after he was 
originally diagnosed. Needless to say he was a very special cat.
Boris will never be Cosmo, but with a little wild man in him, he will give us a wonderful new chapter
in our  lives. Thank you again for picking him out for me. Sincerely -
Mark T. Davis


Thought you might like to see how big Ivy is getting. Can't hardly believe she will be a year old this week (12/05).
We absolutely love her! Wish I could afford to get her a playmate (-:
The first photos were on Halloween.

Can you see how much she appreciated her costume?

The others were taken today.
She weighs around 12 ½ pounds, and is queen of the castle!
Hope you have a great holiday.



Hey Uncle, L.
You don't know how much we love Chloe, she is exactly what we have been wanting. She has such a funny personality. She still is a scared y cat but when you go sit on the commode, where she has her litter box etc...
she forgets she is supposed to be pretending to be scared of us and just loves us to death.
She loves to act scared and hall ass from us in most parts of the house then peeks around the corner
and with a little coxing jumps up on the couch to be held and loved on. She even sleeps with us.
Which was not what I intended but I don't mind it at all. I got huge brownie points to say the least.

Thank you for her.  Talk to you soon S2


Ellie Mantrom's cat Nadezhda @ 1 year old.
She is on an all raw meat diet. 
This is her first show.


Some people ask me how I raise my kittens. I will explain this for everyone. Then you an read the testimonials and decide for yourself.
This is an email I sent a lady with the question on how I raise my kittens. Yes, I will tell you how I raise them.
First of all, I keep my breeders outside in a very large cat compound. I believe in good foods, fresh air, and sunshine
as nature made them to have.My USDA inspector says its the best thing I could do for my cats.
They eat real meat, dry kibble,  canned meat with real chicken, (and not by-products, fillers, or corn/wheat glutens),
along with vitamins that I order, which are the best anywhere. I also supplement with fresh Talapia or catfish, fed raw, never fried.
I give samples to my customers. I have found the best, holistic, highest quality, and freshly made food is from
Life's Abundance. I now offer it on my website for your convenience, and you can have it mailed to you regularly,
or anytime you need it.
I ask my customers to agree to keep the kittens on the same food for at least the next 12 months.
That's how much I believe in it. They do not have to order the canned food and the dry, but may choose one or the other.
I use both because I think that these cats do best with both.
Current research shows that cats that are on a kibble only diet often have kidney problems in the future. They really some raw or canned food. I also give mine fish, such as Talapia. They go crazy for that, but do not give it very often, maybe once a week.

You can now order the World's Best Cat Food online,
as well as the
World's Best Cat Supplements
from this website.

Just click on either link above to check it out.

I keep my females separate from the males until it's time for the honeymoon.
When a female get pregnant, she gets to come into the house and live until the kittens are weaned and sold.
They get their own 'cage' as it were. Yes, a cage. It is a large dog cage with 2 layers and room for food, water,
a large nest box, and litter box. Some people get hung up on cages. I see them as a safety feature and time alone
without being bothered by other issues.

It is important that she and the kittens are safe during their entry into this world and they do not need the stress
of trying to find a hiding place for the kittens, nor the stress of having to move them anytime something happens
that scares them. These cages are in one room, dedicated to the mothers and their kittens.
The mothers are not made to stay inside, but they are pinned up while nursing and at night so that they
do not try to move the kittens.

Once the kittens are starting to play and explore, the door is opened to the cage and the are allowed to roam the room,
play with the cat toys, on the cat furniture and learn social manners.
They learn manners from mother, other kittens, and my dogs that live in the house.
A kitten raised alone and without other human or animal contact will not develop to be a nice, normal, and loving kitten.

They do not know how to show affection and do not seek it out. They tend to be loaners and roamers.
I do not have kids, but lots of visitors. when these kittens are old enough, they are let out of the cat room
and allowed to roam the house, and be the center of attention when guests come over.

Just as human children, they have different personalities. Some are shy, and some are bold.
But, being the super breed that they are, they all end up being loving and easy to hold kittens as they mature.
A 4 month old kitten is much more loving and affectionate than a 3 month old.
That is a learned behavior. It develops with trust and time. By time, I am talking about days and weeks,
not months and years.This personality development certainly depends on the environment of their new
homes when they leave.
If there are kids that are loud and chase the kitten, it will go under the furniture and 'learn' to be scared.
If it is allowed to interact on its own terms, on its own time, it will be the most lovable kitten you can imagine.

Just read my testimonials and you will get an idea of what I am talking about.
These kittens have very nice personalities, and as they get older, as in weeks, not years, they get more sure
of themselves, more sure of who loves them, and more personable. It will be up to you to see that it is given
a chance to know who the now owners are and who the new caretakers are. This kitten will be around for
your kids graduation and they will remember it for ever.
It is the way, the personality, the loyalty, and the intelligence of the Siberian that makes them so special.
The possibility that it is also hypoallergenic is just brownie points for the breed.It is hard to get rid of these
kittens because it is so easy to get attached to them. They go through stages of development and some mature
faster than others, just as with our kids.
I have sold several timid kittens, but I was surprised when they emailed me back to ask if I shipped he right one
because it was so sweet. Sometimes getting out of this house and having some individual attention is all that it takes.
I sold one very timid cat that took a whole week to come out from under the couch, but now the lady says it will not
leave her alone, and her husband wants one of his own also. Those are great testimonials for the breed. I will also
suggest that when get your kitten that you have a specific place for it to stay that first day, or few days until it gets
used to you and the family. It can be a bedroom or large utility room. It should not be a small bathroom where the
echoing sounds of the house may cause it to be scared.
Once you see it has gone to the litter box, and eaten, and you think it feels safe, you can let it out to begin to explore
the rest of the house. 
These are raised with other cats and dogs, but they will not be the  same as your pets.
So, it is very important to let them get acclimated to the new animals gradually and without fear.
This includes any young children in the house. It is natural for kids to want to hold and play with these kittens as they
would a stuffed toy, but the kids must earn the kitten's trust or it will always  remember who tormented,
or who chased it and will be a long time before the kitten trusts the kids. 

If you spray it with a water bottle, or vacuum the carpet when it is captive in a cage, or room, it may get scared
and remember the situation.
This can harm the trust the kitten is building with its new owners. Give it some time to become a family member before
going on with normal activities, especially loud ones like cleaning and vacuuming the room.
Put kitty in a different room where it does not feel threatened.
Give it time to adjust before all the neighborhood kids come excitedly into the house to see the new kitten.

Its natural reaction will be to run and hide and if someone is holding it, it may scratch you to get away.
You will be able to tell when kitty is ready for all the attention and activities pretty easily.
They normally will be purring when they are held if they are content.

Thank you for the interest and I hope you find the perfect kitten.

Below are some quicklinks to the animals that we may have for sale.

Zebu Cattle

Semen available,
but no cattle.


Good bye.